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Everything posted by ghostwriter

  1. Can’t they take a mold of his face and fill it in with molten bronze?
  2. Also, by him not retiring he has access to world class doctors and medical treatment that he’d otherwise not of had had he retired. If they do clear him and he plays, he will get injured and the Redskins will get mega sued.
  3. I think he can still help a team somewhere... Did Frank Gore not help Devin Singletary along? Ideally he goes to a team where they have a really green rookie at RB... somewhere where Shady does not have to carry the load.. Let him mentor a young rookie and teach him how to be a pro..
  4. Men are usually more physically abusive, women are usually more emotionally abusive. This is why men need to be more cautious with who they sleep with. Sure, they may be more soft, lucious and beautiful at first but they can quickly dig their hooks and flip personalities in an instant. All of a sudden she has full custody of the kids and she’s taking half of what you got and she’s spreading lies about you to your children and turning them against you and the worst part is she’s in your life forever. Then all of a sudden you’re paying not only for your ex and your kids but also her new boyfriend she seduced to make you jealous. She’s screwing every guy in town but you just to piss you off.
  5. I don’t think they have the right ownership neither. Lots of pride, egotism and arrogance in that organization. I think there’s a lot wisdom in acknowledging what you don’t know because you can ask yourself the right questions that’ll lead you to the correct answers and intellectual growth. Problem with Woody and Gase is that they think they know everything which is stagnant water in terms of growth. I don’t view the Jets as a threat until they’re under new ownership. Same situation with Snyder over in DC. Glad to have the Jets in our division. They’re wasting Darnold’s talent by all of the dysfunction in that franchise. Good for the Bills though.
  6. I don’t see the Jets doing well, maybe 7-9 or 8-8.
  7. 3,800-4,000 yards 61% completion 25-29 TDs 10-12 INTs 500 rushing yards 4-5 rushing TDs I think his rushing numbers goes down. We brought in Zack Moss for a reason, he’ll do the dirty work. Allen will still make spectacular plays on the ground but will run not nearly as much, he won’t be in the NFL long if he does. Overall I think Allen gets the ball to Stefon Diggs early and often. I think Diggs will have a career year in Buffalo, probably 85-89 catches for 1,100 yards or so. Beasley and Brown will be wide open. I expect to see a high octane offense this year with Allen calling the shots. Allen won’t be far enough along to call his own plays yet although I think he will get to that point eventually in another 2-3 years. Ultimately I think Allen distinguishes himself as the best QB in the AFC East and Buffalo locks down the division for the next 10 years.
  8. I know that......but I’m trying not to disrespect him...
  9. $4 Josh Allen $3 Marshawn Lynch $3 Lee Evans $2 John Brown $2 Devin Singletary $1 Terrell Owens First off, I’m not being boxed in by picking 5 guys, I think that simplifies the complexity of the game which destroys the fun. I was given $15, this is what I’d do with it. Beastmode would be a powerhouse behind this OL. I think the only reason he wanted out of Buffalo was because he knew we weren’t committed to winning. Be real about it. I think Ralph had a smaller checkbook than the Pegulas. Terry is worth over 4x more than Ralph, facts. Ralph was an excellent owner but he was limited financially. If you paired up Marshawn Lynch with Josh Allen he’d probably get 1,350 on the ground every year. You put Devin Singletary behind him and we’d have the #1 rushing offense in the NFL. Beastmode would be our Emmitt Smith, he would absolutely be unstoppable here if we had him in his prime. Lee Evans is a player that I thought was underutilized in Buffalo. Never really had a good QB or a good team around him and his supporting cast was lousy. Evans could have been a similar player to Stefon Diggs if he had Allen throwing him the football. I think he would have been a borderline HOF talent on a better team. Definitely a true #1 with the right QB and a very good one at that. John Brown is a guy who reminds me a lot of Lee Evans. Never had a great QB until he came here and then he proved that he can be a #1 just not an elite one. I think John Brown will be a Bill for a long time, I’m a big fan of his because of how much he reminds me of Lee Evans. These two together with Allen throwing them ball would be fireworks. Love watching him play. Terrell Owens. We got him towards the tail end of his career but he’d still be good for 50-75 catches and would have plenty of room to work over the middle with all that space Brown and Evans would provide. In closing, what made me feel good about this game was how many great players this currently has. Stefon Diggs and John Brown are probably comparable players to Lee Evans at least in the same echelon. Allen is better than Bledsoe. Cole Beasley is probably better than Terrell Owens when he got here. etc. Our 2020 squad as it stands is quite comparable talent wise overall versus all of our best players over the last 20 years combined. We have a very special team and I hope I get to see them play this year.
  10. I think sexual harassment goes both ways, women do it too. If you turn down sexual advances from a woman they can get really catty and combative. Especially from a woman who is used to getting her own way. They can make your life hard because they feel disvalued, hurt and ugly because you denied them sex. I’ve had it happen numerous times.. I’m not one of those guys who keeps a bodycount, I’m a born again, maybe not the celibate type like Tim Tebow but I’m far far removed from being a player, that’s not who I am. I’ve been in some really really weird situations because I’ve denied sex to women before.. Like really inappropriate advances from women who should have never come onto me.
  11. He looked a little slow last year but would still be above average in run support. LoZo in coverage though is not a good thing.
  12. I’d pay Dawkins. I think $15M/yr is a bargain long term if you can sign him to that..
  13. He’s a good player, not a great player. Probably worth $10M-$12M a year. He’s never had double digit sacks in a year and never produced the way he should have as a #1 overall pick and his ego is bruised and his mind is blinded to the fact that he’s not worth as much as he thinks but because he was drafted so high his ego is telling him that he is worth more money. Clowney never became the player he was drafted to be and there is a huge gigantic disconnect between how good he thinks he is versus how good NFL teams think he is.
  14. I say we skip the National Anthem and play the Shaq theme song instead.
  15. Allen is a ridiculous talent. Folks that look strictly at the passing numbers are kind of stupid. He had a 20:9 TD:INT ratio last year, he takes care of the ball and can get you another 10 TDS on the ground. There is no better QB in the league on 3rd&1 or 4th&1 situations. Will it be a QB sneak? Will he run it to the pylon? Will it be an option play or a pass to Diggs, Brown, Knox or Beasley? Allen is absurdly hard to plan for in the red zone, he is an immense talent. Finally, finally, finally we have a franchise QB in Buffalo, it’s been so long.
  16. QB - B+ RB - A+ FB - C WR - A TE - C OL - C+ DL - B+ LB - B+ CB - B+ S - A I would likely give the roster as a whole a B to a B+ although that is subject to change so long as Josh Allen steps his game up. Could see Knox taking a huge leap as well and it would not be far fetched to see that TE group bump up a few spots as a result. Should be a playoff team with a chance of being a contender if Allen plays lights out.
  17. I’d argue that without McCoy we don’t make the playoffs in 2017. He had over 1,100 yards at 4ypc along with 59 receptions. Hughes only had 4 sacks. Hughes is a good player not a great player. Shady was a great player not just a good player. You could take Hughes off the 2017 squad and there’s a good chance we still make the playoffs. If you take McCoy off that squad we are a 5 win team. McCoy was our best player on that 2017 team, without him, no playoffs.
  18. I think COVID-19 has been around much much longer than February. I think I got it around November-December, I had all the symptoms. Two of my roommates got it too. Woke up multiple times in the middle of the night coughing, wheezing and having difficulties breathing, fever, cold sweats, lightheaded. I think it’s been going around much longer than what’s being reported. Some people have had it and they didn’t even know they had it I’m sure. Been around since last flu season.
  19. Unpopular take: New England will still be a tough team to beat and a fierce opponent. Both games will be low scoring, defensive struggles that go down to the last play of the game. Having an excellent kicker or not will be the difference between winning and losing the game.
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