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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. *After being drafted by the Buffalo Sabres* Dylan Cozen to Terry Pegula: Thank you for drafting me, sir. It's my honor to be a Buffalo Sabre. Terry: Dylan, glad to have ya. Forgot to tell you we are tanking this year. You're ours now, kid, we own you.
  2. It's all going to be about Edmunds this year. But I wouldn't want to sleep on Milano. Edmunds seems way more dreamier anyway. Watching the wind flow through his hair as he makes a tackle, MAJESTIC.
  3. I love how you edited out select remarks from your previous post, it was very telling and very unbecoming of a man who wishes me well. It seems it is you who trapped yourself, good thing I quoted you before the ninja edit. Nothing to discuss here, I simply defended DJ because I know he comes from a good family and David Jeremiah delivered a great sermon that I had the pleasure to listen to. I consider Christian values a good thing, you do not. No need for further discussion here. Anything else or may we conclude this conversation?
  4. I answered all questions, you are simply trying to catch me in a trap.
  5. Therein lies the problem, there was no legit claim as to why DJ is a moron, others vouged for him in regards to his football expertise, yet no name #1 provided no legit reasons as to why DJ should be dismissed as a moron other than he didn't gloat over the Bills. It was simply keyboard buffoonery and beer belly idiocy that nobody found impressive other than you apparently. Why did I bring up David Jeremiah? Because he is a solid Christian man, a God fearing man with good values, many of which were passed down to his son. Basically what I'm trying to accomplish by this is pointing out that the Jeremiah's have good values and character and were viciously attacked for no reason other than Jeremiah didn't hype up the Bills. Also, there is no religion card except for any other religion than Christianity.
  6. Whatever his name is, we'll call him no name #1 called DJ a moron and other profanities without giving a reason why he questioned his football expertise other than he is just a moron apparently and his Dad is also a con artist and a thief. No explanation, just disrespectful insults. And you, let's call no name #2 defended him not only once, but twice. Can you explain why?
  7. Any chance we keep McCoy, Gore, Singletary AND Yeldon? Do you guys feel that is at all possible ?
  8. Foster will not be traded. I do see him being utilized in different packages. If he is #4 it will be in title only. He is valuable in terms of stretching the field whereas a guy like Zay may be subbed out for a few plays every here and there. It wouldn't surprise me to see them split time.
  9. I've watched his dad David Jeremiah on TV, he's a preacher and a gifted preacher at that. I'm assuming Daniel is a child of God as well. I know we all love the Bills but please be more respectful in the future. Guy has achieved a lot in his life. College QB, NFL scout, tv host, etc. What have you done?
  10. Shaq says it's wrong that whoever did it is hiding and I agree, but I hope Shaq remembers one thing, God knows who did this and whomever is responsible better repent. It's better to spend your life in prison than an eternity in hell.
  11. McCoy may compare to Thomas in his last year at Miami maybe.
  12. Yeldon is a career 4ypc RB, that's solid. He can also get you 50-60 receptions a year. His production is similar to Shady's, he is being paid 5x less, offers a skillset we do not have currently and is 5 years younger. You don't bring in Frank Gore and Devin Singletary and sign Yeldon to a 2 year deal if you ain't having second thoughts about Shady. The hotseat for Shady is hotter than the bowels of Tartarus, he knows he better return to 1,000 yards rushing or the plug will be pulled.
  13. Yeldon 2018: 414 yards 4.0ypc 487 yards 55 recs 5 TDs Age: 26 Shady: 514 yards 3.2ypc 238 yards 34 recs 3 TDS Age: 31 Shady was less productive in a primary role and is making 5x more than Yeldon. Yeldon is a better 3rd down back and our best receiver in terms of giving Allen a quick and easy completion in 3rd down and short yardage situations. Gore has never been known as a receiver, neither has Shady and Singletary has never been asked to do so. Yeldon has soft hands and can provide a soft underneath target for Allen along the lines of Cole Beasley and I feel this fact is understated.
  14. They'll hold him until camp I'm sure, but the expectations for him will be sky high. They expect to see him cut on a dime and be explosive. He's making twice as much as our entire backfield combined and he's coming off a career low and frankly I do not see him as a bell cow RB anymore.
  15. Been saying it forever. Bills fans are blinded by loyalty and cannot see the business aspects of releasing or trading Shady. Gore is good for 500, Singletary could likely pound out 1500 all purpose yards and Yeldon could likely provide similar production that Shady did last year.
  16. Yes, we did overpay. Had we not, we may not of had Oliver, Ford or Singletary. Not signing Morse would have thrown a wrench into our entire draft process.
  17. I respect Daniel Jeremiah, but I respectfully disagree that our defense will not be a top 5 unit. We were #2 last year and we got substantially better. DJ knows his stuff, I just think he slightly missed the mark here. Our offense OTOH I believe could be a top 10-15 unit. We'll see.
  18. Many fans are disenfranchised that Shaq hasn't turned into a 12 sack per year player and I understand that, but still, if he even develops into a good decent player, why create turnover? I understand why we didn't pickup the option though, but I'm optimistic that a deal can be reached if Shaq puts up 6-8 sacks, he's still a decent player and I feel the same about Murph. LDE solved. Now draft a protege for Jerry Hughes to mentor and we are in some tall cotton indeed, my friend.
  19. I think Shaq Lawson will get 6+ sacks as well, could see him notch as many as 8 if everything goes his way. Many folks say he is leaving town, but I'm not so sure. Would like to see him stay on a team friendly deal.
  20. I don't think there is room for both Gore and Shady. I give the edge to Gore because: 1.) He is locked in at a team friendly price. 2.) He is a freak. Shady is making 6.5 million IIRC. Sure we can hold him until the last minute and see if he returns to form, but once again he has to dominate camp I believe. Singletary is a lock and Yeldon is a great 3rd RB whom is locked in on a 2 year deal for basically nothing, which is appealing because I think we're really driving down the cost of our backfield and taking a RB by committee approach but once again if McCoy has a great camp my whole theory is turned upside down.
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