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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Personally, I'm not a fan of Allen Jackson. Hes got creepy eyes.
  2. Huh... Glad this thought has space to breathe all on it's own.... It says quite a lot in very few words, and it makes MANY things obvious... and what happens at pick 4 isnt one of them!
  3. Interesting.... I love all the Rosen love around here as of late. Wherever it is, I hope they land him!!
  4. This reads like a sports article from the pennysaver haha
  5. Buzz, your girlfriend-WOOF!
  6. Well, if Beane is honest in that he wont tell a potential trade partner who he is after that kinda makes this a moot point. Thanks for the info though!
  7. Cleveland also has a bunch of leaks. It's been speculated and smartly so, this is a good way to fix that. Drop a few tidbits and see what comes out in the media. Personally, (and like everyone else, this speculation by all of us is simply our opinion and nothing more) I think this is wwaaayyyy being over thought and analyzed. After all this, I'd be shocked if Darnold wasn't taken #1. It just seems like it's pretty cut and dry and anything else is just asking for trouble. The only way that isnt the case is simply if Dorsey just evaluates QBs based on his own set of measurments. On the off chance they do over think it and do something besides Darnold - then I'd hope the Bill's do anything and everything to get that #2. I'd also guess if NY didnt take him there just comes a point where xxx (picks/players) is just much more valuable than an RB (assuming the giants 'love' for Darnold is just smoke). Honestly, at this point we are just rehashing the same stuff over and over with no answer key so what's the point. Then, we get the daily old timer post about what a novel idea it would be to keep all the picks (like it's the 1st time it's been suggested) and we then have to go around that again.... I love checking here and reading the new rumors etc but I'm glad the end us near BC it's getting a little crazy and redundant.... and not even just here, but all coverage as a whole. 2 more days and then at least the topics change to arguing about the pick!! Yay!!
  8. Well... theres not much of a choice... so at the end of the day we all will... whether we like it or not!
  9. Everywhere I look, its jim kelly and the buffalo Bills this... jim kelly and the buffalo Bills that. Whoever this kelly guy is, I hope he works out bc man oh man, if ever there was a match made in heaven- this is it! They seem joined at the hip!
  10. Eh, the bright side would be he wouldn't be a poster anymore.... so six in one half dozen in the other...
  11. So nothing has really changed in the last few weeks. Just lots of words...;)
  12. Except its not... You'll have to excuse the clown speaking in absolutes about something he has no inside knowledge on nor is he a professional scout. I'm all for hearing your opinion, but discussing it that way just makes said opinion go right out the window...
  13. You have watched the last 20 yrs, correct? And you cant believe people are for trading up? That's even sillier than saying they need to stay at 12!
  14. I'll sleep better tonight knowing you feel this way! I just knew there was something missing from the other 10000 draft threads, but couldn't put my finger on what....
  15. 'It' gets ruined when you try and define it. It just...is. That's what makes 'it' so special! Lol
  16. I didnt see much mention on browns boards. Is this essentially the ' Cleveland version'?
  17. Sadly, this wont stop the trade for foles crew...
  18. Lol, well, I've come to think all allbright is a bit of a fool over the last few mo and I certainly never thought I'd agree w him... but this is spot on!
  19. Out of context, you are right. But if the situation creates a bidding war and depending on the player, 5 might as well be 2. It would take a perfect storm but it all depends Or... maybe they are after 2 but want to make it look like 5 is a ok with them to put the heat on ny;) I guess ya never can tell
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