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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. So now you're taking the opinion that you wrongfully attacked me for, even though I never said we should not cut McCoy until AFTER an investigation is done.
  2. You attacked me for saying IF Shady is guilty, we should cut him. You forgot to make the distinction that I said Shady should be cut dependent on the investigation. So yes, you did put words in my mouth and attacked me for an opinion I didn't have. I'm not ignoring you, just don't have time for idiots.
  3. Are you obsessed with me? 1. Made a post directed at me. 2. Decided that post wasn't good enough, edited your post. 3. I still did not respond so you reacted to my original post. 4. Still did not respond so you made an additional post. And I am the college student? You act like a goddamn child, hopefully your daughter got her intelligence chromosomes from her mother, you don't seem to bright.
  4. You're a loose cannon that can't read and you're abrasive and verbally abusive. Don't ever put words in my mouth again moron.
  5. Yeah, I believe you because you've made it obvious in this thread that you are a swell guy sweetheart.
  6. Maybe you should learn to READ. I not once claimed McCoy is guilty, I said IF guilty. Are you three years old and you lack basic knowledge of the English language? IF IF IF
  7. Why would you even have the slightest objection to anything I said? If he is guilty, you object to him being cut? You're sick in the head.
  8. Then life goes on. Once again, I said IF true, in the context that he is guilty, cut him.
  9. Didn't Damon Harrison get a similar deal as Lotulelei? Premium run stuffing DT, 50 million seems market value for those players.
  10. OLB Von Miller, Mike Vrabel Rueben Brown Rueben was a laid back dude and a nice guy, probably a fun guy to pig out with on some hot n crispy wings.
  11. I find it really hard to dislike Mayfield or Darnold, it seems like Allen is tight with both guys. I think Darnold vs Allen is going to turn into a Kelly vs Marino thing.
  12. I'd like to see Benjamin get an extension, something like 8-10 million/yr. He's obviously no Julio Jones but he's a solid receiver, turn around and draft a burner next year and we're all set. Benjamin has it in him to be a decent #1.
  13. Kansas City is really high on Ragland too, I'm not sure if that's just media propaganda but they think he has All Pro potential. I personally think Shaq should be kept on for a bit, Jerry Hughes is not getting any younger, Murphy/Lawson could be the future.
  14. I think it would be incredibly stupid to give up on him so quick.
  15. I still visit there from time to time, it has it's purpose (Bills store, tickets, schedule). The pictures, interviews and camp videos are still worth checking out.
  16. Thing is with RBs, usually they hit a wall and there is no gradual decline. Somebody like Priest Holmes or Shaun Alexander rushing for 25 TDs and then 2 years later they can't crack an NFL roster.
  17. 1.) Shaq Lawson and Trent Murphy are our starting DEs by the end of the season. 2.) Siran Neal turns into a valuable role player and a hidden gem. 3.) OL struggles all season along and one of the worst units in the league.
  18. I'm talking about like legitimate Super Bowl talk every year, like Jim Kelly and the 90s kind of talk, not barely squeezing into the playoffs talk, more like a complete culture change and fandemonium. My generation has not got to experience that yet, I was 2 1/2 when we played the Giants in the Superbowl, I want to experience that as an adult, I would appreciate it so much more.
  19. What I'm saying is there is an entire generation of grown men who have yet to experience Buffalo Bills playoff football. The atmosphere is going to be unbelievable if we turn into a contender for the next 10 years, I am absolutely dying to see this happen. I was too young to appreciate Kelly or OJ, I'm a millennial, I want to experience a golden era during my own adult years and not reliving past greats that I have no recollection of watching.
  20. This is EXACTLY what I meant by this thread. Having a continuous playoff machine in my adult years where I can appreciate it more would be amazing. Many people I know who are in their 30s have not experienced that yet.
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