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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. Even if Ramsey would come to Buffalo on the vet minimum, I wouldn’t take him. He’s a trash human being. You can’t build a team around those type of “me” people.
  2. Levi Wallace cannot die. Seems that no matter who we bring in, he beats them out. He’s an underrated corner and not a liability in any way.
  3. I think Daryl Johnson has a chance at becoming a good backup at DE. I hope they don’t cut him.
  4. I think it’s important to have a smart football team. Especially at QB, WR, S and LB. I cannot emphasize that enough. Some positions it matters little, but smart players are coachable. Smart players stay in position, take the right gaps or find soft spots in defenses etc. Having a player like Edmunds that is just so far behind the curve mentally is a huge liability for any defense. I think your MLB and your safeties are the brains and command centers of the operations. These men are responsible for getting your whole defense lined up in the right spot. Coverages, formations, gap assignments etc. Once again, I value smart players over athletic freaks who lack a grasp of the game and killer instincts and as far as killer instincts go, you either have that or you don’t, it cannot be coached. Smart teams, well coached teams will beat out talented teams with dumb players every time.
  5. Paid by who? Hopefully not by us, unless he has a breakout season and everything finally comes together for him. I will also say, as much as opposing fans and members of the media gloat about him, who watches him more? He is a solid player, no doubt, but I find his lack of sacks, INTs, FF and TFL to be disturbing. Those are stats I put a high value on for LBs. Once again, he is good. Mainly because of his size and athleticism, he has a freakish blend of speed and power, but mentally and as far as instincts go, he is very subpar in these areas, which I think matters just as much if not more than athleticism. Edmunds makes wrong read after wrong read, he is constantly fooled by QBs and offenses, the only reason he is considered good is because he has so much God given talent that he can make up for it athletically when he’s out of position. Is he an elite player? No. If he is willing to take a midrange contract like Milano, would I keep him? Yes. Over time the game may slow down for him a bit, so certainly I think there would be some considerable upside that would make such a contract worthwhile. If it is in the realm of $10M-$12M a year, I think there’s great value there. Anything more than that I would absolutely not go for though.
  6. When it comes to building a team, especially with Josh’s new contract, we must be careful with who we pay and who we don’t pay. Edmunds is a good LB, not a great one. Buffalo has three players on this team who are elite relative to their position. Allen, Diggs and White. Outside of that I would argue that Buffalo has no other elite players on the roster. Sure, if you can lock Edmunds up for $10M-$11M a year, I think there’s great value there. We can probably afford to lock up 6-7 players within that cap range but we must be careful to not go beyond that threshold unless that player is truly elite. We must strike balance between our meat and potato type guys, glue players and then our midrange guys like Dawkins, Oliver and Milano etc.. You don’t hand out top 5 money to a top 10-15 player like Edmunds. If he is willing to take less, just as Milano did, I’m okay with it, but if he wants top 5 money, he can walk, he’s just not that good.
  7. I know it’s early, but to me, it has to be Stefon Diggs. Yes, he’s only been here a year, but he’s outperformed his contract. 127 catches 1,535 yards. You don’t mess with that. Clearly these two have great chemistry together and are elite talents in their own right. This is a Montana to Rice situation, or a Manning to Harrison situation and so on so forth. Diggs deserves to be paid top 3 money. Am I a year early on this? Maybe, maybe not but Diggs has had great production going back to 2015-2016 in Minnesota. In the salary cap era, you must choose wisely who you pay and who you don’t pay and I think WR is one of those positions that you do pay, especially when it’s a WR of Stefon Digg’s caliber. Last year was not a fluke in any way. He dominates even elite corners. I think whenever you have a star QB/WR pairing in the NFL, you need to do everything you can to keep that together. Allen is great, but this offense wouldn’t be nowhere near what it is without Diggs. Pay the man his $18M or his $19M/yr or whatever it is because he’s earned it. If Diggs were to go down, I think our offense would struggle.
  8. Here’s the thing. Of all those teams you listed, they had near HOF players at every position outside of QB. Not to mention, all of these players got hot at the right time. What happens if one of your star players becomes lazy? Ala Dareus & Haynesworth? How many dynasties are there amongst the teams you’ve listed? Give me the star QB, give me the star WR, the star DE, the star CB and maybe the star LB or TE to boot. Give me meat and potato type guys at every other position and simply draft well and replenish. Dynasties are built around QBs. Pay the man his $43M and in 3 or 4 years, give him a raise. Even if Allen gets injured and we bomb out a year, this way provides more long term sustainability. It’s up to Beane to build around Allen and that will happen primarily through the draft.
  9. When you look at it long term, it’s not as much as you think. Keep in mind that he’s locked up relatively cheaply over the next few years, so this $43M/aav is a bit skewed. Some fans aren’t sold on Allen and I understand that but ultimately Allen is about as humble as they come, he’s a hard worker and the money won’t get to his head. I’m more concerned with injury at this point. He plays like a bull in a China shop, but has the arm strength and intellect to be a pure passer if he blows out a knee. As far as Baker and Lamar go, good thing we got this done before they got new deals. Neither of them are as remotely good as Allen, so if I’m Baltimore or Cleveland, I would pause if either of them want similar money. Lamar plays in a dumbed down, gimmicky offense that makes QBing much easier for him. He will never be a good enough QB to handle the complexities of a viable, long term, sustainable NFL offense. He’s an ACL injury away from being a career backup. Baker is a very good game managing QB. He’ll never put up numbers like Allen and he’ll never be able to carry a team the way Allen can, so I don’t understand why he is exalted so much in the media. Sure, he’s okay, good maybe, but not great. All in all, it’s great news that we got Allen’s deal done first before Lamar and Mayfield’s deals. In no way do either of them deserve more money than Allen. So if either team signed them to similar deals to what Allen got, his price would’ve been driven up astronomically and rightfully so. Ultimately this deal saves the Pegula’s money long term, but in another 4-5 years Allen will likely cash in again, just as all the other elite QBs do, but in the end, this needed to happen. Keep your franchise QB happy.
  10. I think Daryl Johnson can turn into a good DE, but there’s a logjam in front of him. He’s show nice burst off the edge and he has great length to boot. May get cut, but I think he will rise over time. He’s too young to give up on and he can play STs too. I think Buffalo should keep Hughes and dump out some of these older vets like Addison. Hughes, Basham, Epenesa, Rousseau, Obada and Johnson is who I would roll with.
  11. • Josh Allen wins Super Bowl MVP • Carlos Basham, Ed Oliver and Tre White become elite forces on this D. • Bills have a dominant defense. • Josh Allen posts similar stats as he did last year with fewer INTs. • Gabe Davis catches 65-70 catches for 1,000 yards. • Bills take a true RB by committee approach. We see solid production, but not exceptional production. • Edmunds and Milano have good not great years. Their job is made worlds easier by our improved DL.
  12. It depends. If the player is a great fit for X team and he thinks he will thrive in that system or if especially if that team is a good team, a successful team and maybe even a playoff/contender type of team, it may make sense to take a bit less in that scenario. You’ll see your deal to fruition. What happens if you go to a dumpster fire, your team sucks, the players around you suck and you don’t perform at your highest level as a result of it? You get cut, you never see the vast majority of the money you signed on for and you lost 2-3 of your glory years playing for a crap franchise. Players that go this route have no heart. Not always, sometimes they believe that team will change, but most of the time they’re just cold hearted mercenaries with no desire to win.
  13. I like the last bit you posted. Some may view this as a bad thing, I do not. This means our defense is cooking and will be very good this year. This is only going to help Allen in the long run. Iron sharpens iron. This will refine him as a passer and complete his game as a QB. Hopefully this turns Allen into a top 1-2 QB instead of a top 4-5 QB.
  14. I’m all for trading him if Green Bay wants to give up a pick. I doubt he makes the team anyhow.
  15. I couldn’t agree more on Doug Peterson, but you have to keep in mind that McDermott went 9-7 in his first year here, taking us to the playoffs with castoffs nonetheless. Only way that happens to McD is if he gets burned out, lazy and loses passion for the game. As far as a ring goes, it should happen. With a player like Josh it should happen and not just once but multiple times.
  16. It’s kind of curious to me because I think our DL is one of the deepest units we have on the team.
  17. Hey man, I got enough depressing ***** going on in my life right now. Spare me your crummy list. 😁
  18. No, no my friend. I worded that completely wrong, sorry bout that. I think one Lombardi will probably guarantee that Beane and McD are in literally no danger of losing their jobs for the next decade. I do think a QB like Josh can get you 2-3 over the life of his career if this team is built the right way and we draft well. I do think a dynasty is entirely possible though. I worded that wrong my friend, sorry bout that.
  19. I’ve always liked Mahomes. I actually wanted the Bills to draft him. He reminded me so much of Brett Favre coming out of college. When we traded back for Tre, I was disappointed, but little did I know that we would end up with not only an All Pro corner, but likely a future All Pro QB in Allen. I give Beane props for trading up with the veracity he did to get Josh Allen. It took balls to do what he did, very aggressive. All in all, I think Josh will be a better QB than Mahomes if he stays hungry and works hard. There’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to squeeze a few Super Bowls out of Josh if this team is managed the right way. Ultimately Beane’s job is very safe for now, he has a long leash, but he must deliver on a few Lombardis in my mind over the next 3-5 years because with Josh Allen, there is no excuse for us not to get one.
  20. You’re not going to hit a home run every time but I realize why big plays excite people. I’d argue that plays within that 10, 20, 30 yard range are more important and I think hitting on those plays will make our offense more consistent. If you miss on a deep ball, all of a sudden you only have two downs to move the sticks and defenses can tee off on you. Josh has the ability to rifle the ball in there up to about 40 yards out. Very little arch on the ball but it’s a speeding bullet and he drop it in on a rope. He does seem to struggle however with getting good arch and the timing down on plays beyond that yard range.
  21. I beat the drum for Boogie all offseason, yet I still don’t think fans know what they’re getting. Give it a year or two, he’ll be the best player on our defense.
  22. Honestly? It wouldn’t surprise me if we added another TE sometime before the season. Bug is likely just a camp body. Cool name though but I think we’re hoping a serviceable TE shakes free.
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