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Everything posted by FappyTheClown

  1. Really? That's dedication. I can literally walk there and I've never been.
  2. Ehh, what have you done for me lately?
  3. Yes I do. I know everything, buttmunch.
  4. "Everyone said the Jets were gonna be a dumpster fire last year, but it wasn't THAT bad for them" "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, eventually."
  5. I'm sure Kyle cares about message board birthday threads...
  6. A Gronk trade? Yea, watch out for the storm...
  7. Evidently Laurie Strode can find ways to come back to life like Michael. Or does this not count anymore?
  8. Michael Jackson and a Beatle?!?!?!? No way!
  9. I wonder how long it took them to come up with such an innovative name.
  10. I hate WGR, why would anyone listen to that crap anyway!
  11. What ever happened to CK accepting the consequences of his onfield play taking a complete nosedive?
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