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Everything posted by LarryMadman

  1. You know what is very interesting to me is that none of these guys have committed and signed anywhere yet. Why is that, do they know something we dont about the Bills plans? Are they waiting because they all know a Bills HC vacancy automatically makes the Bills the #1 destination because of Josh Allen and it isnt even close. Very interesting times indeed.
  2. McDermott is worse for the simple fact he has Josh freaking Allen and Lewis and Schotts didn't. So essentially Lewis and Schotts did more with less. The choice is simple, can't keep McD.
  3. That is just one of the many fireable offenses that are on McD resume. I just don't understand what it will take for McD to be relieved of his duties as the incompetence he has shown at time seem to go unnoticed, why. I have to believe Terry has to to be somewhat irritated at the way things have ended the past few years, I also have to believe he has had convorsations with people close to him about what should be done. I can't believe he just accepts these failures and looks the other way, I don't believe that. His hiring and firing of GMs and coaches with the Sabres suggest he in fact does pay attention and wants better. This is a perfect year for change with some of the names out there. Man this is depressing being a Bills fan knowing the teams fate year after year if nothing happens.
  4. Bring in Vrabel to run the defense and when Belichick retires in a couple years Vrabel becomes HC.
  5. Lol, than he shouldn't have used Klein, no? Was there or was there not other options, players, game plan etc, he's the defensive mastermind right?
  6. Ahhhh yes, the old excuse wagon again.
  7. Yup, sure did, just like the past few years. The roster is there, the coaching isnt.
  8. Carroll, Belichick, Vrabel and Harbaugh are all out there and all leaps and bounds better than McDummie for starters. Young offensive minds TBD but with Josh Allen its not hard to imagine any bum coach not being able to produce similar results to McDermott. Harbaugh would work and I think anybody would be salivating to work with the best QB in the league.
  9. Nope it's not but I believe that was a McD ball control directive to Brady. We all know how McD wants complimentary football and I believe that was McD gameplan and Brady simply followed it. To blame Brady is stupid.
  10. Who cares about Balt/KC.......i'll be rooting for the Lions with a coach who was an unknown before he was given a chance, something Pegula needs to do.
  11. Yet the HC/DC can make blunder after blunder after blunder year after year with zero consequences, actually getting pats on the back saying, it's ok we'll get em next year without ever proving he deserves the opportunity to do so. This year has really good options to be had, Pegula better nut up and shag one or once again Bills fans and Josh Allen will be on the outside looking in! Enough of next years! Fire the effing bum already!
  12. The fact he was using Dorseys playbook. Obviously McDummie told him be a run first OC and he listened and did that, that by itself lessens the pass game stats. Numerous video breakdowns from tons of people have all pointed out the faults and deficiencies of the pass game, route trees and lack of open guys / seperation. Stop being obtuse to think all this didnt hamper Brady, lol.
  13. So you totally gloss over the HUGE fact that Brady was using Dorseys playbook and did the best he could. Wow!
  14. Brady has been fine. He has arguable done a better job using Dorseys playbook than did Dorsey using his own playbook.
  15. You're not sick of losing, if you were you would not be just satisfied with making the playoffs. You would demand better, you don't and are content with the known and scared of the unknown, kind of how McDummie coaches. Don't understand how people can't see all of McDummies blunders and think things will change if just given the opportunity, OMG insanity anybody!
  16. Had to be in order to be given the job, McD demands it. I'm keeping Brady as I like what i've seen and think he has done a pretty good job using Dorseys bad playbook. If he is ever given the chance to do his thing, i' think we would all like it, unfortunatly if McDummie is still coach, Bradys hands would still be tied even with his own playbook.
  17. Brady has shown to be moldable as i'm totally convinced he called games the exact way McDummie wanted him to, unlike Dorsey and Daboll who McD obviously had tension with and he has been hamstrung by still using Dorseys playbook. Let him install his own offense, let him go and I believe Allen would be even more unstoppable. This moldability and seemingly easy to work with mentality would seem to be attractive to a new coach, plus Brady is a HC candidate, wouldn't want to lose him and the phenominal job he did at LSU. I excuse his Carolina days as that whole regime was a cluster from the get go.
  18. Hmmmm........bring in Belichick as HC for a couple years and Vrabel as DC and he takes over as HC when Belichick steps down.......leave Brady and let him install is own offense...........i'm on board 1000000% with this plan.
  19. Harbaugh Vrabel Pete Carroll Belichick and whole bunch of young up and coming creative offensive minds that would absolutely without hesitation love to have Josh freaking Allen as their centerpiece, oh the possibilities, c'mon Terry DO IT!
  20. No he didn't the QB played out of his mind and wouldnt let the team lose. McDummie cant coach out of his mind as he is incapable of that.
  21. That is called getting outcoached and out coached badly. Happens all to frequently with McDummie, way to large of a sample size now to be anything other than being a bad coach, and nothing will ever change with this block head. He has to be fired if the organization wants to move forward.
  22. Can't beat Jags or Houston, win in OT or beat a top 4 seed in playoffs, 0-6 so far. Time to kick McDummie to the curb.
  23. Nah, McDummie has had enough chances and has failed at every one. Enough is enough, no more chances! Brady is not the problem.
  24. Can't wait for Diggs to pop off, should be real spicey this time.
  25. Can't keep going forward with McDummie, it really is that simple.
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