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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. Our roster is infinitely better than the Jets and Miami, we are loaded and next year I see that we will have 70 million in cap space and hopefully a franchise QB on his rookie contract.
  2. New England could be exciting, especially if Brady shows his age and gets pummeled repeatedly by our defense. It's going to be glorious when New England loses Brady and finally sees what life is like without a franchise QB. I think that day will come eventually, nobody can stay hot forever and I think Buffalo is in a golden position to control the AFCE.
  3. Having a mean streak is great for football, but not so great in the rest of life.
  4. I've lightly gone over the list but I am really excited to see Darnold vs Allen to kind of get an idea what the next 15 years will be like. I'm hoping it turns into a Marino vs Kelly rivalry, that would be great for football.
  5. Eventually the Pats will settle down to the bottom of the AFCE, can't stay at the top forever!!!
  6. Great post! Think you pretty much covered everything, very well said my friend. I'm not so much worried about Allen's mechanics though, the footwork is easily corrected, his throwing motion and release is beautiful and that's the main thing. If Allen is head and shoulders better than McCarron and Peterman you don't sit him though because: a) His mechanic deficiencies are overblown. b) Starting experience will be valuable, better to get the growing pains out of the way. c) He gives us the best chance at getting to the playoffs. c) Beane and McD can't afford to coddle Allen, in an ideal world they could take their time and groom Allen by sitting him for a year, but that would postpone his growing pains down the road another year because nothing can replace starting experience.
  7. Have an honest competition, best man wins, if that guy is Allen then start him, best players on the field. Why though? If Allen wins the QB competition, why shouldn't he start?
  8. No thanks. New England wouldn't have cut him if he was good, especially since they really need help there.
  9. All we need is one of them to step up, Kelvin Benjamin is an OK #1, not bad, not good but solid. We need Zay, Kerley, Proehl, Ray Ray or Foster to be good and we are respectable, just takes one of them. I got my money on Zay, Kerley or Foster.
  10. I don't get it though, the Bills rarely play the Jags, what's the point of this?
  11. Assuming we didn't go QB and in a parallel universe we still got Allen at 7. I would still not trade Tre for 4, even for Nelson or Chubb.
  12. Could be guilty, could be innocent, there was no trial so I'll assume he is innocent until proven guilty.
  13. Haha, wonder how much lithium they got him on, I'm on 2,100mg the max dose is 1,800, I've been on as high as 2,400 but I'm a bull with 20 years of bodybuilding and powerlifting experience, Johnny is what 5'8 180lbs? Could be lithium poisoning, he's a small guy and could be on a huge dose.
  14. He's only 19 but he is going to have big fat Kyle Williams and Star Lotulelei protecting him and keeping him clean and I'm sure Tremaine liked that Harrison Phillips pick in the 3rd round!
  15. Agree. It would be a different stink for sure, for Darnold it'd be turnovers, for Mayfield it'd be height and a gimmicky college offense and for Rosen it'd be character and injury concerns. It's going to come down to Rosen versus Allen, it's going to be discussed for a long long time. Let me say this though, how many drafts had Rosen #1? How many drafts had Allen #1? From what I read it was either Darnold or Allen most of the time, I wish the more critical fans would look at it from that perspective. Allen has more ability than any QB in the draft, I like how you put it so eloquently when you said Rosen is more likely to be good and Allen is more likely to be great.
  16. I'd like to see a lot of short throws underneath, plays designed to get a guy open right away immediately. Allen will thrive in the intermediate/deep stuff, focus on quick stuff to get the chains moving.
  17. I think if Darnold, Mayfield or Rosen were the QB, you wouldn't see people throwing such a stink, I don't think experience has anything to do with it. It doesn't matter though, the second Allen plays lights out, all the negativity and division go away.
  18. Humber, Milano, Edmunds, Lorax and Neal is adequate although we could use another body. I don't see us adding a WR, we drafted 2 and signed 1. Benjamin is a legit #1, Zay and Kerley are good #3s, although we could use a #2. OL is going to get Allen and McCarron killed, we need massive reinforcements, really bad unit.
  19. So you automatically assume the best for the Sabres #1 pick but assume the worst for the Bills #7 pick. Why the double standard?
  20. I agree on the boom or bust aspect, I just disagree with how people automatically assume the bottom. We could very well have the best QB in the draft, that's very possible.
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