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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. This was pretty much answered by post 2 and then smartly echoed throughout. What I dont understand is why Billl went through and disagreed or thumbsdown all of these posts.. weird flex? Tyrod Superfan?
  2. Reed's IG video was super weird today. To me (and Id imagine most) it read like "I talked when I shouldn't have, got yelled at, and now I have to tell you I was just joking". This was furthered along when his wife (taking the video) made it a point to interject 2x essentially keeping him on point and to make it clear he didnt actually know anything, but rather was just doing the equivalent of thinking out loud. Common sense says, since Reed does quite a bit of talking like this but has never seen the need to make a video explaining it - he was told to do this. This is exasperated when the wifey keeps interrupting to hammer home said bullet points. She seems like shes litterally saying what they probably told him to say. Something like " you shouldn't have said anything about our unannounced throwbacks. Now, go make a video saying you were just spitballing". Maybe if it was just him, but when she feels the need to hammer home by asking questions that lead him to say he doesnt know anything... THAT is what makes it fishy. Allens red throwback got a lot of love at camp last year. I wouldnt he surprised if they double down on that. Or, release the news of a jersey there in some form or fashion.
  3. I have game worn jerseys from both games, but not the helmets as they were just decals. Trust us, its 100% a thing. As a matter of rule, each team had a home and away (white and dark) jersey for the 75th anvrsy in 1994. Except for the 91 whitesox and a few others, this was the beginning of the throwback trend. A few teams like the Bears and Redskins had the foresight to actually make replica and authentic jerseys for fans to purchase. Many teams like the Bills - did not. The throwbacks are generally considered the most difficult jerseys to obtain from the modern era. Its crazy to think now days that jerseys were not made, but only a limited amount of Kellys were made for people in the organization. Ive also seen a few OJs out there, but that may be more because he was otherwise indisposed (unplanned absense) in 1994. Some teams even took it one step further. The broncos extras were all turned into Elways as a promotion with a car dealership in Denver. The Packers eqpt manager turned all their extras into Favres but had the foresight to label them so they couldnt be passed off as game worn (although the lineman cut are pretty obvious). Some teams like the Steelers, who have kept all their extra jerseys over the years (in a temp controlled and inventoried fashion) put a few blanks on ebay every year. The 1994 NFL season started the throwback trend and we all have that to thank for what everyone just takes as commonplace now days. Also, fwiw, if you ever happen to see the blue Kelly throwback in the HOF listed as game worn - its an extra. Bills players in the game wore jerseys with 1 sleeve stripe. All the 'extras' have 2. The Bills players were issued 2 of each color and their extra was auctioned off by team wives or walked out the back door.
  4. Which, is why I referenced the 'ralph is cheap crowd'. Safe to say you are a card carrying member? 😉
  5. Ironically, for the Ralph is cheap crowd - this was done out of necessity. Rather than go white helmets and buy a whole new set for a 2 times use (one home against the broncos and 1 away vs oilers) he just opted for a decal swap. Pretty meh 2 games, broncos at home in blues- oilers on the road in whites
  6. Not sure if anyone has pointed this out, but there is no padding in that helmet. Just a plastic filler so it cant be worn...
  7. I think this is next catagory up...
  8. So, you are getting in on the ground floor with a little known group called Run DMC? Its just noise with a lot of yelling itll never catch on...
  9. If he REALLY wanted to be a Pat, you'd have to think he already would be. I give Edmunds credit for stating he wanted to be a part of a rebuild with a straight face. It would seem DHop is having a difficult time trying to muster the same energy and enthusiasm.
  10. If im making up lyrics, wutchu talkin bout Willis? My song, my lyrics! Now, when posting in non-singsong terms - then maybe "what you wanna do" would be the proper and correct way to dictate the lyrics. That said, its art! Art takes many forms. Its free flowing and comes from the soul. If that's what I felt at that particular moment - who are you (or any one else for that matter including myself) to judge? I'd never be inclinded to question the genius that is Scott Stapp, front man of legendary rock group Creed, on any of his lyrical choices. Granted, I'll never be able to live up that that living legends accomplishments... but I digress. The point remains;) I could have done it in the phrasing of an Amiee Mann song if that would have pleased you? The point remains that I think the response was on par to your original post in which the response was in reference to. Honestly, PPL just seemed more appropriate and on the same level
  11. Thank you for your response, but I was just singing a song. Im kinda sad I had to explain. That said, enjoy! Maybe itll make you a bit happier...or at least a little less.... ugh?
  12. Aimee, Wutcha goin through? I think Im inclined, to disagree with you. Try again, maybe harder - we wont mind it if you do.... We ain't signing Dehop, I guess we're through
  13. Holy crap.... im going to need a new table to bang my head on. This one is too dented from previous posts
  14. Rosen was the complete package
  15. Not a good sign they canceled day 3?! That happens all the time. This very team did it last year. This all seems very mountain/mole hill to me. Impatient fan making something from nothing. The sky is not falling, nor has it begun to. Rumors ate exactly that. Once speculation starts, things get silly
  16. Indeed. The city/town followed by common name don/bob seemed like a play on itself
  17. Here we go again.... Tipster getting a run for his money...
  18. Maybe you just make it too easy? Maybe the saying 'you cant fix stupid' exists because of peoples need to continuously try to? Maybe your magnetic?? 2 out of 3 aint bad!
  19. knowing who it came from... is it really though?
  20. mostly just one - the OP. While many may think such things, they keep it to themselves. Good ol'Tippy however, just cant help himself
  21. The Jets fans would love you... you'd fit right in. Might I suggest going to play 'pretend-fan' over at https://forums.theganggreen.com/ ? Although their post of village idiot seems to be taken as well Everything you say is cringleworthy and simple, while somehow managing the reputation that if you had a thought it would be lonley. 5+ chances after wasting your poor fellow boardmembers to redeem yourself with something clever and at the end, you tuck tail and revert to childrens songs. Its a shame you are the only one who cant see it. Its kinda like flat earthers... at SOME point, you'd think it would occur to them that maybe the rest of the world might just be right and maybe, just maybe, they (or you in this analogy as you tend to need things spelled out) arent as clever as they (again, you) think they (you) are...
  22. Not that your OP made much sense, but it was at least coherent. This post has now started circling the toilet and your comebacks have digressed into you just typing random words? You arent even talking about fashion, or what Josh's favorite color is, or how you heard he feels about what you heard his girlfriends favorite color is and how that makes you feel.... and does that help HER break tackles any better??????? I havent a clue how one could asertain someone is starting to 'stutter' or why hitting an edit button to fix a typo so that you can better comprehend is considered an insult by you - but consider me effectively insulted. You got me good that time Tipster, what a zinger! Ok my friend... at this point, you are just making yourself look silly. Its not huring me in anyway, so I'll back off and you just let your freak flag fly. Enjoy your afternoon and I'll just keep an eye out for your next post about Bass and his 1 eye black strip. I...cant....wait.....
  23. But again, he is a superstar filthy rich face of a franchise qb. In what world does ANYONE care, let alone HIM, what your personal thoughts on the matter are? Its like the selfawareness is non-existant. Everyone else seemed to think they could get through their day just fine with out coming here to dump on their QBs fashion sense. Like what is this post really even talking about here? Getting tackled easier because the dude put some thought into how he looks? The 1st name basis of his girlfriend and then the presumed take on their relationship is a bit of a weird look too....
  24. typical tipster lol taking 2 or 3 sentences someone just told him and parroting it back... 'you smell bad' 'Ya? YOU SMELL BADDER' FWIW, I wasn't ACTUALLY asking your thoughts on Diggs... I thought it was pretty clear that was dripping in rhetorical rhetoric. My bad, I'll try to be more clear next time..
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