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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. I've seen them make decent adjustments on defense after getting thown on early in games but getting run on is losing in the trenches and that's much harder to adjust for.
  2. We are getting beat in the trenches ............. that is a problem.
  3. Well in that case you are absolutely right .............. we are definately going to lose, Taylor is trash, no one ever misses two throws .............. ever.
  4. Not trying to jump the guy and get negative but I hope the run defense isn't non existent again this week. It's hard to stop the passing game. Hope to get some mistakes. Getting run on is different though .......... win in the trenches.
  5. I've never seen a QB miss two throws to a WR they've played with for a week .................... absolutely atrocious. Lol ........... Calm down and give it time guys. Everything is going to be all right.
  6. Missed but Taylor is looking for KB ........... that's a good thing.
  7. Gotta believe having a TE sized WR will help the wide runs ............... not for Tolbert though.
  8. Well this start is better than the 12 yard sack last week.
  9. Tate is our best kick returner. Always think the same thing when they deactivate him and try someone else.
  10. Just to get the time line right I said that after you already had said that the idea that defense wins games was a reach. I was pointing out to you that it's not a reach and is in fact very relevant.
  11. If this was true everyone would like Tyrod. Clearly many people want Tyrod to win no matter what the rest of the team does. Defense wins championships, end of story. Clearly offense helps but there is overwhelming evidence that teams that keep the other teams from scoring statistically win more championships. It's not really surprising and certainly not reaching.
  12. What everyone does time and time again is attribute wins and loses directly to Tyrod. We will most likely win or lose based on how well the defense plays. Typically Tyrod plays well enough to win almost every week. He doesn't play well enough to carry the team on his back with no defense and wide recievers dropping balls but he also doesn't lose winnable games by throwing picks and completely missing recievers all game like Stanton on Thursday night. So if the defense plays well and we don't have a ton of penalties and turnovers I'd give us an 80 percent chance of winning. Defense gets annahilated and we get a ton of drive killing penalties on offense I give us a 10 percent chance of winning. It's never really on Tyrod one way or the other. He's really just consistently good. Not great. Not bad. He needs a decent team effort. That is it.
  13. I've seen Taylor throw it up a few times. The throw to Hunter in the Titans game is a good example. I think trust and a demonstrated ability will go a long way. If KB looks like a ball catching monster and you just throw it near him I think Taylor will develop a trust throwing him a contested pass. I'm hoping we finally have someone who doesn't get out muscled on slants and can actually make a back shoulder catch. We've seen some pretty routine drops and a lot of difficult drops. It would be nice to see someone catch everything.
  14. Please define fails miserably because there are a number of QB's that would do far worse then Taylor with no running game, banged up WR's, and a line that's taking the night off. They weren't rushing 5 because they aren't afraid of Taylor. They're rushing 5 because they aren't afraid of our WR's. Put a healthy* Sammy out there and they wouldn't rush 5 all night. That's why I'd like to see more of Thompson on the field. That is why he's producing when he gets a chance. If franchise is Brady or Rogers, you win, not arguing that. Most likely that is where people look with that reference so I get it if people say he's not "franchise". 0utside of that though, Rivers, Smith, Mariota, and a host of others all need a decent team effort to win and Taylor fits somewhere in that group. He definately is a capable starter and until we have someone better all the talk is just noise.
  15. Look it up. 0utside of one year Kelly and the Bills had a top ten defense in scoring everytime they went to the SB. As do 80 percent of the teams that go to the SB. Kelly in his first three years had a better line and better weapons and put up worse numbers in many respect than Taylor. There's really no better way to win than play defense, don't get penalized, and don't turn the ball over. Most losses involve meltdowns on most or all of those categories and then everyone cries get rid of Taylor.
  16. Should have been 10 to 10 at the half and the facemask on 2nd and 11 made it first and 10 on the 20 instead of 3rd and 20 at the 44. Three plays later they scored the TD to go ahead 17 to 7 when it should have still been 10 to 10. Minus the boneheaded plays Taylor throws for 300 and we win that game. People debate Taylor endlessly yet over and over when the defense plays well and we don't get boneheaded penalties we win more often than not. It's really that simple. It should be reasuring that winning is lagely on us. The problem is that we have made those mistakes and lost for the last 17 years. That needs to change.
  17. As someone who lived through 4th qtr pick after 4th qtr pick, then he even came back with the Jets and gifted us with the same, I can't agree with this more.
  18. Just saw Nigel Bradham with a sack in the box score for Philly. Best remember him getting toasted on that short pass against the Giants in one of many games we should have won.
  19. Everyone said the same things before the Atlanta game. Yes, it could happen. That said if we don't turn the ball over and play defense like we have in just about every game except last Thurs. we can ball with anyone.
  20. 0n a different note anyone else watching Eli .............. he can't hit the broad side of a barn some days.
  21. I think he did get the rear naked choke locked in under the chin though.
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