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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. Good. I always liked Teddy on a personal level, hated seeing a player I liked so much playing for the Jets. Wish him all the best.
  2. Well, his contract now in 3-4 years will seem normal after the next batch of QBs get paid and IMO he is worth every single penny, you don't stinge out on your franchise's greatest player. Favre was my idol in the 90s, but with that said, Favre was no Aaron Rodgers.
  3. I think Allen will be an elite QB, I liked him and Baker Mayfield the most in the draft, I am not anti Allen, he was the right pick, I'm just causious that's all, the longer we hold him back the better, I'm a huge believer in sitting rookie QBs.
  4. I question how much of the playbook Allen has down, timing is off, awareness is off, lack of anticipation, lack of feel for where his receivers are at.
  5. Nope, they don't. We'll have a bunch of fat drunken tough guys out there being idiots. You let the game slows down for Allen first, then put him out there. If Peterman sucks Allen will be in in no time. Put him in now and it's going to be a David Carr situation.
  6. And when Allen goes through growing pains fans will clamor for Peterman, great way to undermine your rookie.
  7. Playoffs first, if or when we're out of the playoffs hunt we bench Peterman for Allen.
  8. I'd like to see us using 2 TE sets more often, help us block for Shady and also as big targets for Peterman.
  9. Beane improved QB for sure, I like McCarron and I think Josh Allen can be a franchise QB, not right away though but down the road, ideally Allen doesn't play a regular season snap this year, if we bring him along slow he can be a good one. Beane is a great great great GM, I trust him on QBs especially and I trust him on defense too. Let's see what he does with 7 draft picks and 70 million in cap space.
  10. I'd prefer it if we have McCarron backup Peterman. In an ideal world we coddle and protect Allen, keep 3 QBs for sure.
  11. Shady alone is worth 7 maybe 8 wins. Murphy and Ivory are nice rotational backs too, we will have a solid rushing attack, need defense to firm up. 7 wins worst case, 9 wins best case.
  12. So you think the game hasn't slowed down for him in his 2nd year? He is the exact same player as last year? Really dude???? I know I know fans want Allen in there, to the point where they distort the truth, be patient, maybe week 9 or 10 when the game slows down for Allen we can get him in there but if we put him in week 1 he will get knocked out or benched and this is coming from a huge Josh Allen supporter.
  13. That's not true, Nate is throwing with way more anticipation and timing, his arm strength is the same maybe but intellectually he is way way way sharper.
  14. Love Allen too, I just think Peterman won the job, much of what I said wasn't really opinion based at all, just factual observations. Allen will eventually win the job, no doubt but Peterman is better at this point.
  15. So why even have the preseason then? It means nothing according to you. McD should have just forfeited all our games.
  16. But Peterman has made the most out of every opportunity, he can't change the fact that he was 2nd string. He is considerably better this year, we were talking about placing him on the PS last year, now we are talking about starting him. Somebody started a thread 4 weeks ago about Peterman winning the job week 1, I thought the OP was high on crack, but now, holy crap he was right. I thought this guy was going to get cut, but the guy beat out McCarron and the 7th overall pick, he earned the job fair and square.
  17. The Bengals seemed pretty serious to me, the 3rd preseason game of the year is usually very telling.
  18. Peterman is not the same guy though, he is on fire, completely different QB, drastically improved.
  19. Truth. I love love love what Peterman has done but you're absolutely right though but the guy absolutely has maximized his talent quite admirably. Peterman is Chad Pennington Jr., can absolutely be effective in the right offense and I am tickled by his progress, glad he is on the roster, what a great guy to have in the film room teaching Josh Allen, too bad he doesn't have a bigger arm.
  20. True. If you tailor an offense to his strengths though he can be a very very good backup QB.
  21. His arm will stop him from being a starting NFL QB long term but I think he is going to be in the NFL for a long long time.
  22. The thing with Peterman is his timing, he has an impeccable sense of knowing where his receivers will be in their routes and that's extremely important. Allen isn't there yet, I think he will be someday but he rifles balls in late because the game hasn't slowed down enough yet, not ready yet.
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