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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. The two years pryor they were ranked 10th and 9th .......... it might be on Dennison.
  2. All the more reason that the particular changes the made are ridiculous. Time will tell. A great chance for Peterman.
  3. That is definately a hope. I am actually more pessimistic about Dennison than Peterman. Peterman may actually bring something. I think even a well oiled Dennison offense might be good for 23 ppg.
  4. Did you miss the part and I'll repeat it for you, where we were driving to go ahead right before that? If Manuel or McCoy could have made one yard we would have been driving for a go ahead score and that's half way through the 4th qtr.
  5. There was no "garbage time". It was 27 - 24 at the end of the 3rd and we were driving in the fourth but lost the ball on downs. Who threw those long TD's? How does that not count as offense? Is the point not to score points?
  6. He had 3 games prior to the N0 game with a rating over 96 and threw over 250 yards in 2 out of the 3. That's without any healthy recievers and the leading pass catcher being signed off the street. N0 was ugly for everyone but mostly the defense. If we weren't 5-4 or Taylor had multiple crap games I'd see it. It does seem like change for changes sake here. Possibly change for Dennison's sake but I think Dennison is a pedestrian coordinator so I hate to see Taylor get benched only to realize Dennison will never get things going.
  7. Did that get us into the playoffs? Was it actually the defense that needed help? Actually the Bills scored 31 points in the game they fired Roman after. It was horsecrap and everyone knew it.
  8. I don't see a "connection" to the Roman firing. I see it as a similarity. Making a change for changes sake especially given Taylor had played well in the games leading up to N0. As far as Peterman I do agree with you that he might be a better fit for Dennison. I just don't, at this point, feel like Dennison will ever have this team scoring points like we were either of the last two seasons with either QB. I just don't feel like starring down the barrel of two wasted QB's and drafting another to get wasted playing for a mediocre coordinator.
  9. Taylor threw for 270 against the Bucs, 165 against the Raiders, then 285 against the Jets. A QB rating over 96 in all 3 games. There wasn't much good to see in the N0 game admittedly but overall we are in a playoff hunt and Taylor has played well. I wish the best for Peterman but the worst case scenario is by season's end we aren't in the playoffs again. Have no QB on the roster that will be here next year or worthy of starting and will have at the point finally realized our 0C is garbage.
  10. I think they are making a change that will have little effect. That's my point. I don't think Peterman or Taylor it will really matter. I think Dennison is awful. Peterman might be more of a Dennison QB but even with decent starters at every position I don't think the best Dennison offense would be that good.
  11. Defense isn't getting it done. Make a change on offense. Did the same thing last year. I'm not anti Peterman but I bet it will have as much chance of fixing things as swiching to Lynn did last year.
  12. I don't think Dennison is very creative and certainly not creative enough to make use of Taylor. He's produced one offense in all his years that put up points comparable to what we scored last year.
  13. Every Roman offense has been better at scoring points than just about any offense Dennison has put on the field. Roman had one bad year. Every year other than that he's put up point totals that beat Dennison and it's net even close really and he did it with less talent. In a best case scenario Dennison will get us to 22 or 23 ppg game but given he could barely do that with Peyton Manning I wouldn't hold my breath.
  14. Looking at Dennison and Roman it is easy to see who's better at scoring points. Roman's offenses have frequently been 24 or better ppg and Dennison had one season over 23. We are essentially moving away from a higher scoring offense. Even with frequently injured WR's, RB's, and TE's the offense of the last 2 years outscored every single offense Dennison has ever fielded except one.
  15. Wow ........... read it. Seems many will not like it. Change for change sake is frequently not a good idea. We should have kept the offense and fixed the defense. Now we are fixing everything and seemingly have little idea what actually works.
  16. Well Dennison averaged 22 ppg with Manning and 20 ppg without so our whopping 20.4 ppg isn't probably going to rocket up towards 25 anytime soon.
  17. If Dennison is just a horrible 0C I'm not sure benching QB's is going to help matters. Suppose it's too late.
  18. Well if Dennison isn't or can't change or effectively use the talent then I guess you try the other talent. So trying Peterman makes sense for McDermott. As far as Frazier he has IM0 a much better track record of fielding defenses and we have some very dominant defensive showings under our belts from this year alone. The two big slips ups are both after trading away a pro bowl DT and both now involve us not being able to stop the run. The next couple weeks will surely show a lot. If the defense doesn't come around in a big way and the offense continues to collapse it's going to be fairly demoralizing. All I wanted was a defense to go with the offense we had. We were scoring 25ppg. This league is actually fairly simple and straight forward. Score more than 23ppg and hold teams to less than 20. Go back through the last ten years and it's almost a sure fire way of making the playoffs. We will end the playoff drought when we put a coach on each side of the ball that doesn't suck. I'm not sure this is the year we fixed that problem.
  19. When are they running the ball well? We averaged 160 yard a game last year.
  20. The next couple of weeks will show a lot. The defense returns and Peterman is the quick release, west coast, passer than Dennison needs and hey we have hope beyond mid season for a change. The run game continues to get blown up and Peterman is facing 3rd and 10 all day with Mills doing a turnstyle impression it will get ugly fast. Even uglier if McDermott doesn't have an answer for teams running it down our throats. I've been doing this too long and bad coaching is bad coaching. I get it that they have a process and and a ton of draft picks but we've seen this group here now play well. If you can't get that out of your players every week there's a problem and all the draft picks in the world will not fix that.
  21. There's no way in hell they would have been playing cover 2 all day last year because we ran the ball down everyones throats. It's the offense we are running now that is causing this. It is also the reason Peterman may be a better fit. I get that. It also might blow up in their faces and show that Dennison just sucks.
  22. I am skeptical of using the word success with Dennison. You are right though, Peterman may fit this system much better. I don't like to stare over the cliff but if it is Dennison just sucks we need to get rid of him before we draft a "franchise" QB.
  23. I certainly wouldn't have told you they'd be 7 - 2 but yes I would have said they would be good. Wade Phillips has put a top 10 defense on the field everywhere he played and give McVay talent like Gurly, Watkins, Woods and Kupp with a good TE also. Not hard to predict. I more likely would have guessed another season to be where they are now but that combination of coaches is easy. Bring in McDaniels here and I highly doubt we are averaging 20.4 ppg.
  24. Look at the Rams this season. They put McVay with Philips. I almost could have told you before they played a game that they would be a good team. We year after year put a team on the field that doesn't compete on both sides of the ball and it almost always starts with coaching. If they could have kept Gailey with Pettine or Schwartz with Roman or Lynn with Frazier now maybe we'd be somewhere. I just have this terrible sinking feeling. Hopefully I'm wrong and Peterson is the fit Dennison needs otherwise we will have problems until the jettison Dennison.
  25. I hope this idea is right ........... I'm afraid Dennison just sucks.
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