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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. It's honestly kinda scary you've managed to spew seperate 110 thoughts let along 110 people actually agreed with. You want to be taken seriously and not look like the village idiot? Stop talking about butts, turds, and the like. Expand the vocabulary to include things like "low completion percentage" "mother is involved with concussion helmets and awareness" or even "questionable leader"..Even if you had a thought that was relevant or worth while it would simply be lonley. I'm not sure if you yearn for attention or if you are just this socially awkward, but stop acting like the dude stole your girlfriend/boyfriend. And if he did, my apologies - but I'm not gonna lie... That would make me smile....a lot
  2. We've noticed! Just now, one popped out of your mouth!
  3. Typical, complains but is all too excited to brag he didn't vote...
  4. At this point a line is forming behind you incase you cant make it and someone needs to take your place!
  5. We get it, ya don't like the guy... UNLESS you really do... and this is just a smoke screen!! Dude, if opposing GMs come here THANK YOU bc ya have em all fooled and he would be headed right to us;)
  6. There are like 10 other interviews where he says Rosen is a great kid and he has slept on his couch etc. Honestly, I'm surprised he said this... but I don't think the take away is he does not like Rosen. I actly think that is a bit of a low blow Albright took. I think it just means at the end of the day Darnold is more Cleveland esq than Rosen. Nothing wrong w that. We also have no idea what the context was...
  7. It is almost as if they used your thread here as cliff notes...
  8. Or...(and my hope) going to 3 that early left too many variables. Maybe it is wishful thinking.. but if you LOVE Rosen and you blow your wad to get to 3 and then have another team get into 2.. well, joke is on you. Maybe 2 isn't for sale - but I gotta say, if it is and they get it?? Man, yay for them getting THEIR guy and double yay for pissing in the jets coffee. Then it's just a matter of hoping your guy nails it and double bonus if the jets busts Fair enough, a valid point
  9. Man... 2 things wld really grind my gears... Trading down Lamar Jackson Then I'd get over it... but boy wld that sting
  10. Very good analogy. As I've mentioned many times before - I think this very issue splits folks. Me, I've looked at everything as a cache of picks for ammo to go get the guy you wanted. When we made the move last year everyone immediately started saying 2 1st rd picks will allow them to move to get who they want. My counter was if there is a guy worth getting - why would xx team trade that for 2 1st rd picks. So, I guess I've always thought it would be more. Conversely, some people have fallen in love w the amount of picks and want to fill out the roster. I get it, but we have wasted so many good rosters over the years bc we were a qb short. An interesting 3rd group was all in on a trade following the hype of getting to 12. The combo of the Indy trade and the time lapse with no move seems to have brought some former trade up people over to the dark side of staying pat. Even then as I said in another thread.. if Rosen is their guy AND he falls to 6 maybe the patience pays off. Maybe Allen is their guy AND they give it all up to go to 2 and get him. That would throw a wrench in things as well. Maybe it's best to let it play out and judge then. I guess none of it really matters anyway as we aren't in control of these assets. We shall see...
  11. Best case senerio imo If they really like Rosen, they get their guy AND don't have to get to 2. I would guess he is why most people want 2. I feel like the only thing worse than not getting 2 is going up there and taking Allen. That wld make for a fun time around here!!
  12. Everyone has their favorites. Fair enough! Respected, but disagree.
  13. Tough competition here with the Rudolph before Rosen thread for THREAD OF THE DAY .....although, the day isn't over yet....
  14. I think you are trying to set an all time record for laugh/confusion reps. If thats the case, you stand a good chance and are off to a good start. Kudos to you for not only writing this, but also signing your name to it. These 4 weeks are going to do some crazy things to the mind. This is a prime example. Simply put, and respectfully - dude, you are nuts!
  15. Sssoo... I get the feeling you don't really want Kyle- you just wanted to play with syllables;)
  16. All hope is lost. This must be what despeation setting in looks like...
  17. Ironically, you weren't asked about the latter while the former is debatable! And the only part that burns be out is the nonsense like your original post. Yikes!
  18. That seems a little unfair, paranoid, and presumptuous. Not liking someone bc YOU feel they might leave (based on???) Is odd
  19. I bar this love;) +1.. but what gets me is I'm not always sure if it's intentional. Do some people REALLY believe it's their way or the highway? Or is that just how they post on a message board. I always get a kick out of it bc anyway you slice it - at this juncture, there is no right answer. More so, many of these debates won't even start to form answers until years from now. Personally, I LOVE reading debates and why people feel xxx is better than xxx. But some of these proclamations due to what essentially amounts to a man crush are way off base and stated as fact.
  20. Haha lol. The longer this goes on the more of a remedial drafting 101 vibe I get. I'll check back in 3 weeks when this thread has caught up w the rest of the board..
  21. No formula as to how this extra win plays into our chances at drafting a qb?!?! C'mmmoooonnnnn
  22. This would have been the PERFECT response in the TIME TO GET GETTLEMAN ON THE PHONE thread or the TRADE TO #2 thread. Heck, the little new insight that seems to be required for a thread would have been welcome! But, alas, here we are! But say the bills trade to 4, then up to 2, then down to 10 then back to 7, and end up w the guy they wanted all along... Then, and only then.. will Beane have outsmarted us all... Bills Fan for Dummies VOL 1
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