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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. He still has issues but it certainly seems that the juice is worth the squeeze.
  2. B A+ game minus one boneheaded interception. Josh is learning that in the NFL, one oh crap moment erases ten thatta boys.
  3. I’d rather beat them twice because it would end their streak of dominance and ensure we win the division under Josh Allen in 2020 and beyond.
  4. Did I not say good play or bad play, win or lose? Why do you perceive that I only meant good? He is very Brett Favre like.
  5. I can’t think of one and the best part is he plays the most important position. Win or lose, good play or bad he is just a super fun player to watch. He can throw the ball 70 yards effortlessly after avoiding a sure sack and when nothing is there he turns into essentially a 6’5 250lbs running back with 4.6 speed. Is there any NFL player in the game more exciting than Allen? Kamara? Barkley? Lamar?
  6. You might as well from an evaluation standpoint. Fitz isn’t the future, Rosen could be. May finish #1 overall, see what ya got before ya draft another one.
  7. I actually think Taco could be a good player if he worked at it.
  8. I have no problem with tanking for a year to secure a franchise QB, it’s part of the strategy of building a roster. I DO have a problem with tanking for multiple years like the Bills and Browns did for decades. Any owner that is looking just to ca$h in and is not committed to winning long term needs to gtfo of here.
  9. Pancho was Pancho, he was true to himself. Great. Personally I would never dress up or bring attention on myself, I don’t think I’m that important.
  10. I’d like to see H. Phillips/Oliver as our starting tackles.
  11. Buffalo loves YOU, Josh. Buffalo loves you.
  12. Khalil Mack or Aaron Donald or OBJ. I perceive that OBJ is not a process player, so he’s out. That leaves me with Donald or Mack. Well, Mack is younger and we have an abundance of DTs, so Mack it is.
  13. Just goes to show you that the whole “culture” thing is not garbage. Talented players mean nothing if you do not have the right people up top. Having LeVeon Bell or Jalen Ramsey means nothing without the right leadership. Mick has done good here, he’s done real good. When he came here the flock was scattered, he rounded up his sheep and has acted as a good shepherd for his players. I feel bad for the Sam Darnolds of the world; good players with no guidance, no amount of talent can overcome having a wolf like Gase or Marrone leading your franchise.
  14. I can’t really argue with it. Until Allen arrives as an elite QB we belong in that 10-12 range.
  15. I think Baker may be prideful and arrogant in many respects and it’s prevented him from growing. Guy had a great rookie season and he may have rested on his laurels a little bit. Another thing is he may have too much on his plate. I mean they traded for OBJ and fans along with the national media are expecting the Greatest Show On Turf. May be a bit too much, too fast. I do think in the end he’ll figure it out, but at this point I’d much rather have Josh Allen under center.
  16. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/218336-how-would-you-rank-the-qbs-of-the-2018-nfl-draft-today-in-hindsight/#comments
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