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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Man... just bc you figured out how to use your smart phone doesnt mean it helps you post smarter things...
  2. At the very least they dont waste people's time with this nonsense
  3. Post of the day. Oddly, its the bad days that seperate the qlty posters from...well... the not so qlty ones!!
  4. Given you dont even know dudes name, how can anyone put stock in your comment??
  5. Yikes man... go root for the Pats. Im embarrassed to root for the same team as you!#truestory
  6. I would follow you into the mists of Avalon if that's what you mean.... scolding hot take bro
  7. One of his secrets must REALLY be eating away at you. This puts you in a bit of a precarious position. My question is simply - how far are you willing to go for the truth? It kinda remind me of this... “WANTED:Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O.Box 322 Buffalo, 14213. You’ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.”
  8. Good points. I look at EJ like a plain donut. Not bad, you can get behind it and even say its pretty good. Then when a vanilla dip with sprinkles comes along, you had no idea it even existed. Now, that plain donut is kind of a drag. We had never had a hot shot rookie qb of our own that was decent. No comparisons we could get behind. Preseason or not, its pretty easy to deduce Allen has the frosting AND sprinkles. Im just hoping there isnt one out there w/frosting, sprinkles AND JELLY FILLED;)
  9. Lol, there were a LOT of us. In fact, most of Buffalo figured we drafted the wrong Josh. As a fan of the team, at somepoint ya just need to move on and get behind it. Hes making it easier as we progress. You are more likely the majority rather than the minority Fwiw (and i dont disagree w you) but EJ sure did show a lot of poise in that CAR comeback. Fooled maybe people by flashing a glimpse of the IT factor..
  10. Uhhhhh... where to begin. This 'hot take' fer sher needed its own thread though. If Dabol is God, is Allen baby Jesus? Food for thought!
  11. You might be in for many many more moons worth of clicks...
  12. Not worth the losing, but cool none the less. Cleveland, those buds are for you... we just dont know what year
  13. Man... lots of rose colored glasses. Lets be real... i think a lot of Bills fans would have been happy had the Bills had a shot at SD. Instead he went to a rival. The Bills fan in me wants him to crash and burn BUT at the same time I feel more dislike for Rosen at this stage (the 'right' josh on draft day) than SD bc id love nothing more than a kelly/marino thing for the next 10 yrs w SD/JA. In the end, the Jets took the guy who was the better prospect bc he was/is closer to cant miss. Bills got the guy who could be the best qb in the class, but also has bust potential. I came around on JA after getting over the draft day disappointment bc McBeane know the deal and they arent stupid. If JA is the guy they hitch their wagon to great.... i can get behind that. Now that preseason gm 1 is in the books, everything appears to be positive for BOTH guys. Potential and flaws, same as it ever was, with both players hopefully improving and growing into their own. Its ONE game that doesnt even count. Let things play out and enjoy that at the moment, the sky is the limit. Im happy their 1st games could both be deemed successes and nothing happened w either to where fan bases are asking WTF. In a way it reminded me of the 1st preseason gane we watched TT. It was different... and EXCITING. Good stuff, but nothing huge here to change either outlook and most of it is positive. Again... its 1 PRESEASON game. Yeesh
  14. You yourself said preseason. Situational may be emphasized as much as game. But its preseason:)
  15. Its hard to comment on it if you havent watched... Furthermore, its crazy looking at the comments (for example) on the you tube vid of all his throws. Some laugh and say he looked terrible and was jeff george/cutler/russell 2.0 (i disagree and dont think they watch much football) and some say that validated the bills using the #7 pick on him + trades. Its all over and proof how polorizing the kid is. Not a situation where u shld listen to other to form ur opinion. Watch it, form your own and then give it a whirl
  16. I think becoming the grammar police on a message board where ppl abbreviate, use web lingo, and do things short hand will turn into a full time job. I dont think you want that lol
  17. Exactly! I took a bunch of things away from his performance, most of which was exciting bc of potential(positive and negative) - but his long ball isnt even something i thought of let alone worried about..
  18. Ill look for the KoolAid stand at the game tonight and get back to ya!
  19. This has sitcom script written all over it. Heck, the writers are prob looking for a new way to book end their 'main character dreaming' episode
  20. Man... i get NFL players arent worth as much but some of these suggestions are whack. Our trash/middling players plus a 2nd is pretty weak. In the end there is no way to know until the trade actly happens as to what the return is but someof these are just pie in the sky. The Raiders wld have to do a new GM search bc some of these proposals are apt to get him killed!!
  21. People like this are impossible to talk to. Its a but of a double edge sword in a sense bc years of futility made him this way, but at a certian point if you are that bitter...it cant be fun. It does seem to have actly gotten better since the 90s (or maybe just not being a kid anymore) but it seems there was even more of this nonsense back then...
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