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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Of note, marketing materials had the standing buffalo and it was utilized in one of the sideline caps but not each version. It was very surprising they were not used as there isnt a rule stating there needs to be a break prior to switching. Its presence in official merch indicates that might not have been the plan from the get - but throwback week never came. Its the 1st instance since the blue throwbacks were introduced, that there hasnt been a sighting for at least 1 week. Obviously though it would have been white as the blue has been retired since its emergence. Its a sign something is coming as there is too much $$ left on the table with merch $$ to let that alt jersey slot go to waste. Id have guessed the all reds got the axe before the TB though. If the club had no history of it thatd be one thing, but everyone made too big a deal of Allen's trolling that it wouldn't have gone unnoticed. That being said, the wheels would have had to be in motion before this time last year. Maybe the troll job was testing the waters and putting out the feelers to ensure they are headed in the right direction.
  2. How about we just fire you and call it a day?
  3. You are right. I was thinking white one blue as such a big deal was made about that earlier in the year
  4. Weird that the Reds came iut this year- but we didnt see the throwbacks once. The logo was still used on ancillary merchandise but not on a sideline as it has been innyears past. There is no rule stating in order to have a new throwback, the old one must be phased out - but if you arent even going to wear it and take advantage of the merch $$ then you probably have something planned for the following year. That said, its good blue on blue gets a shake. The 90s teams had their blue on white so this iteration should own the monotones! The broke the curse this year
  5. This, and I'm not sure why it has to be something more. Why cant it happen organically?
  6. HOLY CRAP?!?!? WE SIGNED COLE BEASLEY BACK?!?!?! REJOICE, WE ARE SAVED!!! Im not sure how, but I seemed to have missed the 27 other threads where this is being discussed. Luckily, I stumbled onto this one and am now caught up....
  7. Well it's alright, even when push comes to shove Well it's alright, if you got someone to love Well it's alright, everything'll work out fine Well it's alright, we're going to the end of the line
  8. This is at least the 2nd time you've tried to end this thread.... but yet it keeps on growing?!
  9. Network protected it so its staying where it is
  10. So totally worth the click.... On a side note, it would appear the one person in this world who isnt perfect has been found!
  11. I mean... i suppose? Allen isnt perfect, but its pretty evident whats good and whats not. When you do call out the bad, its then often to your detriment and peril bc it just comes off as being a bit of a tool. Im not saying that to you but generally its the person who just kinda half pays attention, doesn't know what they are talking about and ends up looking like a bit of a knob as a result. Granted, this dude hasnt brought home a championship yet and to some thats the end all be all but he's not some robot who is expected to be perfect all the time and has improved this team in spades just by stepping on the field wearing #17 in red white and blue. Its a game, and he's top 5 in the world at his profession. Maybe I'm in the minority but theres a difference in a well thought out constructive criticism and coming off like a jackash because from your recliner you think he should have 'thrown it better '....
  12. But w a qb like him you take the good w the bad. Like that last laser beam yesterday to diggs. It was a hell of a throw, on target and won the game. Everyone is happy. If it had have sailed, people would have been all over him for being too agressive blah blah blah. You take the good and the bad bc thats ur qb. We are used to way more good than bad now, but if dents and dings are prohibitive of that until we get a bit of a rest then we have to accept that too. He lost us the Jets game and arguably the Vikings game. But he wins so many others ya just have to deal and it is what it is. Im not sure why people seem to have such a hard time with this relatively simple concept...
  13. If only posters could be fired. Aside from the rough 2 weeks, lack of practice, condensed time between games, injuries etc its an accomplishment they pulled through and won when they needed to. Similar to the Chiefs win last Sunday night - stay in it and win at the end of the game. They needed a few bounces, but this wasnt like the Jets game where they left a ton of points on the field. The Lions gave a depleted Bills team all they could handle, and there is nothing wrong w that. If this team was doing laps around the Lions and then just weren't finishing or pissed it away thats one thing. That didn't happen today. They gutted this out and won. All things equal, the Bills should have covered the spread. It was evident pretty early however that this would take everything left in the tank to pull it out and they did. The Jets game is a game where excuses were a bad look. This one was the reality of the situation. Try and be a better fan man. There are many take aways from this game but just saying axe the OC is a lazy and uninformed take. Bad look imo
  14. Blah blah blah. Bad take, bad attitude, bad fan. Totally bizarre
  15. I guess you didnt see the flight path on twitter where there was what almost looked like a W during a criss cross over CLE due to the weather...
  16. Ah, a wrong josher. Keep strong my man. Someday you may be proven correct...;)
  17. Talk abt small city syndrome... you're in the big time now boy!! We have our big boy pants on;)
  18. But then you dont get the attention, which, is just too much too pass up;)
  19. Also, just for conversation... remember Allen's 1st couple years where we would get super frustrated at pundits talking about Allen and it was blatantly apparent that they werent actually watching the games? Hed show flashes, but he was throwing to KB. Homerism aside, youd see plays where even on incomplete passes it was evident there was something special there that just hadnt been put together. I remember this driving me nuts on Jets forums. Theyd talk trash - but it was obvious they werent looking at anything more than the paltry numbers on the stat sheet. This feels like the opposite. The stats look decent bc Tua is being lifted by his weapons rather than him elevating their play.
  20. I mean, i don't think we disagree but media is media. They'll never straight rag on someone even when warranted. To watch the Pats game was a giant bore, left with the feeling of thank god hes not our qb. To hear the talking heads speak to his performance after the fact, you would have thought he played excellent. Instead, he was missing WRs in the flat, behind on crossers and throwing duck jump balls his WRs made plays for him on. My only point, was that to just watch him is to know THAT is not who we should be afraid of. FWIW, I'm not some Bills will run everyone out of town and am a 'any given sunday' believer. But even at cautious as I am, there isnt an oz. of me scared of Tua the QB. Again, he's simply a means of distribution and if he does his job even medicore then there is reason for concern but its bc of THEM rather than HIM. No deep dive required IMHO
  21. Respectfully, this shld have been blatantly apparent on the surface. Tua has never put fear in Bills fans. Hes simply a means of distribution and an arguably adequate one at best. The weapons are the bread and butter and does the popgun have enough pop to get the job done. Week 1, it was like the battle of who could care less. After years of watching the bills and jets slug it out to a 17-10 game and then turning on Sunday nights game and having it look like those teams were playing a totally different game - the tables have turned. Unless its a pundit having to take the view of Tua is good for the sake of debate, no one is worried about tua.
  22. The ones that ended in Kelly's rookie season were always my favorite. Granted i was a baby so I didnt enjoy it in person, but I remember being a kid and liking all the cars and posters that used pics from the 86 season bc of the facemask and the port hole mesh sand knit jerseys.
  23. They were allowed, this is another 'Ralph was cheap' situation. It was cheaper to peel a decal rather than add a new lid. Look no further than that games opponent wearing an orange helmet when they normally wore blue.
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