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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Doubling down on the lazy take eh? I'm sure there is some other cliche riddled response this sets up..
  2. Not in the least! I'd just rather not debate something that is purely speculative and happened 15 years ago. There is no right answer and a take simply depends on how you felt about his tenure in the 1st pLace. In the end, who cares? Not me
  3. This is really how you want to spend your wed am? Talking about Drew Bledose and how he could have played had he stuck 1 more year?? Geesh, no thank you.. we have qb prospects to speculate over!!!;)
  4. I read this more as BPA, but I see why you could take that away. Unfortunately (and I appreciate the article) it doesn't really move the excitement needle
  5. Lol, yup! 1 more year of Bledsoe would have been MUCH preferable to the bonfire that occurred. Even if it was an eventual easy changing of the guard. That was REALLY bad.. yikes. Besides, he went 9-7 the and chucked it for 3k yards his 1st yr w the cowboys. I wlda signed up for that for 1 more year!
  6. Hard to answer. Bledose was probably the most talented, but we didn't get him during his best years and probably kicked him to the curb too early. Flutie, had success to a degree but he is more remembered fondly as the little guy with a big heart and who got jobbed by Ralph. Tyrod brought the Bills back to the playoffs, but this season has happened a few times before and this time we just got the bounces right. Fitz was fun and he had fun times but has settled into a journeyman role. orton? Well he was hoot and we will always have Detroit, minny and his cigar. Tough one. In the end I'm left wondering.. why do i have to think about this...yuck;)
  7. @26CornerBlitz Thank you for these threads. Especially over the last couple days. I'm not sure why some people dislike them as they are essentially a news feed rather than sifting through 20 pg posts looking for actual news every few pages. It is essentially what the front home page used to be.. all relevant content in one place. I'm sure it isn't easy and takes time. Thank you, and it's much appreciated!!
  8. I get this point, but I've heard this broken down a couple times and explained that it's not that he questions in that he disagrees or would do it different, but rather he is very smart and in order to fully understand or learn he simply isn't satisfied with the direction but rather wants to understand why and the dynamics of it. I perceive that as a type of learning. Some people are hands on, some people are text book, me personally, I understand bc I understand something better when I get the context. He sounds like a bright dude so maybe it's next level BUT it also sounds like why it is the way it is would introduce a broader understanding. Like the type of qb who knows his role as well as everyone else's. That excites me bc the special ones seem to have that trait. I guess I'm just saying there seems to be a misunderstanding and some context to it where it doesn't have to be a bad thing and maybe is a good thing!
  9. How is that well known? Bc u heard some random pundit say it and are not parroting it? I dont even mean this to be a jerk.. but this isn't common perception so it can't really be the basis of an argument. Small price to pay, a pittance, if it is your guy - the hopeful fqb
  10. Doc and I have had some good talks to this point:)
  11. I get it.. I guess it just comes w the territory. It can totally go too far, but I think that's when it hits a personal level and it's generally snuffed out pretty quick. It's an exciting time with a lot of very excited fans. Potential QB years always are. Hopefully we have fun and no panties get bunched in the mean time!
  12. A very common thought, and hopefully correct regardless of choice
  13. Isn't it just commenting on preferences? This isn't a straight news board. Everyone has their wants and Hope's. For everyone commenting on that manner there is someone doing the complete opposite. No one is right until Beane says they are... and even then we know.. but we dont KNOW for ANOTHER couple years.
  14. Which, could mean everything... and could mean nothing. It'll just be nice when we have some answers to who's basket we will be putting our eggs in!!;)
  15. i guess we dont know hes spoiled and arrogant - just an assumption. Again, no one knows him personally. Also, Jimbo could have been viewed this way coming out of school/Houston. He saved the city in re: to football and fell in love with the area and community and we reciprocate in spades. I think that is important and shouldnt be lost - these are just kids and this is their 1st introduction to the machine that is the NFL. Some will get chewed up and spit out, some will make it.... but for us to sit here and say which is which is not only impossible, but also unfair. We each have favorites and guys we like less than others. Sometimes ( as exampled in this thread) people take their preferences too much to heart and too personally. Like really... we MIGHT get ONE of these guys. The rest scatter and we wont worry about them again until they bust or we play them. I'm not big on Jackson. But that is ALL because of what he has done on the field. I'm sure he is a fine kid.. and even if he wasn't, what does smearing him on a message board accomplish other than making me look bitter. If they went w him, boowho... but then ya get over it by we are fans of the team and if that is where they go, I guess they have earned our trust and let's see where it goes! If Rosen were to be a Bill for example... is Thurmanator going to quit being a fan?? Thats pretty drastic....
  16. You are right in that its prime smokescreen season... BUT, they just traded their started who DID NOT fit this mold.. it would be an excellent comment to throw everyone off the jackson trail but I tend to think he means this if for no other reason that the above..
  17. Lol, I don't know either personally... and to be fair, it would be just my luck to assume and REALLY set him/her off. I dont know Rosen either. It seemed like the most responsible thing to write. If not making assumptions sets him/her off, there is not much I can do. All they did was offer rude condescending insults... then turns around and accuses me of trying to get under his skin and playing victim? That's just not normal social interaction. If ANYONE REALLY was offended, I'm sorry. But bringing it full circle it's kinda like Rosen saying awww shucks and then people complain it was rude or disrespectful, imo. Dude/dudette seems to have issues with everything. He/she was trolling, saw their out, and took it.
  18. Move along people...nothing to see here....;)
  19. Maybe if it gets posted more, eventually it will ring true...
  20. It seems like the qb comparisons are rather broad here.... saying mcnabb and cam - and then grouping them w tyrod and Jackson. I get the common thread, but two I'd love and two I want nothing to do with... He is in the draft afterall.... But seriously, no one knows anything and expecting anything is silly and just sets up heart break. Hopes and dreams... now that's ok
  21. Honestly, this reads like you back to the futured this and wrote it to yourself. Heck, your first line even speaks in absolutes. The jury is out on everyone... so you either just totally aren't paying attention or you really are just trolling. Do you not read your own posts or just forget what you write?? You have no respect for other posters let alone the athlete. You ignorance oozes with each and every post just because someone has the audacity to disagree with your lazy ignorant sterotypical and childish statements and assessments (and that's if calling someone a turd even qualifies). I know reading is harder than trolling so I'll lighten up a bit of show a little understanding- but where do you see a gay slur?? This victim look you are trying to portray is almost (almost) worse than the ignorant bafoon look. I'm trying to get under your skin? Seems like someone has been wearing the pink kitty hat too long themselves...
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