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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. A question I had going into the draft is how Rosen would fair with a weaker supporting cast than he had at UCLA. How many UCLA players got drafted? 7? 8? Josh Allen had nobody at WYO and he did great with nobodies, that's the difference. Wait until Allen has McCoy and Benjamin, they are 1,000x better than anything he's ever had.
  2. Good things take time, bring him along slowly, little by little. Give NP and AJM the nod, they're good solid veterans.
  3. Very happy Coleman is in Buffalo, what a great situation for him to be in. He needed a change of scenery and we desperately need a wideout.
  4. I'm so glad he is a Bill, I hope he starts and does extremely well.
  5. Thanks for clearing that up for me, I thought he would be our SLB.
  6. Mack, Edmunds and Milano would be the best unit in the NFL.
  7. I want intense games, close games down to the last second. The AFC East has been so boring because of the dominance of New England, 45-3 point games are terrible for football, it just is. I'd love to see Darnold vs Allen as a Marino vs Kelly thing, it would be great for football.
  8. DE is absolutely a position you spend top dollar on, that's just my opinion. A good DE can be a game changer.
  9. He was a good coach and I don't say that because he is dead, always thought very highly of him, this is such a sad situation to be in, my thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  10. I agree, RB is an important position, we have a ton of cap, why not? We saw what Shady did here, got us all the way to the playoffs.
  11. Bruce hurt me the most, my all time favorite Bill since I was 2-3 years old.
  12. I'd remain silent if it were me. Let them charge me with something before I talk.
  13. He would be an idiot not to, guilty or innocent. It would be inexplicably stupid and reckless to not hire the best money can buy.
  14. How can they get him though??? McCoy probably has a team of high profile lawyers protecting him. No surveillance, no ID, no license plate, what do they have?
  15. He accused me of saying Shady was guilty, I never said that, I said I want him cut if guilty. I actually don't know the truth but I think he gets out of this.
  16. Once again, putting words in my mouth on the whole daughter thing, I never attacked your daughter and I've never attacked you, just your posts.
  17. I never attacked your daughter and I hope for your sake you were drunk posting yesterday.
  18. You brought up your daughter and ex on a public message board twice, if you don't want me to comment on your private life don't post it on a public forum. If she is guilty she needs to go to jail but I think that'll be hard to prove, she lost thousands of dollars and it could also mean that someone else robbed her and she mistakenly suspected Shady when it was someone else.
  19. I didn't attack your daughter, I said that I hope she got her mother's brains. I don't understand how society has run foul because posters want Shady cut if guilty, unless you think it's morally acceptable to beat women, animals and children. You seem to have a hard time grasping what the word if means, I would also say I'd like Shady on the roster if innocent. Why would I want our best player gone? No Shady = no playoffs, use your head man.
  20. That's not true, you went on about how this sounded similar to when your wife brought you to court and yada yada yada. Once again, sounds like like you've done a 180° and my post was spot on.
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