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  1. Lol, wore out the welcome in Houston in what, 7 games, lol! He is a cancer and will never win anything, destined to be on bad teams from hear on out as good teams won't want his services, cons outweigh the pros big time.
  2. Lol, hard pass!
  3. I would like to see his receivers drop less balls, that will help is comp %
  4. This is disgusting how easily the Chiefs are being dominated and the Bills couldn't even slow them down at all. WTF
  5. It better, but I'm still not holding out hope that a McDermott defense can stop Andy Reid from taking his lunch money again and again and again
  6. WTF, if the Bills defense was only half as good as the Eagles they would be playing today.
  7. Disgusting how McDermotts defense let's KC do what ever they want.
  8. I think it's simple, Beane gets the players McDermott wants. There is no way Beane just gets players and says here you go Sean make it work, that doesnt happen.
  9. How is that possible, seems as all the Bills do is draft defense and spend huge $$$ on defensive FA.
  10. I think they beat the Eagles for fun.
  11. Babich, like Frazier are/were just job title holders, this defense hasnt really changed in the Sean era regardless of who the DC is. Its Seans hand picked coaches and players playing the same form or variation of a Sean designed defense, maybe a few wrinkles here and there but in the end it's the defense Sean wants and what gets played. The blame game needs to start at the top, these coaches and players were hand picked by the HC to be in his system as that is who he wanted, he needs to be held accountable, everything else is just fodder.
  12. So then the question is 1) Would you rather win a Super Bowl having to go through the ups and downs that changing coaches brings until you find that guy to lead them to a SB win? OR 2) Would you rather be relevent each year only to lose in the playoffs year in and year out never acheiving a Super Bowl win? Give me 1 all day
  13. Unfortunatly I expect the Chiefs to crush the Eagles, they will take away Barkley and force Hurts to beat them with his are which he won't come close to doing.
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