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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Fer shizzle??? I for one refuse to fall for this troll job!!
  2. Jeepers... What id honestly like to know is do these posters actually think their thoughts are original, and or unique and thats why a new post is warranted?
  3. Ya... and then listen to the complaints about a 4th coming back?? Ya, no thanks..
  4. Some people still seem to have not seen the follow up tweet - which, let me tell you, is a LOT of fun... The flea flicker was fun! Just a shame no one bit. At least allen was aware he had to place it in a spot where his guy wld be the only one with a shot. Sadly it went to KB, so no one really ever had a shot...but u get the point
  5. I said something to my wife along the lines of Im glad i was only 5 and didnt totally 'get it' bc TODAY was stressful. I cant imagine a world championship on the line...
  6. He may not live to see a new day! (Rimshot) But seriously, he cant develop if he isnt playing. The whole 'the best ability is availability' thing applies here.
  7. Do i have to tell you its too early? Can i just tell you crack is whack?
  8. In the preseason people were fine with letting the rook start and taking the lumps in the name of development. These are said lumps and now people expect him to be Rodgers? Wtf is wrong w some of you? Let shady do his thing and let allen learn on the run. Crikey
  9. I see the similarities in your posting. Yikes
  10. I wouldnt want to sign my name to posts like this either. Handle makes a ton of sense fwiw
  11. Yep. Who even cares at this point
  12. Title is the best thing here. I like the poking fun but content was and is irrelevant. If that wasnt the point then yikes. Im just left with do two wrongs make a right? I.Dont.Know
  13. Thanks for sharing.... NNNOOOOTTTTT That is all!
  14. You have no one to blame but yourself Mr Incognito. If you are longing for the 'Good ol Days', i have a Color Rush jersey of yours thats much to big you are welcome to if you wanna play 'football guys' in the bubble bath or something. Just HMU and its yours!!
  15. I can 100% confirm there is nothing more to this than meets the eye. Personal and not related to football or issues and it appears as though it was a package deal. Its fun to speculate, but in this instance - nothing more than that.
  16. Im involved w this to an extent. Ill ask around and see if there is indeed anything more to it. I doubt it bc no one has said anything (and they would have if there was) but it cant hurt to ask around jic
  17. Lol, they just cant win until they win. If there is something to complain about, it will happen. People always complained how predictable their O was when it would run run pass. 550 would get calls saying its time to stop all the running and pass. NOW people actually call to say they should run more, and get upset they arent running more on 1st and 2nd. In the end neither side is 'right' but moreso it just goes to prove no one will ever be happy.... kinda sad. By and large, Buffalo fans always seemed well educated on the game like they got it. I didnt realize how bad it was until reading GB message boards last week. Its a very smart, evened out fan base with no crazy over reactions after their WASH loss, with non homer suggestions and thoughts rather than the sky is falling and everyone needs to be fired type stuff thats become so prevelant here this past yr or 2. Maybe this place just draws more casual fans now... maybe young fans that dont have experience/patience are becoming more active.. i honestly dont know. This shouldnt be as unbearable as it has become at times though. This everyone needs to be fired all the time stuff and we need to immediately be the best is silly. Thats the thinking thats partly to blame for this mess that was the drought in the 1st place!!
  18. Im honestly not sure if a qb can be ruined or not. I go back and forth on it. That said, this is an EXCELLENT example of an argument for ruining. Well said!
  19. Our crap for their.... not crap? Ill take that everytime!!
  20. THANK YOU this line of thought is actually rather funny bc it shows how little they actually know. At least they have the decency to publicly admit/demonstrate it. I liked Mahomes a lot. It could be argued the Bills even drafter 2018s version of Mahomes. Out of context, sure. It was a mistake. All things considered, stop whining about something you clearly dont understand
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