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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. Too bad we aren't at the gym right now, I might throw a dumbbell and a tennis ball at you.
  2. I'm at a point mentally where it's put up or shut up for me. Last year fans thought I was crazy when I said that I wanted to win out instead of bottoming out for a franchise QB. We may have only went 9-7 last year but that was the first time in my adult life we made the playoffs. I was born in 87 and I remember wide right and I was crushed when that happened but I was way too young to understand the significance of the moment. Last time we made the playoffs I was 12, once again too young to fully understand what was going on. I admire many of you old timers, you got to see OJ, Cookie, Kemp, Ferguson, I do not have any glory years to really gloat about. There are a lot of millennials such as myself that would lose their minds if we saw the Buffalo Bills in the playoffs for the next 10-12 years, I'm so desperate to experience playoff football in my adult years, I think the entire !@#$ing city would get burned down.
  3. They also swapped picks with us, so not only did they get us to the playoffs, they helped give us our franchise QB too! I'll forever root for the Bengals against any team but Buffalo!
  4. I've been a casual fan of the Bengals 10-12 years before the Dalton touchdown. Why? I don't know, they've suffered a lot over there and I can relate to that I guess. I actually wanted Buffalo to draft Dalton.
  5. Good NFL QBs improve every year, how often does a good NFL QB never improve from the college level? Every QB worth their salt will improve until they start to physically break down. Many QBs once thought as backups become solid starting QBs like McCown and Keenum. Accuracy can get better and it should get better and we should expect it to get better.
  6. Every team feels good about the offseason right now, offense is an enigma but defense I'd bet my left nut will be good with McDermott's and Frazier's backgrounds, I think we can bank on that. Offense is missing Wood, Glenn and Incognito and Allen just like most rookie QBs will have growing pains.
  7. Jim Kelly may be 0-4 in the Superbowl, but he is 2-0 vs cancer.
  8. Drinking and football do not go together. If you want to get the most out of your body, drinking is the worst thing you can do.
  9. Not yet, talk to me in 3 more years then maybe. Definitely within the realm of possibility but as of now, no.
  10. I don't support kneeling but I support locking arms to show unity amongst the players, I think that's pretty powerful.
  11. We want process guys, character guys. I'd be shocked if we go after him.
  12. I LOVE Taylor and will always respect him greatly but it was time to move on. We had the opportunity to draft a top QB in a draft loaded with franchise QBs, I'm sorry but too many chefs in the kitchen, the locker room would have been divided and that 3rd round pick helped us get a franchise MLB.
  13. I prefer that you do your thing and not so much worry what other people are doing. I'd rather we have our own identity than to have an identity based off of what some other team is doing.
  14. I'm giving you every way out of this and you are not helping yourself out of this, that was not what was being discussed. You said we were going off of hypotheticals, we are going off of reports, you know like the thread you're posting in. By all means, if Josh Allen looks like a Carson Wentz Jr, there is no way you don't start him.
  15. Could be my friend, I'm just going of the reports that are saying he is having a Carson Wentz type of impact early on.
  16. Wouldn't mind a Kelvin Benjamin extension for starters.
  17. Right, but if he beats out McCarron that likely means Allen is red-hot. This isn't a newborn child we're talking about here, this is a 6'5 240lbs manbeast with a !@#$ing rocket launcher arm, he's worked his entire life for this.
  18. That one went over my head. Oh, well. I don't see how you don't start the best man, if he wins the job, an honest competition, why do you feel he isn't ready?
  19. Really? I was the one comparing Allen's arm to Johnny Unitas' and his frame and escapability to Big Ben. IF he beats out McCarron, you start him, period. If he beats out a 5 year vet he is ready for showtime.
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