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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. BUT... Will Josh Rosen's brother be as good as him? I'm not sold yet... too many accuracy issues
  2. good grief.... i actually like Peterman! But we are digging a 2014 article up with a HOF list to point out not to judge too quick? Too much of a stretch and trying to hard. He is still very much a wild card - but comparing him to a HOF is just as unfair as judging him on his 1 game.
  3. This makes me wonder if you might have been standing to the left of zay... Considering what he makes - this would be the high probability aspect of the move...
  4. Just different views man. The possibility of a qb that can single handedly keep a team competitive is a cool thing. It's been a long time, with a lot of patch work, and a lot of squandered rosters due primarily to said patchwork. This draft has potential. There could be multiple future franchise guys. Who knows? But that in and of itself is exciting and unique. Most drafts have 1, maybe 2. With respect, this narrative of there not being 1 sure fire can't miss is kinda silly. They are few and far between and even then nothing is guaranteed. So no, there isn't 1 sure fire guy. But, there seems to be a few high qlty guys that could be 2004-esq. That's why it's exciting! That's why it would be frustrating to put the position off again. You can always try and get lucky in late rounds. You can't however, always get a crack at something franchise changing. Good or bad, it's fun and exciting and even more so if we are a part of it. Even more so with a bummer class projected next year. Some people get so bent out of shape and worked up like they have some sort of control. Whatever happens happens and there will be fans and criticisms. To me, it's the line from dumb and dumber.. " so youre saying there's a chance!!!"
  5. Theres always a price - but realistically i think it has a lot to do with how seriously the Gmen take moving down. If not very, a deal might never even have a chance to get off the ground. Ya gotta do your due dillagence and inquire from either side... but if they want a deal done- hopefully it gets done. If they dont- it'll be difficult. People will tell you what either side will do... but in the end only 2 people know what's up. You are quite right - being a fly in the room would be very entertaining.
  6. Ya, no I get it - and that's a very good summary. That 3rd group I mentioned seems generally the trade for Foles or all set w McCarron type.. a bit of catch all in that regard if you will.. I'm not sure if it was intentional as you just skimmed it - but the guaranteed FQB via the draft part IMO hits the nail on the head. For many, it's as simple as a safe high odds option as they dont feel comfortable with a bust or whammy somewhere in the bunch. If this were a normal year I'd like to think that I'd think 3x 1st rd picks was crazy. The fact it is, this ammo(2 picks in meaningful rds) offers a unique chance. One we havent seen the likes of in a long time. A chance at a top talent in a good draft. By nature that divides people. Some take the high probability route, some the boom or bust. The fact that so many years have seemed like the 'safe' route was taken and there is such an obvious fork in the road - the gotta be in it to win it mentality takes over and the prospect of something special. Very unique times around here for sure!
  7. I always wondered how the dude could go without owning a tv...
  8. I'll miss you and the 11 worth while comments you've made. It's a shame. You'd think with a handle like that you'd stumble on to a quality take a little more often...
  9. Yup! I totally get why people would rather stay and take Jackson or Rudolph though - and that's respectable. It is a lot, but circumstances allow. What I dont get though, is the group that wants to draft to fill non qb holes. Build a quality roster and continue to patch the qb position. Not a way to sustain success... which seems to be the goal of the other two groups EVEN if they disagree about trading up or standing pat for a qb.
  10. You speak in absolutes and get salty when someone disagrees or tries to joke with you? Even took the oppertunity to add an obligitory ' the world is going to pot' complaint lol. Sounds like you should put yourself in ignore. That ought to solve your issue...
  11. Agreed. Essentially a summary of stuff from other articles with an opinion spin at the end. Had the Bills drafted 2 guys top 5 in the last 15 years and we are where we are - then I'd agree with him. The unique context of the situation combined w the 1 thing we haven't tried has to be the reason the trade up crowd exists.
  12. Amen!! There are obviously 2 schools of thought (3 if there is a strict limit on capital used) both of which have merritt. Im not a throw caution to the wind type but given the context this is nothing like the Skins succeed or fail- give it a whirl! IF they choose to trade up, the only downfall is if its a bust. Even then at least they went down w their guy rather than another JP type deal
  13. You said no way they were trading up. I figured as long as you had the ol' crystal ball dusted off I'd see what the future held!
  14. Ok, so... the Bills have 2 this year. 3 1st rd picks, would include 2 this year and 1 next THUS giving up 2 years of 1st rd picks-theoretically of course. The Skins however, had to use 3 years of 1st round picks as they didn't have 2 in the same year. THUS giving up 3 years of 1st round picks. (2 without) As far as 'some comment' about not waiting for a qb to fall into your lap- my god! If you are going to poke at a comment you disagree with, at least get the comment correct. Don't be lazy and take a holier than thou approach ESPECIALLY when you dont even know what you are talking about. If there is a guy they like - go get him! At all costs! Its essentially a pass to trade up WITHOUT having to sell the farm. Life tip #1 - learn math. Life tip #2 - dont be lazy Life tip #3 - when trying to be a jerk, at least have your facts correct so you dont come out looking like a donkey. You think the most pertinent and sensible thing to do is stand pat. Go figure, you are also a Tyrod fan. I totally understand you are still working through some things there and might be a little ornery - but dont take it out on your fellow fans. The cache that has been collected has been done so in an excellent year for both talent and opportunity. I think the most sensible thing to do is swing for the fence and try and get the guy who can keep us in any game for the next 10 years. Another little piece of advice for your personal interaction skills - if you want to be taken seriously in a situation where neither you nor I can be proven correct and its simply POV -POV - dont be close minded and condescending. It just makes tools out of folks. You obviously arent pulling your point out of thin air, but its MUCH harder to even listen let along take it seriously when you act like that. I've said it before and I'll say it again... guess whos NOT the Bills GM? YOU or I. That means there is at least 1 person in this world smarter than you and go figure.... HE is the person making the decision!!! So, if you can bring the ignorance level down a bit and would like to have a discussion like a normal human being -please, explain how the Bills parting with 2 #1s this year (to get to 2 - a #1 rd pick in return) along with a #1 in 2019 WHICH still allows a semblance of a normal draft in BOTH years is A) selling the farm B) ANYTHING like what the Skins did OTHER than trade 3 rd 1 picks in total. The Sammy trade in the end was a loser - but we essentially have a bonus 1st this year and the Watkins trade didnt put the Bills in the dumpster for years top come...so why couldnt they survive what essentially amounts to next years draft w/o a 1st rounder? EVEN if we went crazy and (just for the sake of discussion) gave up both 1s this year and a 2nd, along with next years 1. That still leaves you with your QB drafted in the 1st, a 2nd, 2 3's and aside from next years 1 - EVERYTHING else is the same. To me, that isnt exactly a franchise killer let alone one for years to come... unless you are making an assumption about the rookie qb and if thats the case there is a saying for that.... Good luck to you...
  15. Hmmm.... then I'm curious, does Trump get a 2nd term? Oh, and when will the sabres get good again?
  16. So... max we are talking no 1st rd guy next year. We'd still have one this year... and then have one again in 2020. The skins gave away 2 yrs out. Totally different senerio. Apples to oranges
  17. Why is it looking less likely? Never heard if him;)
  18. Manuel was all you could come up with there? Kelly was the Bills 2nd 1st rd pick in 83. Then, we wanted to not be left out of the QB party when the Big Ben deal fell through and traded BACK into the 1st and took none other than JP Losman - the best of the rest type deal. 2013 was a poor QB year which figures, bc Buffalo was dead set on taking a qb. Even after a trade back they still got the 1st off the board - your man EJ. So, what he meant was NEVER have the Bills identified a guy at the top in a qlty crop and said 'lets get this guy'. Kelly aside, its been low rd pick projects, bad qb crops, or reaches. Now, they have a VERY unique opportunity. Tons of ammo/draft capital. Tons of talent. Tons of need. Tons of future cap space. Even TONS of fans ok with a building year. Its a perfect storm for them to take their shot on a top talent with a top pick and hope it sets them up for the next 10-15 years. Along with it comes Tons of anticipation:) Trading a TON and missing can be almost as detrimental as going all in on a so-so guy or keep deferring and drafting in a year like 2013 where there was zip EVEN if you picked the best. For these reasons and im sure i missed a few - its a good time to change the Bills QB draft history.... for better or worse... but hopefully better
  19. Yep! We survived no 1st the following year for sammy... We will survive again. I maintain that 19 1st is what separates us from anyone else - the ability to package 3 #1s. Sure we would rather not give it up...BUT...If that's the price and it allows them to get their guy SO BE IT. Get it done
  20. i forget which pundit it was - but they said most guys come out of college w at least 2 concussions (reported or not) fwiw
  21. 1)McCarron 2)Peterman
  22. While also being pretty trashy. To speak of someone that you don't even REALLY know is pretty ignorant. The reproductive comment is just in poor taste. Sadly a case of internet muscles, and although I don't often agree w the man and tend to find him too self indulgent more than anything- I don't see why this is necessary. Maybe dude got embarassed and hung up on on-air and can't seem to let it go.
  23. Totally agree. It's seemed starting at last years draft a cache of ammo was being collected. Most dont even realize the gravity of the picks singly (myself included and id imagine most pro trade up pov) on their own bc theyve always just been ammo. Based on just the fact we may never have that along with multiple potential big talent (and of course the house that could fit inside next yrs cap) makes it a once in however long opportunity to 'sell the farm' and not actually feel any repercussions (except possibly winning) past next yr if that 1st or 2nd has to be added. I hope the LOVE a guy who isn't the same as the browns bc if there ever was a time... It's now!!
  24. S'all good bud. I just didn't get your frustration over something that can legit be debated. Now if it was in response to something like the Bills taking Rudolph as 12 bc he', an amazing talent and someone has a Foles esq crush on him.. well then that can be argued as uninformed and rightfully so bc it is a very uncommon opinion. I happen to think although unrepresented, there are enough teams high w o long term commitments on the roster combined w enough hype - something like a crazy run could happen. Not that I'm right, but I wouldn't call people uninformed and make fun of the notion. Everyone has an opinion as well as a different level of knowledge. I struggle w that in some people don't pay a ton of attn but still wanna talk football. I guess it' frustrating but I'd encourage it bc that'I how we learn along w reading. Then you have trolls who play coy and seem to like getting a rise out of people. Often sadly i find it difficult to differentiate. I didn't know it was misplaced frustration - and I feel ya there.
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