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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. And he can restructure and play in a committee and extend his career 3 years longer than that behind a dominant OL. Some may say "What's fair value?", in this case that's out the window, they called us, not the other way around. Shady is our best player on offense, if you want him, we want slightly more than market value.
  2. Then you keep him. Last I checked Philly came knocking on our door in the middle of night asking for a favor, they are in no position to low-ball us. A 2nd and we give them Shady plus a 5th or 6th.
  3. For me, it's a 2nd or no dice. 3rd round picks have an extremely high chance of busting and Philly will likely rebound so a 3rd will be closer to a 4th.
  4. I'd do it for a third, I think Shadys best football is done already, Murphy and Ivory run hard.
  5. This is to be expected though, a Peewee coach would expect this. Sorry if Allen doesn't live up to your standards of perfection but he is 2-2, not bad. Watch Darnold, Rosen and Mayfield struggle too, it's going to be a down year for all of them not just Allen.
  6. Keyword buddy, in your opinion! Well said, my friend! There's probably 100,000 people on this board with 100,000 different opinions on how we should build the team!! LOL! Some more informed than others, only time I get pissed off at someone for their opinion is when they don't use facts to back it up! Especially around draft time, you'll see fans banging the board for multiple reasons: #1- His name sounds cool. #2- Sensationalized by the national media. #3- Played on such and such big school. They know who they are and it's super annoying!
  7. I had a childish rant about McDermott a week ago and I have my doubts STILL, but I am in NO WAY clairvoyant, I can NOT see into the future. McDermott has a rookie QB, I give him 2 years with Allen and see how he develops young QBs. My "feelings" don't matter, facts and observations over a sizeable timetable MATTER. 2 more years, although I may know sooner if it's obvious.
  8. They know defense, which is why I think offense should be picked first. Beane and McD can add solid defensive talent RDS 3-7, I'm sure of it.
  9. We just put all that money in Murphy, I think Jerry Hughes has a TON of good football left in him. Sure, a rotational guy rounds 3-7? I can get onboard with that, but not a high pick. RDS 1-3 should be all offense, defense can have the leftovers.
  10. Really need to hit hard on a starting center and elite #1 WR. I think those two positions are the quickest way to turning around our offense. We desperately need an AJ Green, bad.
  11. They didn't run Tyrod out of town because he ran, that was his saving grace. They simply think Allen will develop into a better passer over time, which won't be hard for him to do but that doesn't mean he shouldn't run, dual threat QBs are awesome and I thought Tyrod would have been a great mentor for Allen.
  12. Being a HOF QB isn't a lottery ticket, these men worked harder than everyone else, this wasn't like winning the Powerball, they devoted their life to their craft. My point is, if the 1% of NFL QBs had up and down first years, why can't Allen? I'm not saying he is going to be a HOF QB, I'm using that as an extreme example because it proves my point beautifully. If the ELITE QBS, struggled year 1, why are you holding Allen to a higher standard than them? I don't care if you're not impressed with his arm, too early to say he is bad, period. I don't care what you like at all actually.
  13. His identity can change into that of a passing QB, probably over this year, especially into next. But for now? You do what you're good at. And for the record I loved it when Tyrod ran.
  14. ? Comparing stats or bad games from HOF QBs in their rookies does prove a point, it shows that poor games are a part of the growth and maturation process. It also shows that you are intellectually dishonest and not giving Allen a fair chance and since you are calling our rookie QB bad already, it shows you're a bad fan. Too early to say, I liked Allen coming out but the jury is out and will be quite awhile longer, maybe even years.
  15. Of course, you would hope that happens over time but for now he is a better runner. 6'5 240lbs acrobat, he has as much of a chance to get hurt as a big bodied WR. Hopefully next year he is more of a surgeon, but at the very least can't we sprinkle it in more? I'm not talking about being like a chicken with his head cut off but encourage it more, good things happen when he runs.
  16. He is not Tom Brady, he is more like Vick, Tyrod, Cam.. it's a tremendous part of his game. Everytime Allen runs something good happens. I hope they design run plays for him specifically. Send everybody deep and Allen gashes them underneath. How do you stop that?
  17. Why is it OK when Cam does it? Or Tyrod? If we turn Allen loose, our rushing attack would go from cellar to stellar. It should be encouraged.
  18. It's clearly the strongest part of his game right now. He's a young buck, kid is 6'5 240lbs farm boy, he can take a hit. You'd hope year 2 he turns into more of a passer, but until then, turn this kid loose!
  19. Thanks. After reading our front page, you'd have think we lost. ?
  20. Probably the merciful thing to do, he's getting reamed. Best he go sleep it off.
  21. Do you expect this guy to be a football version of Jesus Christ? Rosen, Mayfield and Darnold all had games like this. Please please please don't make me dig through game logs of HOF QBs rookie seasons. Is this simply an ego trip on your end? You want to be hailed as a clairvoyant and wise leader, first to call it after 4 games! Wow!!! Amazing! How'd you do that? We should just cut Allen based off your feeling, after all, you can just tell! What can go wrong?
  22. Double standard? Comparing a rookie QB to a 7 year NFL vet is a fair and balanced thing to do? That seems like a pretty unreasonable standard. Do you think a 9 month old baby will never grow up to be able to walk? Of course not! That's absurd! Sure that would be amazing, but not the standard.
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