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Victory Formation

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Everything posted by Victory Formation

  1. I think COVID-19 has been around much much longer than February. I think I got it around November-December, I had all the symptoms. Two of my roommates got it too. Woke up multiple times in the middle of the night coughing, wheezing and having difficulties breathing, fever, cold sweats, lightheaded. I think it’s been going around much longer than what’s being reported. Some people have had it and they didn’t even know they had it I’m sure. Been around since last flu season.
  2. Unpopular take: New England will still be a tough team to beat and a fierce opponent. Both games will be low scoring, defensive struggles that go down to the last play of the game. Having an excellent kicker or not will be the difference between winning and losing the game.
  3. Why not just push the start of the season back a few months and have a shorter offseason next year?
  4. I still think that our games against New England will be tough. Of course Buffalo should win the division if they play to their potential but Allen vs Belichick is a tough matchup. It will be a fight to the death every time we face them.
  5. I’m not your buddy, guy.
  6. Let me rethink that, maybe you’re right. My facts were clearly off and I’m deleting my comment. I should have kept my mouth shut.
  7. You may not trust the opinion of Chris Simms much but you should trust the opinion of Bill Belichick. The fact that he’s willing to roll into the season with Hoyer and Stidham should tell you all you need to know about Stidham. You don’t let Tom Brady walk unless you think Stidham has some serious potential. Also Chris Simms is a fantastic commentator, one of my favorites and I’ve always liked him. Simms is one of the better talking heads out there. Would the Patriots really tank? I have an awful time believing that they’d do that. I’d bet money that Stidham is slightly above average. I do still believe that he is the least talented QB in the AFC East though but he’ll be a solid system player. Allen, Darnold, Tua and Stidham in that order. Bills are still by an large the team to beat in the AFC East, our division to lose.
  8. I don’t see that happening. I think he is a good to very good LT but not elite. He’ll never be a Orlando Pace or a Jason Peters, he just doesn’t have that God given ability. He’s definitely in the upper echelon of that tier directly below those guys but I hope he has a lengthy career as a Bill. Very good player, deserves to get paid even if we overspend a little.
  9. I think we’re all set here. We have two very good backs on their rookie contracts, I see no need to give up assets and pay the man huge money.
  10. I’m against racism and police brutality. I’m not going to get on a soap box and preach but I think we’re all made in the image of Christ Jesus. I’m against all violence generally speaking.
  11. Kaepernick would be very wise to start up a clothing line or a shoe line like Michael Jordan. Could bank in millions upon millions.
  12. I think everything shouldn’t be so white and black in terms of judgment. If a man does something wrong it shouldn’t erase all things he’s done right in his life.
  13. A white person quoting hip hop lyrics can be dangerous territory for us.
  14. As far as what Jake Fromm said and as far as what other players around the league have said, I think you forgive them. Show mercy and clemency. It’s a great opportunity to recruit people to your cause and earn a few allies. No need to put someone on full blast when they could be working for you.
  15. I think it was just a bad joke. It’s not like he lynched anyone and this is coming from a man who hates racism, loves God and acknowledges and that my Savior is a Jew. Josh Allen made a bad joke in the past as well, cut him too. Bottom line is kids grow up. I admit that I’ve said and acted inappropriately in the past as well, but then I became a man and I turned away from my childish ways.
  16. I think when it’s all said and done and we reflect back on this 10, 20 years from now Josh Allen and TreDavious White will be on everyone’s Mount Rushmore.
  17. Would it be worth it though? I’d rather use that extra spot on WR and realistically what does Webb bring that Allen, Barkley and Fromm don’t? Allen is the guy it looks like going forward, Barkley is the teacher and Fromm is the learner.
  18. You keep Barkley and Fromm, Webb is out.... Josh Allen was noticeably better after we signed Matt Barkley. Barkley has been in the league 7 or 8 years now and has lots of experience which Webb and Fromm have none of. I think Barkley could have been a good starter in the league if he had a better arm... Anyways, you keep Barkley around to mentor Fromm and to backup Josh if he goes down.
  19. New England will sign Webb. ?
  20. I was scared because I thought this was real. Thank goodness it’s not.
  21. I like him too, I wanted him big time when he was a free agent. I also like John Brown a lot too but my love for Allen and White has the potential to be on my list of favorite Bills of all time. Like Kelly, Reed, Thurman and Bruce territory. I think Allen and Tre White have greatness in them, like HOF greatness slash perennial All Pro greatness in them. Special players. I love those two guys.
  22. Josh Allen and TreDavious White. Love them.
  23. I don’t see Clowney as elite... He’s a good player but not worth the price point he’s asking for..
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