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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. And of course, "their guy" lol. It's fair to point out as you say whoever is here is the one. But, if behind closed doors (and we may never know unless we get to two) I'd hope that there is one guy (whether they get him or not) that sticks out to them. Bc if so, id hope that is what spurs a move. Not simply needing a guy. I'd imagine true love works better than just simply being in a relationship bc you want a partner lol
  2. In fairness, I think by that 2nd year when McCown came aboard he might have already been past saving. Manziel has at least said josh brought some semblance or normality but the situation that 1st year prob pushed it beyond hope. Not that you were blaming McCown- just saying.
  3. I've also mentioned I think the ball can look REALLY awkward coming out of his hands sometimes but I could get behind building him up in the pros if needed. I often think of Andy Dalton as a fear in that we get one of these lesser guys bc the top tier is gone and then struggle with is he the guy or not for xx years. We kind of had that with taylor but were lucky enough that the regime wanted their own guy. Had Rex have been here, who knows how long tt would be at the helm. That said, if he was still here we would be winning so that might be a wash. I guess I just think abt former 2nd rounders and think man.. even though carr had a down year last year - a guy like that wld be great. But a Dalton... not so much. Tannehill was 8th overall, so it can happen in any round... but that middling is he the guy or isnt he is a tough spot. Now the Phins might be after a qb again as well and the Bengals just keep on keeping on with AD and I just think blah. I even took a look at some Dalton college highlights, and just came to the conclusion I keep coming to with everything. There are things you cant point out.. but in the end - you just dont know!
  4. Some people complain about threads and stupid posts/posters, and some dont. Either way, THIS is a perfect example of what has gone wrong. Is it a joke? Is it serious? Is OP even a football fan? Darned if I know!
  5. Crazy good? No - Just crazy crazy
  6. The thing that personally I dont love about this cat is that for every excellent NFL style throw, he has a throw that wlda been picked or knocked down in the NFL- but he was saved by his receiver making a play for him. There doesnt seem to be a ton of anticipation throwing and I cant tell how many reads he is progressing through if any with any regularity. Maybe these are things he learns, but I dont get the same fuzzy feeling watching his highlights as Sam and even either josh.
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Buffalo_Bills_season
  8. I think Mr Beane is the person you need to ask. There hasn't been much that would really even let someone speculate either - although they will anywah. Maybe that's what you were after though!
  9. Welcome! My guess is Colonel Mustard In The Library With The Wrench!
  10. I guess a better way to say what I meant is that these other teams that are rumored to possibly be interested in a qb and on the fringe bc of who they signed. Denver and AZ maybe can afford to wait or not have to get a top 4 guy bc they have some sort of insurance or a guy they are paying bigger $$ to to hold down the fort until a project comes to fruition or it all fails and they need to try for a top guy. AJ wasn't in that class and as a result the perception is SOMETHING needs to be done as Buffalos an room is viewed among the league's worst at the moment. As a result most people feel a splash will be made rather than someone outside of the top 4 who will take longer and has a lesser chance of shaking out. Number of draft picks aside, there is a reason most people figure buffalo will be trying to pull out all the stops. Perception may not be reality of course, but the void of talent and the signing of aj is viewed as a major weakness regardless of how excited they say they are.
  11. Well thought out- but I haven't once thought McCarron signified that at all. They needed a qb. They waited, allocated as little as possible resources to the position and now have essentially an unknown and unproven commodity along with an unproven rookie. That seems like either could be the starter, but both are ripe to be beat out by a rookie. If not, either can play for half a yr/yr until the rookie proves he is ready or the season is lost and it's just about experience. I guess we will see;)
  12. Hold on a sec. Just need a min to go make a tin foil hat! I'll be right back!!
  13. What I was trying to get across. I get the premise, the list is just too inaccurate to base a convo off... No, you were right in having a good qb is super important... I just think it might be more differing ideas in who is a good qb and who isnt.
  14. You realize you pulled this same ***edit : after looking at your posts...*** gag nonsense in another thread the other day, right? It wasn't clever or sassy then, and it's rather laughable a second time bc your using the same material that was stale on your 1st go round. Remember how I said it's just YOU? YOU rub me the wrong way. No one else, just YOU. You are a contradiction of yourself. You say that you dont know in REALLY big letters, but in prior posts in no uncertain terms claim you KNOW Mayfield will be the only good qb ..... and maybe Rosen. Literally the only consistancy you have is this lame ***edit*** line you keep using. You dont need to announce you have edited your post (it automatically says 'edited last' below) so you must be incorporating it in your initial post OR have such poor recognicance skills that you had to go back and reread all of my prior posts that you claim to have reread just a day ago??? That just cracks me up man. The best part is, you did all the work for me!! If history repeats again, your next post directed at me will be something along the lines of calling me creepy for remembering what you post followed by something about being sad etc... You make it too easy bud. WWAAYYY too easy..
  15. Now, this is an actual response to something that was actually directed to you. Since you are actually citing an article about a tammy extension like its proof it means something as well as the nature of your original post - I'm just going out on a limb and guess you haven't done much extra curricular draft digging. Rather than cite numerous pundits speculating the Fins are a team to keep an eye on qb wise as well as Gases apparent love for Mayfield, you are just going to have to trust me. Now- will they go qb? Who knows. Some mocks have them going up for Mayfield. But things like that dont just pop up out of nowhere. They have to have some worries their starter might not be able to stay healthy or might not be their guy for the long haul. I guess my point is, to make a post of this nature and to not have your assumptions be correct on general consensus takes away from what you were trying to get at in the 1st place. Rather than talk about your original point - here we are arguing the basis in which your point is founded on.
  16. Ummm are you Tyrods friend? Bc that's who was quoted in your quoted retort...
  17. THIS is why your posts drive me nuts. The 1st 3/4 of this actually makes sense to a degree like you might be on to something. Then you follow it up acting like you are smarter than 30ish GMs and it loses credibility. I'm sorry to have to be this blunt... but... YOU DONT KNOW. Stop acting like you do. You have an opinion just like everyone else. That's all. Stop being so dismissive and your world will change dramatically. I promise
  18. **we, but not he. Cam wasn't exactly the epitome of accuracy coming out either and he turned out ok. I'm not pro or anti Allen, and I can go either way w how I feel as his list of pros and cons is longer on bother sides than anyone else. I just wouldn't shut the door the same way I would w Jackson. And that's just me, but after jettisoning someone w a similar skill set and basically ignoring his workouts that seems like a shut door. Then again - it cld all be smoke:) Again, caveat that this is just me... I'd be happy w Baker. He seems to do a lot of things well. My biggest thing with him is nothing of his own doing. I cant get myself hyped bc I've been hoping they go to 2 and get their guy. Now, Mayfield very well may be it... and if so, later might be fine. I just feel like darnold and Rosen are the McDavid and eichel of this draft. Maybe Allen is there someday. If nothing else, for whatever reason if we ended up with him I'd be happy - but feel like we got the best of the rest rather than that elite talent and the potential star power that comes with it. Granted I could be 100% and acknowledge these are just my feelings. I have no clue how it shakes out of course. And in the end one of these lower guys could be the stud and it's a moot point.
  19. Aaaannndddd that's all she wrote folks. Post of the day nominee!
  20. It seems so simple, but people fight it... In the end, if they get shut out I'm going to have to man up and take the tomatoes and take a couple trips to the crow buffet. I've just been so adamant they will do what needs to be done and it feels so right at that. My only hope then will be it gets leaked (which they'd be smart to do bc so many people will be pissed) they tried and were willing but just got shut out - even at 3 ones. The other acceptable answer imo is they didnt LOVE a guy - which I can get on board w as long as it's not a cop out
  21. Respectfully, this is A LOT of reading and writing. If you are a big enough fan to post on a message board - you shouldnt need other teams QBs summed up for you. Even then, the SOUNDS LIKE A F.QB designation makes me wonder if this summary is for us for for you. Miami for example has been rumored to not trust Tanny will be able to stay healthy, thus in the market for a qb - making your SOUNDS like a FQB wishy washy at best. So, are you ASKING who needs someone and who doesnt? Then again, we did have a gentleman a couple weeks ago who wasn't aware tyrod had been traded.... so what do I know?? Lol, decided to knock a few back and bust out the ol crystal ball early on a Sat huh?
  22. The draft is this month! Discuss...
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