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Everything posted by Jack_USN

  1. If I'm not mistaken .. wasn't JP behind Ramsey at Tulane? and wasn't there some bad blood between the two?
  2. Dude .. that is hillarious ...
  3. I Know .. Thanks a freaking-lot to whoever posted this .. Its been a day and a half and I can't get it out of my head either ...
  4. Turn it up ... WAY UP!
  5. I'm glad you enjoyed your time here. Great post ... was the Cablelady hot?
  6. 1. Teddy Bruschi showed me a video of him making love to my wife, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. 2. I was once in the back of a pickup truck with Teddy Bruschi and a dead deer. Bruschi went up to the deer and said "Im Teddy Bruschi..SAY IT!" Then he manipulates the deers lips in such a way as to say Teddy Bruschi. It wasn't perfect. But it was pretty good for a deer. 3. His favorite movie is One on One with Robby Benson. 4. He once punched a hole in a cow to see who was coming up the road. 5. He orchestrated the merger of UNICEF and Smith & Wesson. 6. He went public with his own buttocks and made $7 million. 7. His poop is used as currency in Argentina. 8. Did I ever tell you about the time Bruschi went hunting. Bruschi decides he is going to hunt down all four banana splits. He stalks and kills every one of them with a machete..They all begged for their lives, except Fleagle. 9. We once had a bachelor party for Teddy Bruschi. He ate the entire cake before we could tell him there was a stripper inside it. 10. He has a toenail on the end of his penis. 11. They use Bruschi's foreskin as a tarp to cover the field at Fenway Park. 12. He once breast fed a flamingo back to health.
  7. Look at the front page of the Stadium Wall. Articles about sports writers predicting rushing titles for Willis....Articles about our secondary being in great shape and having awesome backups...an Article about our defence not being happy with being number 2 for two years in a row...they want to be one of the best defences of all time this year. My God.. It is days like today .. that I just get freakin excited about the start of football...God I love this TEAM!
  8. Four NAVY SEALS are missing. They are on an E&E in Afgan. A 4 man Observation Post Team of Navy SEALS came in contact with 100 taliban fighters. They called for help and tried to Escape and Evade. 16 Brave Souls said...hey..lets get on this Chinoock in the middle of the night and land on the side of a mountain.....and help them out....Imagine that? Who does that? NAVY SEALS do that! They crashed and died. One was from Portville, NY. Thank God for these men. Could you do that...I doubt it. Everyone needs to pray for the 4 men on the E&E...because if your captured by these people....they will peel you like an onion.....Gods Speed Brothers..
  9. Yes..back when I was about 15, the parents said "hey, were going to South Dakota this year for vacation". We were like Where? It turns out we had a great time. Mount Rushmore (awesome!), Sioux Falls (cool town), Black Hills, Custer S.D. and Wall Drug Stores....all must sees. My only regret is that we didn't stop in Deadwood ... because I'm a big fan of that show too. Go dude, you'll have a surprisingly good time.
  10. I think it is debatable who Trixie was pointing the rifle at. My first thought was that she was pointing it at Bullock. The real important question is: Why was that hooker sticking her thumb up Al's ass??? 1. Pleasure? 2. He is constipated? 3. She lost something up there? 4. Her hands were cold? That was fuggin a little weird for my taste...
  11. Newfane NY/37/Hornell NY
  12. I think the NIKE corporation says it best when they say: JUST DO IT! Be like Mike...if I could be like Mike...
  13. I saw those previews for the "ROME" series too. That looked awesome, but I too will be in the "sandbox" for a year starting in November. Probably have to wait for the whole first season to come out on DVD.
  14. Anyone catch the first episode of the second season. Holy Crap, that sure started off with a bang. IMO the best show on TV right now!
  15. HORNELL !!! (I think that cablegirl with the hot avatar with the cat lives down around here too!)
  16. It will be stripped. And probably sent up to Newport, R.I. where there are currently two decommisioned carriers pierside. JFK is junk. Ship was in such bad condition 3 years ago, that its scheduled 6 month deployment was delayed 3 months and the skipper was relieved. Horror stories of people actually being able to put their whole hand through rusted steel bulkheads.
  17. San Diego Union Tribune reports that Lincoln CBG and ESG5 (Exped. Strike Group) are on the way to Sri Lanka. In addition to putting the over 4000 MARINES and a large contingent of SAILORS on the ground to assist in whatever way they can (building tent cities, recovery ops, helicopter and small craft assets, medical personnel). U.S. Navy ships make their own water using reverse osmosis. We can actually produce alot of fresh water in addition to what the ship needs. This could be invaluable to those people in need. I am a compassionate person, and I believe that this is a huge tragedy and those people need help. But... 1. It is going to cost a ton of $$$. Man we are going broke. We have so many irons in the fire as far as our tax dollars go, we are now cutting our defense budget in the middle of a war, not to mention the domestic needs of our own countrymen (which have been neglected due to the war effort). 2. Those 4000 + MARINES were headed for IRAQ. Does that mean that there are going to be SOLDIERS and MARINES in Iraq that are going to be extended AGAIN! because their reliefs are on an aid mission. It may sound horrible, but I for one would rather get a young man or woman home who just possibly fought in Faluja and served a 1 year combat tour than provide relief aid to some folks who really don't like us anyways. I guess when I boil it down for myself it comes down to helping other nations versus taking care of our own troopers. In my book OUR troops should come first. Am a screwed up for thinking like this?
  18. Oh, and I forgot to say...Petrino..your a fugging idiot.
  19. I truly believe that the decision to have EMBEDDED journalists with front line military units is back-firing. Initially, I believe that they were there to dispute any kind of false reporting by the enemy. NOW, al jazzera is using our own pool video and running it on a loop to fire up the Islamic militants of the world. Things happen in combat. Things that sometimes ARE NOT very nice and shouldn't be front page headlines. Its a fuggin war folks, and the bad guys are cheating. I hope every single one of our young MARINES over there take the same stance as this young man. I hope he will be backed by his chain of command, but I doubt it. I watched the video and I would have done the same damn thing. I hope he gets a good lawyer. And I hope he beats this. And BTW, I have boarded Iraqi ships as well on the non-compliant boarding team as security chief. Dont get dramatic dude, it is not anywhere near as dangerous as Faluja is. Get a freaking grip.
  20. NAVY Chief Petty Officer 1986-Present
  21. He is awful quiet this morning...
  22. It starts off with CABLELADY and #89 in nothing but Bills jerseys...feeding me grapes...and then...fast forward.....fast forward....4-5 hours go by and the BILLS are playing...and they actually win! Man, that would be awesome.
  23. Man...I was hoping for something more SPICEY than that....
  24. Well, here goes. I'm a Bills fan and from Western NY. I have done 18 years in the United States Navy, and for my last tour of duty, I volunteered to be a recruiter. So, I'm in the Southern Tier and the "No Child Left Behind" act was intended to give the military the same access to a high school as a college. Yes, I do get lists with H.S. seniors names and phone numbers. And...yes some people opt out. Thats fine. For the folks that don't opt out, I call them and ask if they would like information about the Navy. If they say yes, we continue... If they say no, I make an entry in their record and I don't call them again. Most of the time people screen their calls and I don't get through anyways. I don't call anyone after 1900 (7pm) and you don't have to be rude, I'm just doing my job and if there is no interest....just tell me. Anybody got any questions about this issue, I would be happy to answer them honestly.
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