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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. Show me. I watched the game. Didn't think he played great but certainly lack of running game and drops hurt. Line can't block and the play calling sucked. Seems like a suck hat trick. I'm not trying to spin it that he played great but you sure as hell can't point at him and say the problems start and end there.
  2. The other drives, 3 out of 5, we ran on 3rd and got stuffed or someone dropped a pass. So it's easy to say he didn't miss a throw.
  3. It's not a strategy ............ look at it. Tipped passes, penalties, negative runs, and drops. Not a whole hell of a lot to work with. Don't confuse this with saying he played a great game. I wish he had squezed in that first throw to KB in the end zone ect but that said people get all crazy when you say it's not all him.
  4. Looked back at the game. First drive we scored. Second drive, penalty and it's 2nd and 14, tipped pass then 3rd and 14. Third drive McCoy runs for -5, Taylor completes a 6 yard pass and then Thompson runs for -5. Fourth drive Taylor runs for 7 on a second and 9 then Thompson drops that beautiful deep throw on 3rd and 2. Next drive Taylor hits a 9 yard pass on 2nd and 10 then Tolbert gets stuffed on 3rd and 1. That's just the first half. Someone tell me where Taylor could have done something different. Mind you I don't think Taylor is "franchise" or something but if you don't have a decent understanding of where things are going wrong it's hard to claim you know how to fix them. At the moment I think Dennison sucks. That's our biggest problem.
  5. McVay with Frazier still as the D coordinator and we'd have essentially the same team but with a creative offense.
  6. Thompson went up and never came down with it. Fact is Taylor or Peterman it doesn't matter. This team was supposed to run the ball and play defense if it wanted to win. If we get more negative runs than positive, can't play defense, and get a flag every offensive first down and defensive 3rd down we are going to have many many games just like this.
  7. Peterman or Taylor I don't care. What concerns me more currently is what the hell happened to our defense? Then with Dennison as our coordinator are we not going to be able to run it well again? We were the best running team in the NFL two years in a row and not by a little. We averaged 50 to 60 yards a game more and 5 points a game more on offense than we are currently. As much as we would like a player to make an improvement for our team we need to stop bringing in coaches that make things worse. McDermott needs to get that defense corrected and I'm not sure Dennison will ever have this offense scoring to where it was.
  8. I wasn't a hater but I thought we'd be alright without him. I may have been horribly wrong as was the front office apparently.
  9. Every televised game we lay a big fat egg .................
  10. No doubt .............. it's ugly. So ugly I don't even know where the hell you start. Peterman made a few plays maybe he'll get the nod. If they don't fix that defense we're screwed.
  11. Screw it start Peterman ........... can we get our defense back also?
  12. Because why? Do you miss the point completely? There are 40 execution problems on almost every play long before Tyrod not carrying the team comes into play. Peterman good or not will not fix that.
  13. Damn it Peterman ............ if he had kept the offense on the field I'm sure the defense wouldn't have given up that TD.
  14. It doesn't matter which QB you trot out there with no running game and no defense and penalties every 3rd play you are going to have days like this.
  15. Lol .............. damn it ............ Peterman is a bum. How come no TD? Maybe because the team around him isn't executing?
  16. I know .............. the idea that they'd say the defense can't give up 40 first downs and expect us to win. Insane. The idea that he can't rescue every drive from the negative runs, penalties and dropped passes ............. also insane.
  17. How do we have two defensive coaches in a row that produce results like this?
  18. I don't see how it can be just Dareous and Milano but this wasn't happening when they were here.
  19. 18 consecutive running plays ................ don't think I've seen one negative run. We've had what two positive runs and a bunch of penalties?
  20. Tyrod hasn't done a damn thing but don't blame the D on him. They've sucked from play one.
  21. They're rushing 3 and 4 and dropping everyone into coverage. This is where we should be able to run. Actually we ran on everyone last year no matter what front. This offense just isn't executing. Taylor included.
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