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Everything posted by FappyTheClown

  1. I used to work with a guy who ate so many garbage plates he actually started to resemble them. What a flop of dump he is.
  2. Garbage plates are disgusting. Why this city is so proud of something so nasty is beyond me.
  3. WWE's programming over recent years really can't get any worse so why not?
  4. I love watching when athletes botch performances. 4 years of hard work down the drain. lolololololol
  5. If I didn't know his history I would have never guessed him as a former NFL player.
  6. We've seen this before. The guy is all smiles and handshakes in victory, storms off like a baby when he loses.
  7. People actually spend time making this stuff? And other people are amused by it? Not to mention how completely unfunny it was.
  8. He thanked you for this thread in an interview today...
  9. I didn't keep my word. As much as I hate seeing Bratty win its equally fun in watching him lose.
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