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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Wait.... BBMB is having a recall? What?
  2. Make it stop!!!! PLEASE!!!! Not original Not even funny anymore
  3. I'll bet good money it's almost identical to what yours looks like!! ?
  4. I was hoping a Rudolph thread popped up! Ya know.. Just incase he grew a 3rd arm or something since yesterday. Just imagine, Bills trade up to draft 1st qb ever w 3, count em, THREE arms!!!?
  5. He prob wasn't even trying last yr bc he knew it was only college and nothing really even matters until you get the the NFL Besides, if he got hurt in college then it might screw up his NFL career so he prob was just taking it easy so he didn't get injured....
  6. I will! I liked the dude a lot that 1st rex yr... but didn't get why he never challanged red rocket and a McCaron led Bills team just turned to faded dreams. Now I just don't know why you'd put him and a rookie in the same room when both feel they shld start. Had we not started moving up he wlda been my vote for the gamble just bc of the unknown. But I didn't/dont think he'd ever be down for the stopgap bridge thing. I guess if that's his only option it is what it is. IF that's the case trying to become the next Pats backup as a spring board might be his best move.
  7. We have click bait titles now? And no... no it's not possible. I have to wonder if McBeane were having beers (plural beer(s)) and read this, how hard theyd be laughing their asses off?
  8. I get that, and respect that. I disagree, which I'm sure you know BUT I guess I feel that with things looking the way they do that this is just going to make you upset if they continue the direction it appears they are. At what point does that crowd jump ship to the other raft? I guess if it were me it would just drive me nuts to continue to go against it if that makes sense Ok then, let's see how you handle hypothetical. Hypothetically, have you paid attention towards the way the off season has progressed? Not hypothetically- apparently not. Reddogblitz at least makes sense and backs up his arguments with valid points. I respect that and enjoy listening to why he feels that way. Meanwhile, you post nonsense backed with insults rather than backing up your nonsense...
  9. Why are there still people who want this soo badly? Even with the tea leaves pointing as they are it seems a small group (like the old man who calls each and every show on wgr to say the same thing) who just can't handle/accept what the plan appears to be.
  10. Right? If they trade up for their guy it just seems bringing in a younger guy who still wants to start and be the guy somewhere wldnt make sense. Even if for some reason he took a 1 yr prove it deal, I'm not sure that's the best look. They are professionals, but they all are competitors and I'm not sure putting 2 like minded (3 if Peterman feels slighted) guys who wanna prove themselves and start in the qb room would be helpful. Maybe it would turn into a volatile situation rather than one that would flourish w a clear rookie and mentor
  11. Cool handle! Glad to see Jeff Lynne is back at it. I'm not sure how much interest there ever was on F oles, but if we trade up again can we really afford to be tossing 2nd rd picks out for a 1 yr rental? Maybe you could trade him to a team if the rook comes in and tears it up but that's piling even more resources into a position that will be looked at as much as a coach as player. Moore has inspired few, but he can win a game here and there, is avbl when needed, and seems to be a team player who understands the role. Not very exciting, but both the rookie and Peterman would benefit and maybe Peterman takes his role the following year.
  12. hahaha said no one on TBD ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like there were people rooting for cuts last year based on picks. A dedicated bunch to be sure
  13. Haha Sam A and Sam B.... But really Sam D and Sam B Now... covered by Sal C!
  14. There is always a plan... It's the really good ones that catch you by suprise?
  15. Trade back down?!?! Dude!!!!!!!!! I don't even know what to say to you any more. I've seen and read a lot of crazy/dumb/perplexing stuff on here and I've always at least been able to respond. Just from a common sense standpoint - with all 100000 people telling you this is whack, at some point don't u start to think maybe ur going about it the wrong way?? Are you just trolling? Have we all just been massively trolled? Trade up, stay put, trade down.... there is ZERO reason to trade to 12 and call it a day. The sooner you accept this the happier you will be
  16. What's this about squash now?! Oddly, I think I actually share the same sentiment about McBeane doing what they do and have explained it in other threads. That said, bluntly, if you think the goal was to get to 12 and chill you are just flat nuts. That's not even an insult...it just is what it is. 12 is no one's goal. It's just not. It can't be. Maybe they won't be able to move up again for whatever reason... but people including myself doubt that because EVERYTHING they've done seems to be part of a plan. They've obviously made it known and their actions show this as well. After the TT trade it was just a matter of time until the other shoe dropped. We didn't know there was a 2 part shoe - but that seems to be the case. You seem to be one of the only people who thinks/feels this way. If the impossible happens and you are right, at least u get to be king!!!
  17. THIS means Cousins is out? Lol The reports he's narrowed his suitors didn't do it for you? That said, I'll agree if they dig him - they'd know and we needed the help so if this is their answer, ? I c
  18. Did you feel there was a chance before?
  19. I swear we had this exact thread ystrdy This one could have at least had a poll for the number guys!? Maybe they wait until the draft... but the question here seems rethorical to the extent that they obv have a plan and that is to move up again for their guy. Maybe waiting until that night leaves too many variables. Personally, I'd rather take care of business and know what's up rather than leave any degree of chance that night. Imo (and I know nothing) #2 has to be the goal w the connections we've hilighted all along. To It's going to be a LONG 48 days
  20. It's all very contradictory
  21. I suppose they cld still over pay McCarron, but I'd be both shocked and dissapointed if they chose to invest in a FA for those $$ People like a name? Feel they'll come cheap? Maybe a rookie and a journeyman is unthinkable to some.
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