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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. With all due respect, where are you where wings are $2 a pop AND Josh Allen isn't a rd1 qb??
  2. What scouts have been telling you he won't go in the 1st?? Yikes.. But thehardtruth is at the end of the day, he was still colt McCoy. Bbbiiiggggg difference between the 2!!
  3. In fairness, a lot of molding is yet to come. It's only march and the 2nd week of FA.
  4. Title is a bit misleading. YOU have a theory about what YOU think the Bills might do. Nothing wrong w that, but it doesn't mean they might do it as your title suggests
  5. The ONLY thing that has changed is no counter move has been made. Everything else remains the same. No other bigger dollar commitment has been made to a qb etc. Time does seem to do funny things to the mind though... some folks now want more added to a package, some folks now would rather they stay pat...just bc of time
  6. But that is the disconnect. You say go 5-11 and get a qb next year... but that's just kicking the can again! IF they love a guy this year, get him bc if he busts at least they go down knowing they got their guy. If they defer to next year and are in an EJ situation with both the class AND HAVING to draft a qb that isn't their guy.. that is a good way to fail and get fired as well. They seem to want to get their guy. They can pick leftovers this year a la jp, or pick a not as talented prospect next year a la EJ. OOORRRRR if they like a guy they can grab the bull by the horns and get their guy via a trade up. No idea which route will be taken but when reading tea leaves they all seem to point to a jump.
  7. Man.. I forgot how young Brady used to look!
  8. I think they can tell the difference between a qb and a rb....although we have had some seemingly dumb regimes in the past...
  9. Hahaha and No obligatory wife comment? Lol
  10. To an extent, and maybe I misunderstood - but if the idea is to take a qb to appease the team, or fans, or whomever - unless you really like a guy it's more picking from the scraps if he isn't your top guy per se but just someone who fits the need. Tough to do if ur job could depend on it
  11. This kind of bastardises the whole 'get the guy you love' thing. That, to me, is how you end up w a jp losman
  12. is it me, or does tyords friend have a thing for middle of the road former backup qbs?
  13. i feel as though you may have some sort of pre disposition to being a mccarron fan..... as a result, you can have the position of conductor on the Mccarron hype train.
  14. Id say its a pretty easy argument that its a TOTALLY different era of Football. Things have changed VERY much between then and now. That's not even opening the can of worms as to if he was what would be considered 'elite'...
  15. nothing like a bumped thread from august of 2017
  16. green or blue milk depending on if he is remastered or not
  17. Lol right? I sense a wee bit o bias here;)
  18. I cant ever picture a situation where the 'qb wont matter at all'
  19. Ok 'butter', ill bite.. Regardless of how accurate that is, it's quite a list. Might as well throw a J on up there too for trading up;) Truthfully, a person who can make it to ( I ) in bullet points as to why they dislike Beane seems generally miserable and unless dude went out of his way to kick your cat - I can't see you liking any outcome. Perhaps, it's safe to say you just aren't a Beane fan? Seems you are in the minority on most and maybe just had a day...?
  20. Sorry, missed it - what exactly did he say what teams were up to? Was he hinting at something? Thanks!
  21. To me, this makes a ton of sense
  22. Here here... Why people get so tied up in their arm chair observations is beyond me. It bugs me more than duplicate topics etc. If you offer your OPINION, I'll enjoy reading it. When folks like Radar offer a glimpse into the future via their crystal ball with a statement rather than a prediction and THEN get upset when people disagree... it drives me nuts. Scoop is one thing - close minded ignorance is something totally different. If people insist on posting the latter, at least have the decency to be open to other views..
  23. But.. but... they have Chad kelly!!!! Maybe it's all part of his long road to return buffalo to it's former glory!!?
  24. i agree about taking your guy - but how did you arrive at such a slanted report on Rosen? Both seem rather subjective imo
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