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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. Denver missed last year ....................
  2. How is Adams a deep threat? Every thing else I agree with. He's certainly light years better than anyone we have. I'm going to put on my flame suit and say we should have signed Mooney instead of Samuels.
  3. Thank goodness we drafted Kincaid .................. tearing it up with his 2 catches.
  4. Just my two cents but this is when you send the TE's down the seams (Allen missed on this) or when Shakir is back he's the swiss army knife. He can play inside or out and he frequently catches a few short but then sneaks behind the coverage a couple times a game. Someone outside needs to hit on the Evans type sail routes or some deep posts. If they are sitting in two deep Cook and Kincaid should be eating teams alive. Really it's Kincaid who's been the most disappointing.
  5. Tell me why. I mean I agree at the moment he's better, but I want to hear why you think that he's "way" better.
  6. Kincaid bobbled it as he went down. He got his feet in but on the ground out of bounds he was bobbling the catch.
  7. I'm going to try to glass half full things ............. We're not turning the ball over a lot The defense has shown up in 4 out of 5 The running game has been there most weeks Maybe (fingers crossed) some early injures and struggle will bring fixes we'll play with the rest of the season.
  8. Adams ran a very Gabe Davis like 40 if I remember right. He's not a burner, he's a route runner. Diggs but slower. Kincaid bobbled one on the sideline and didn't get the catch and dropped another. Then Allen flat out missed him 1 on 1 deep on a LB. If Allen wasn't missing them they were dropping it. Take away one Kincaid catch and Coleman's catch and run and 30 passes with almost nothing to show for it.
  9. Given how we were getting our butts handed to us you would have thought they would have been happy to force overtime by running out the clock (or trying like hell). Instead they think our 9 for 30 passing attack is going to magically move the ball over 50 yards to get into FG position and that's if Bass can hit it. I'm all for dancing on the line between aggressive and dumb like a drunk circus clown but this was too much.
  10. I don't think Rapp is an all star by any stretch but we probably don't give up the Nico TD if Rapp is healthy. Rough game to have Bishop getting his lumps.
  11. The point is that they wouldn't have had time to do anything or possibly no time at all. As it was they ran one play for 5 yards and had 2 seconds left. If we burn 10 more seconds off the clock running it and using their timeouts either there is no time left at all or they don't have time to run any plays and at the very least are kicking a 6 or 7 yard longer field goal than the 59 yarder he hit. The defense should have never seen the field. ps All that said the defense is what kept us in the game
  12. Dan Marino's little brother?
  13. Sure we ran on 1st down several times but we rarely punted because we ran on 1st and 2nd down. Nearly every punt was after consecutive incomplete passes. You don't at least give the threat of the run Houston is going to T off on your QB and Allen was getting hit as it was.
  14. Predictible doesn't excuse horrible execution. Dropped passes and bad throws have nothing to do with predictable. Again Allen got hit on multiple plays and we're Lucky they didn't take his helmet. Running the ball was not part of the problem or the reason we lost.
  15. I see what your saying but just no ............. the passing game was bad because it was bad. Allen missing guys, drops, bobbles, bad execution, and Allen leaving the pocket mixed with bad blocking. A 1st down run for 2 or 3 yards was looking pretty good given the negative plays with the poorly executed screens and Allen getting dropped several plays in a row. You keep running the ball because it slows down the rush, you might pop one, and 2nd and 7 is better than 2nd and 10 or worse. We were lucky it wasn't Trubisky out there.
  16. When your QB is 9 for 30 the 2 yard runs on first down are not the problem. Our running game was the only thing that worked even marginally well. Even with a few boring 1st downs.
  17. I thought this might be Samuels big chance to show up. Granted Kincaid's blocking was a part of Samuels looking worthless since they don't seem to throw to him anywhere but the LOS. MVS at the very least was supposed to be the deep shot guy but he's got nothing. One shot Allen missed him on other than that I can't remember anything from him.
  18. After Woods return it was essentially a 44 yard kick. It's not unthinkable that he could have done that and if we ran ten more seconds off the clock and got even 4 or 5 yards doing it it's the difference. Certainly an effort to not let them score vs certainly giving them the ball with time and timeouts.
  19. Defense seems coached well. Adjustments were made. Young guys made some plays (Carter) and a mistake here or there (Bishop) but overall battled. Offense, despite the whining here, seems like our guys we count on aren't showing up. There's a list of starters on offense who are not playing well so I'd have a hard time saying it's all on Brady. Allen is missing people, Kincaid has a handful of drops (non catches) the last couple of weeks, and the O line is pretty shaky at times. I get it if we aren't throwing bombs all game long but we need to be able to hit 6 or 7 yard passes to someone ps I'm not harping on the WR's because I feel like we are counting on the TE's and RB's as pass catchers and Coleman and Hollins are more or less as expected. That said MVS and Samuels are straight garbage so far. I mean what's Claypool up to already? I'm kidding .......... or am I?
  20. You might have an argument if we were't 9 for 30 passing. You do whatever gets a couple yards and burns the time off the clock. 2 seconds was the difference. Go ahead and throw it but make it short and complete and burn as much time as you can. Running routes into deep coverage when your line is suspect at best and stopping the clock after 3 maybe 4 seconds is (as anyone could see) a sure way to give them the ball back with time to score.
  21. They ran one play and kicked it. Time outs or not we do anything that gains some yards and burns 2 plus more seconds off the clock and we go to OT.
  22. If we run that same sequence going toward the half you would run a feeler play on first and if it's not working you'd run the clock and go into half time. I'm not sure why that would change if you are looking at overtime. We weren't remotely close to scoring so we had more damage to do than good by passing 3 times. Maybe first down but after that get any yardage you can and run some clock and don't lose the game before you even get to OT. Not saying we win but it should have gone to OT.
  23. Well Kincaid is the starter and barely exists. I'm pretty sure Knox could catch an average of 2 or 3 a game and he's a much better blocker. Again I don't think he's awful but he's not the great pass catcher we were hoping for.
  24. More involved he caught 2 of the 6 passes thrown at him and from my seat at least 2 were drops or non catches that he should have had.
  25. Not a bad player but it's beginning to become clear that Kincaid is not going to be our own version of Kelce. I'm not even sure he's better than Knox.
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