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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. Fans don't want him in because conditions aren't ideal, but since when in life are conditions ideal?
  2. Dr. Gundry is full of it. He believes in fecal matter transplants as bizarre as that sounds, he said if you transplant waste from a healthy person's colon and transplant it into an unhealthy person's colon they'll lose weight. You pretty much can't eat anything according to his plan, it's like a starvation diet.
  3. Allen is going to go down as head and shoulders the best QB in the draft.
  4. One of my favorite meals is garlic chicken breast cubed and fried in olive oil, I do that one 5-6 times a month. Probably wouldn't be so bad if I baked it but frying it tastes so much better. I eat between 5-8 eggs everyday though, cheap quick protein. That's true.
  5. Nice to see this young talent on cheap 4 year deals.
  6. I will also say this about keto, your body will break down the macronutrients into the micronutrients your body needs and I acknowledge that keto works but it's immoral to me. Eating 2-3 chickens a day makes me feel guilty but eating 2-3 chickens a week is a nice common ground for me. Once again, if 90% of my diet comes from plants I feel better about that.
  7. It's funny watching people debate veganism against ketogenic, both work if you follow the program correctly. It comes down to this: If you go high carbs, you must go low fat. If you go high fat, you must go low carbs. It's that simple.
  8. Good point. Plant based is a lot different than vegan though. I could see myself dramatically cutting down meat, but not completely and eggs are so cheap and packed with quick protein that I don't see myself cutting that out either.
  9. Some studies say up to 1.8g per lb of bodyweight, but I think most of the research is done by supplement companies. At 210 I was getting in 280g and I was shitting pellets.
  10. That's a good point, you can buy 25lbs of rice for $10 and 10lbs of oats for $8. I always get sucked into the protein thing, when I was in my 20s I'd eat 280g of protein a day, my grocery bill was $400 minimum.
  11. Oatmeal is a permanent fixture for breakfast for me, got to have complex carbs first thing in the morning, there is no other option. I'm strongly considering a high protein plant based diet but I don't know where to start. My diet has been absolutely garbage for 6 years.
  12. If we do build a new stadium I hope we build the cheapest one possible while still getting the job done.
  13. If he wins the job against a 5 year NFL vet, that means he's ready. It makes no sense to start McCarron if Allen out plays him.
  14. Boston is a GREAT city, I just can't stand any of their franchises! Go Bills, go Yankees, go Syracuse!
  15. I'd like to see 20:14 TD/INT ratio with 3,500 passing yards minimum. Anything less than that and I'm going to start getting really worried and I may question my faith in him.
  16. If he wins it in an HONEST battle, there should be no downside at ALL to start him week 1.
  18. This draft makes me cry, a happy cry not a sad cry. This draft is going to go down as the best draft in Buffalo Bills history. This draft is going to push us forward for the next 10-15 years led by Josh Allen who I feel will be despised around the league like Tom Brady. Miami, Jets and Patriots fans are going to hate Allen for a long, long time.
  19. As bad as Ritchie is, his pecker shriveled inside of him once he saw 5-6 cops show up.
  20. We are a blue collar city though, do we really need a state of the art stadium? I love New Era/Ralph Wilson stadium, it's incredible. Dump money into rennovations, it's fine. EDIT: We need to be fiscally responsible here, IMO.
  21. Potentially. I'd like to see that, I don't view the world myopicly, I think it's better to view things optimistically because it's better for everyone that way.
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