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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. This is a half truth. Yes, many coaches need to be fired, especially on defense, but I would leave the light on for McDermott.
  2. My heart breaks for him, he deserves better than this.
  3. Obviously they should have played man coverage and press there but instead they gave the Chiefs a 20 yard cushion and allowed them to drive the ball in 13 seconds. I’m okay with you or I having a dumb take here and there while we eat pizza and drink seltzers on our couches, I’m okay with dumb takes on this message board! I have quite a few of them! but Leslie Frazier and EVEN McDermott should know better than that! I haven’t even coached pop warner, these guys are NFL coaches!! How do you let that happen? I am so pissed off right now.
  4. Diggs, Davis and McKenzie are about all we have at WR right now. We need an impact FA there and we need a high draft pick there and a few more corners and maybe a MLB.
  5. I would have liked to see more jumbo sets with Doyle at TE and extra linemen.
  6. Keep in mind that me and @appooare not NFL head coaches. I am just some guy on my couch. I’ll admit I have some stupid takes but Frazier has 50 years of coaching experience on us, he should know better.
  7. McDermott is a good head coach and he’s done great good in Buffalo. WITH THAT SAID, many of our coaches on the defensive side of the ball need to be fired right away! Our staff needs to be held accountable. Frazier 100% needs to go, no questions asked at this point. Many a heads need to roll at this point.
  8. Losing Daboll will be terrible for us.. Frazier OTOH? Bye, bye.
  9. This makes sense to me. I think heavy lifting in general is a bad thing for anyone once you reach your 30s. I’m a big fan of body weight exercises at this point, but yes I do use weights as well, just lighter ones for more reps. I am extremely grateful though that I lifted heavy throughout my teenage years and my youth. It makes sense at that age, but even then, like you said, good form is a must and even then you have to be smart about it and know your body.
  10. Yes, but loyalty factors in as well. If some of our coaching staff feels more comfortable with Daboll, they’ll go with him. I expect us to get gutted on the offensive side of the ball. Not to mention we will lose multiple people in our front office. I got to admit, I never cared for the Giants before, but I’m a big fan of Brian Daboll and I want him to be successful. He’s a WNY guy and he grew up in the area so I’m hoping he does extremely well in NY. They have picks #5 and #7 RD1 so I’m very excited to see what they do. I bet they sign Trubisky in the offseason as well. God bless them! I hope they kill it in NY. Very excited for them.
  11. With Schoen to the Giants, it looks like Brian Daboll is 100% going to the Giants. Good for them, I think they made a great choice. I wonder who they’ll pluck from our FO/coaching staff.
  12. As far as our running attack goes, if we had another back on the offense as good as Singletary we may not have to spend a premium pick there. As far as Allen goes, I would like to point out the Bucs vs Saints week 15 when both Godwin and Evans went down. The Bucs didn’t put up a single point. The Saints beat them 9-0 and Brady looked abysmal. If we want Allen to put up 5,000 yards he is going to need better targets. If Diggs goes down it won’t be pretty. I want to see the Bills in a Reed/Lofton or Moulds/Price type of situation. I’ll admit that I'm in total conflict for the most part with how I previously wanted the Bills to draft and attack free agency because I think the meat and potato aspect of football is what’s most important. I like to see us playing smash mouth football, but we have the best QB in the league and that whole aspect has changed that reality for me. At this point we need to load up on skill players and weapons for Josh. Our OL is good, not great, but good enough to protect Josh and to get a good running game going. I do think we need help there, but not as much as one would think. I suppose everything is redundant to me at this point until I get a feel for the draft and this free agent class. Until I get a grip on that I have no idea on how I would go about this offseason.
  13. He seems to have lost a step. Buffalo would be better off drafting a CeeDee Lamb or Justin Jefferson type RD1. Imagine what Allen could do if we had a 1A / 1B type of situation going on.
  14. Bills need a veteran WR in FA. Diggs, Davis and McKenzie are incredible but Sanders and Beasley are a bit long in the tooth for my liking. I think WR is a big need going into FA. I’m not going to sit here and multiply my words, but this has to be near the top of the list. TE is also a need. Knox has proven that he is more than capable but we have nothing behind him. A Jack of all trades TE is required. As far as the draft is concerned, I think WR, TE, CB, LB and NT are our biggest needs. I have mixed feelings on our OL. Dawkins has been incredible, he truly is in that upper echelon of linemen and Morse has proven to be quite solid as well. Outside of that our line has great depth but I don’t really see any game changers there. I guess we will have to see the way it plays out. I know for a fact though that there will be a couple impact interior linemen when we pick at the bottom of RD1 so we’ll see.
  15. I think the Bills could do better than Sanders and Beasley, whether in the draft or free agency. When you have a QB like Allen you need to make sure he has weapons. I’m okay with even a first round pick on WR. Maybe they can even find a good WR like Juju Smith-Schuster in FA, heck, do both.
  16. He’s very much an impact player as a pass defender, but as a run defender he’s abysmal.
  17. I got to admit, I love the idea of Juju Smith-Schuster in Buffalo. He is an extraordinary wideout, I know he struggled in Pittsburgh, but Ben is old and he wouldn’t have to be the top guy here, we have Diggs for that. Diggs, Juju, Davis, McKenzie etc is not a bad way to go. He wouldn’t cost a whole lot and his skill set absolutely mirrors what Josh does best as a QB. He’s easily a 100/catch receiver here and we could probably lock him down for 2-3 years at $8M/year.
  18. I’m okay for the most part with forgiving someone so long as they repent and turn away from their mistakes. Some things to me are kind of unforgivable though, even then I try hard to find compassion. The measure in which we judge others, we ourselves will be judged.
  19. So anyways, an interesting video came up in my YouTube feed that I thought I would share with you guys. It was basically a short documentary on Josh Allen that I found to be highly interesting. Anyways, they went on to say that Josh Allen grew up as a farm boy in a small town in Firebaugh, CA and even as a high school student he was looked over as an athlete. He didn’t get to start until his junior year in high school in which he dominated for the next few years leading his team to a 7-3 record his first year. After he graduated he didn’t get a single D1 offer so he had to go to a junior college. This is where it gets interesting. So from his freshman to sophomore year in junior college he grew an additional 2-3 inches, before that, believe it or not he was undersized. So in a matter of a year Allen went from being one of the smallest guys on the field to becoming one of the biggest guys on the field and one of the best athletes on the field. After his growth spurt, Allen went on to dominate for a year at Reedley College and was obviously the most gifted athlete on the field at this point, but he still didn’t have one offer from a D1 school. So Allen took the time to email every single OC and QB coach from every team until he finally landed at Wyoming as their 3rd string QB. Allen wrestled down the starting job his sophomore year only to break his collarbone and had a few up and down seasons following that. Allen declared for the draft after his Junior year at Wyoming and the Bills traded up to #7 to get him. A lot of folks saw him as a 3rd round pick and many talking heads thought we were crazy for not taking Josh Rosen or Lamar Jackson instead of him! 😆 Anyways, I was always a big Josh Allen fan, he was my #2 overall prospect. I did have Baker Mayfield ahead of him though. In my mind I saw a pure athlete, a great arm and athleticism that you just cannot teach. I thought that Allen had a big heart and he just didn’t give up, there is no Plan B for this guy, he just keeps grinding to make things happen, failure is not an option. Every single person has told him NO throughout his career. NO to him in high school, NO to him in college, NO to him in the pros, but here we are 4 years later and Josh Allen is 39-21 as a starter, 2x AFCE division champ, 1x Pro Bowl selection and in my mind he is the best player in the NFL. Give him another 3-4 years and he’ll be the greatest player in our franchise’s history, he’s catching up quickly to Kelly and Bruce. Here’s to our first Lombardis.
  20. We have the best unis in the NFL.
  21. Honestly? I like the idea of Allen whooping him for the next 2-3 years straight.
  22. Grass is greener.. As far as Singletary goes, I think Daboll is simply going with the hot hand there. Some weeks it may be Moss other weeks it may be Breida. It’s folly to stick to RBBC simply for the sake of sticking to RBBC. You always go with whomevers hot. Singletary is our best back, but I accredit our running success to the extra OL sets that we’re running (Doyle at TE) and that’s the fruit of Daboll’s play calling. It seems to me that our OL was the major issue in play here. It seems to me that it took awhile for Bobby Johnson to get our starting line dialed in and that played a major factor in our running attack or lackthereof of a running attack. Exhibit A: Putting Spencer Brown at RT and Darryl Williams at RG and Exhibit B: Ryan Bates at LG. It took WAY too long for these changes to be made. This line needs to stay the same, period! If he starts Feliciano or Boettger over Bates, what a tragedy that is! Also, I am in no way overestimating the ability of Daboll. He dropped almost 50pts on a Bill Belichick team in the playoffs, that just doesn’t happen. 7 TDs for every 7 drives our offense had on the field versus a Bill Belichick team? That’s unheard of. Daboll is gone in the offseason for that reason alone. Don’t forget that Allen looked like hot trash until Daboll got hired either. Do I expect Allen to regress? Not to the point of him being a bad or terrible player anyways, but if we don’t hire the right coach, yes, absolutely he could regress to being a good player and not a great one. Once again, we have an established offense, with an established elite QB. Hire an EPO guy and let Allen call his own plays. Allen likes this offense, Allen thrives in this offense, our staff is built around this offense and half our roster is familiar with this offense. Why start over? We have a winning culture here, any new hires must adhere to the offense our MVP QB thrives in. Period.
  23. Yes, sir. I do think that Daboll has been a huge stabilizing force for Josh Allen, no question. He turned out to be a lot better than Rick Dennison, that’s for sure. Thing is with Daboll is that he learned under both Bill Belichick and Nick Saban. So we are talking about arguably the greatest NFL coach of all time and the greatest college coach of all time. Daboll has picked the brains of giants throughout his entire career, giving him an unbelievable, vast wealth of knowledge from two of the best to ever do it. Daboll is as good as gone 100%. I hope for a few things: #1. Buffalo hires someone who runs the same offense that we’re running now, the EPO. #2. Buffalo keeps copies of Brian Daboll’s offense and Josh gets to go through and pluck every single play that he likes from it for our new OC. #3. Our next OC uses the verbiage that Daboll, Allen and our entire offense uses currently instead of the other way around. It makes sense for 1 person to relearn our verbiage instead of half of our roster. Things will go more smoothly, there will be no learning curves for our players and we’re off to the races. Ultimately, in closing, I think we need to keep things the same for our players as much as humanly possibly.
  24. Oh, yeah, I agree and I know some folks who are really hard on Daboll, but in my mind he is one of the best play callers in franchise history and he is certainly a top 5 OC in the NFL. I don’t want to be too cynical here and I’m not trying to be because I respect our coaching staff and FO, but as far as the short term is concerned, as in immediate and preeminent dangerous threats, losing Daboll is the most dangerous potential reality for us that can turn things sideways. McDermott is a defensive guy, not an OC.
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