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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. It was terribly simple, but dually terribly nonsensical. First and foremost there can totally be movement. Browns take a qb Giants COULD take a qb as most pundits point out or this is a prime trade spot. Qb #2 gone. Jets- qb #3 gone Browns stay, or someone like az, mia, or NO wants to jump the Broncos for a qb. Prime spot to trade as CLE has their #1 qb. 5- very possibly a qb. Is this written in stone? No. Could it go another way? Sure. You just don't know... But to call people out in a manner that infers they are uninformed and then have the next words you type make fun of 4 going in 5 picks is just silly. You know no better than I and vice versa - but to act like you do and the way you worded it, once again, is like declaring an important proclamation and just farting. It's silly! To top it off by acting like you are writing in some advanced linguistics rather than scribbling in crayon and you have yourself a doozie of a post my friend!
  2. Welcome! This process... Is it an energy field created by all living things? Does it surround us, penetrate us, and bind the galaxy together?" Fwiw, Bills players and other Bill team members use and access the PROCESS with the help of midi-chlorians, microscopic organisms inside their cells. Sounds familiar..
  3. You SERIOUSLY don't see an issue here? Not with disorganization, but the whole pot calling the kettle black meta senerio with this post? I loved coming here. I lurked for 10 years simply nodding my head or laughing at what was excellent content and takes. Posts like THIS are what inspired me to actually start contributing. And it's not even how silly the content is in regard to starting a thread about people complaining about starting threads. It's more the audacity that blinded you to not see how essentially doing the opposite of what you are complaining about has made this no different and will be flamed accordingly. Thinking YOUR take on the subject mattered more than anyone else's rather than just chiming in on a current topic it's already being discussed in hilights what the real issue is here... and that's assuming there even in one in the 1st place. (There is, and in all honesty it prob has a lot to do with different levels of fandom where die hards loose patience with casual fans-and rightfully so at times - but with no self policing it just is what it is so you have to deal or dont) In the end, if it was attention you wanted this will ensure you get it. Any attention is good attention right?
  4. Meanwhile, this is pretty impressive. I caught it perfect where the top 7 threads were ALL Manson Rudolph a minute ago, but sadly my screen shot is too large a file to post and I can't figure out how to condense it. No pic takes away the point.. but it was a thing of beauty
  5. Spot on hahaha. Imitation through paradoy will get lost on some and undoubtedly some one will flame my overzealousness while it goes over their head. Shame on me for trying to entertain myself:)
  6. OMG!!!!! It's happening, it's happening!!!! Wwwaaahhhhoooooooo!!! Cheers boys!!
  7. Thanks! I dont personally dislike Peterman - he just isnt Rosen or Darnold or whoever you like. As i mentioned in another thread I dont engage with who is better than who - bc what do we know? I'll defer to the professionals. My list is darnold/rosen. I go back and forth on a favorite depending on the most recent film ive watched, article ive read, or discussion ive had. They are MY 1's. My 3rd favorite is Allen just bc of what he COULD become. Mayfield feels safe and i'm cool with that. Jackson - no thank you. I just want a prototypical dropback guy like Beane has described. Rudolph- well, if we have to then it is what it is. BUT at the end of the day, as much as a trade to #2 for Allen or staying at 12 and taking Jackson would bug me... I root for the team. As I stated above, these guys have earned their shot. Its the 1st GM in a while that I havent thought "man, its a shame @YoloinOhio isnt our GM" (compliment, not a knock). They have shown competency and I'll be for whatever pick they take AS LONG AS they arent 'settling' or taking the 'best of the rest' bc they couldnt do what needed to be done to get the guy they loved. Taking a guy to take a guy seems like a way that is more likley than not to fail save dumb luck. Just my POV fwiw
  8. I find it kind of Ironic/funny you chose to call people out in the above bold as you did and then follow it by the underlined. It was there you lost me... Its the equivalent of declaring an important proclamation and then just farting. kinda funny though
  9. rep pt to you for making common sense more common. Very well said IMO and also a view to not become a heartbroken fan regardless of the outcome!
  10. I dunno... i think you are going to be very disappointed. Also. "give away all their picks to select someone who is most likely going to end up the next Winston or Marriotta" this tells me you have a fundamental disagreement with the point of this post. Right or wrong, you are down on it before anything is even done. You have your preference and are probably in the minority. I ask that you open your mind a bit to the possibility that its not as dire as you make it. Another 1 and done run to the playoffs is worth sacrificing for the potential to a 10-15 year period in more often than not. I think getting rid of Taylor is a sign the team feels this way too... now its just a matter of how much is too much. most here are good with 2/3 1's (not that fans matter in that regard) and itll be interesting to see what Beane feels is too much. Barring a stick in the mud - sadly my friend, i think you might end up one bummed Bills fan. Conversely, should nothing be done, there might be a lot of bummed Bills fans... but everything happens for a reason so on to the next thing!
  11. i should have set that stipulation, but that was the only option i was actually referring to. Much like the Jets, I'd pay a little more to have it set in stone. Sadly, 3 has the variable of 2. 2 prob cant be jumped. food for thought... i find it funny jets fans mostly are happy it guarantees then 1 of the 4. I cant imagine doing that and settling for the scraps. Some people argue they over paid but jets fans for it think they didnt... and id love to see the bills jump the jets and see the bitter jets fans say the bills overpaid..
  12. i dont think its taking a year off.. i think its taking a step to get your ducks in a row. Everything takes time. You need to acclimate your rookie. You need to put pieces in place and let them grow. Then, once the 1st half gets in the groove - they have a ton a cap to use for the areas they have assessed as short comings the year before. It is actually showing there is a plan and as much as i hate it - the process. The teams that seem to go in circles dont have this foresight. They just gun to be as good as possible every year at the potential detriment of their future. If you simply say its a necessary evil - that covers it to a degree too. To have the majority of fans on board for something like that is kind of impressive bc USUALLY they are the ones with no patience. With a rookie QB, they might have gotten a pass while he comes into his own - and the best part? they might not even need it!
  13. agreed, but this is also another element why IMO the 2019 #1 is important. I feel it puts them over the top just bc of the nature of what it is. I look forward to seeing the outcome
  14. i dont even disagree... but everything we are saying here is totally theoretical. Giants fans want 4 #1s. Bills fans think it should take 2 #1s. It could very well shake out somewhere in between. BUT if its 3 1's as a starting point you are either in or you aren't. I'm all in, you are not. Thats ok bc we dont make the call and may never know the discussion. Only the final #'s and we can judge from there
  15. credit for even figuring out it was a question! The '?' usually gives it away, but with the way the rest of it was i couldnt tell if it was intentional lol
  16. well ya... but i think we are dealing with a certain level of things being assumed at this point. a possible bust is one of them. These guys have to address this and the plan seems smart ASSUMING that they LOVE a guy. If they keep kicking the qb can to the next year it will continue to prolong the inevitable. Many people look at everything done thus far as accumulating this cache of draft currency as ammo for a qb. It started as soon as last years trade happened. So, as they may never have the ammo again, and hopefully wont be bad enough to be #1 or #2 on their own, dont have a young qb, have a quality class with a few top tier options, the time is now. Their jobs may even depend on it to a degree, but that cant scare them away from it. Waiting until a year with no blue chippers could have the same effect. IMO, theyve earned their chance for our trust for them to take a swing. I hope they swing away
  17. i get it... but beggers cant be choosers to a degree and IF the LOVE a guy, you need to make your pick. Sometimes you cant have both. Who knows if it will come to that, but for the sake of this conversation the potential FQB might have to be in the front seat. I cant imagine a pick 2 yrs down the line has much value at the moment esp bc its easier for us to part w
  18. oy... you do realize someone can make a list that is literally the exact opposite correct? All this does is confirm a glass half empty view on your behalf. Why does it seem like a good idea to post a list of busts when a list of hits can just as easily exist? troll on my man, troll on
  19. ok crazy... and i felt this in the other threads you were banging this drum in. apparently it didnt get the attention you wanted so here we are. enjoy the attention lol
  20. I just watched that yesterday again bc I had an itch for draft stuff. Free w ads on vudu to boot!
  21. That's my line. 3 #1 isn't unheard of and as I have mentioned for me personally, I plan on it taking 3 and anything less is a pleasant surprise. Like I said, I like that it allows them to make picks both years as well rather than one of the years be depleted. Just different views and personal preferences. People say at all costs and that's not true. 3 #1 is my limit I'd be happy w. I'm excited to see how it plays out
  22. I like this breakdown. I'd be shocked however if next years 1 isnt used. Its kinda the end all in regard to one upping other teams considering a move up. Sure, there are smaller pieces that can be added... but the 1 is what would put us over the top. Odd as it sounds, the 1 next year could also allow for the chance of a normal draft this year and next. no idea obviously, just a little conjecture
  23. but in 10 min it might seem like it is... i dunno, u dunno, no point in fretting - lets wait and see. everything else is hear say
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