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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. The end kinda dumps water on the fire, but before they mention the asterisks dont line up for what Pitt actually uses it sure is funny!
  2. Word is he has been nicked up as well, which im sure hasnt helped the situation
  3. Every drive should end in a touchdown. WR catching the ball will help as well. Hopefully the RBs run good and gain yards. If our point total is higher than theirs, we should win!
  4. Are we just forgetting the BB convo and the rumblings about how he wanted out? Assuming it was over a rift in philosophy, it seems pretty presumptuous that he'd just tuck tail and come back to a situation that may not have been tenable for the long haul anyway. Also, like another poster said, half this board was champing at the bit to fire him. 6 plays went by w/o a run and it was like the world was on fire. But hey, the grass is always greener- am I right?!
  5. In fairness, I think most fan bases do the exact same thing
  6. I mean, outside of Mahomes, Rogers and Favre, it seems most qbs who go commercial heavy can have the criticism of 'maybe you shld soend more time playing qb rather than doing commercials' levied at them. I dont think thats actly taking away as most are shot in the offseason. Its just low hanging fruit and I hope josh is ablento buck the trend. 1 bad game against a team who seems to have his number doesnt give us our answer. It does however, give the sky is falling crowd something to complain about - see OP
  7. I dont see how anyone rational can disagree with this. Was it the most fun to watch? No. Was it fristrating at time watching him repeatedly run Cook at Williams rather than get in space or seemingly call a run play just because he hadnt called on in a while like in OT? No. But the script was there. Josh just got sick of or too impatient to keep doing what he himself was preaching in taking what the D gave him. All Dorse can do is call the plays. To judge him bc his qb went off script is judging him falsely. Are there issues? Sure. Rather than having someone who grounds him I think KC encourages him but thats not whats being discussed. You couldnt have spoken truer words and it amazes me people could disagree
  8. I mean, i guess I can see how youd think that or rather he'd come off like that. I guess my point was more, Maddy, like Chris Brown are obviously team employees. While Brown seems to have the ability to at least feign objectivity, IMO, Maddy does not
  9. I mean, in a normal instance Id 100% agree. But this is the same man it took until the 4th qtr to throw a ball away - and im not sure if we ever did get a slide. Like before the half when hes jumping in the air infront of 2 jets. For what?4th and 8 or 4th and 6? Had he have played smart the rest of the game youd be totally right. Unfortunately he didnt. Which also brings me to my other point. I didnt love what Dorsey did. But, he gave Josh the plan to best the Jets. He just stopped taking the 4-6 yr chunks. We cant judge the OCs plan correctly bc he didnt see the plan executed as intended. He can only call the plays. The Jets bet the game on he wldnt be able to be patient and take the 5 yrd plays for the entirety of the game. They were right and won in part because of it
  10. Hindsight is 20-20, but that wasnt my point. It didnt, regardless if it shld or shldnt have happened. Thus, its a moot point with no right answer
  11. Agreed What bugged me the most,(and this just is what it is as its the world and times) is that how people seem to take nothing burgers and turn it into something for the sake of drama. False narratives are created and could get big enough to create an issue where there wasnt one before. Drama for the sake of drama is silly in sports because we, as a city, generally have a good thing going here. It would be a shame to drive someone out of town for nonsense. Id imagine most players tune stuff like this out, but when this became a national thing - no one would believe what they were telling us. Thats just so much more boring so I suppose I get it. I also dont think the net ramifications are being taken into consideration. Everyone's favorite WR had endless crap talked about him for a few days. People talked themselves into disliking the guy bc they felt slighted in that maybe he didnt like it here. Its a good thing he was immovable so the result was always he cant go anywhere. It always struck me as funny because Steph is a smart dude. He knows this and had to be aware he couldnt move even if he tried to get himself moved. But that didnt stop people from making it a thing. Obviously hindsight makes this an easier criticism, but the point remains.
  12. I find her voice grating and her insights kinda common sense and lackluster. Id much prefer the Sals of the world than a rah rah fan whos happy to be included hired by the team. If it was a guy Id feel the same way. She came from college and IMO, she still has a very college/student reporter feel to her work. Shes seemingly gotten better during her time on the radio, but it still has an amateur feel
  13. As i said in the 2nd thread on this.. This is the closest you'll ever get to him speaking his truth in public. The man said he likes to poke the bear. He knows what hes doing, but this should put this to bed. Von did the club a huge solid here. Anything else that anyone has to say is chasing ghosts. He said exactly what youd want him to say. Nothing to see here but positives.
  14. I mean... even if he wasnt the HC in NJ, it sounded like he might have been on the outs anyway. Agree or disagree, its not like McD was getting booted and Dabes hired. Would make a return after a flounder (if that were to happen) tough regardless
  15. This team had to stay out of their own way and couldnt. There are lessons to be learned. Josh kept saying be smart w the throws and preserve his health. It took 4 qtrs to finally throw the ball away, and im not sure if we ever did get a slide out of him. The sky is not falling and theyll be ok. Allen just needs to figure it out and hopefully getting embarrassed on national tv does that. The Jets didnt have a legit sustained TD drive all night and even then it took an amazing catch. The kick coverage scared the hell out of me all game, as I was most scared about that and them busting long runs. That 2nd down run was dumb. Running wont help you establish a rhythm in OT. I wish the Jets got the ball. Bills scored 1td all night. The chances of it happening there were low. Id much rather stop them, try and flip the field and kick a fg. For as disappointed as I am in Josh (who will rebound) im equally disappointed in KD. Rather than moving a step forward, this was less fluid and cohesive than last years offesne. No plays building on each other... no flow. The runs still feel like an afterthought, I.E. protecting Josh from another pick or 'gezz, we shld prob mix a run in here to stay balanced I guess.' Why did they run at Williams as much as they did? JA will be fine. Ill chalk this game up to an excellent D... but if this was KD's A game m, we might be in trouble.
  16. I humbly accept this ESPY. I want to thank my parents and god. Also my neighbors dog. This for sure wouldnt have been possible without him. His ninja super sleuth poops kept me going. If not for him, I wouldnt have had the will or desire to figure out who was leaving these pup patties. Where did these fido flakes keep coming from?! Eventually, after much persistence I found it was him leaving these bow wow blobs. After speaking with my neighbor and letting him know his pooch was leaving me fecal fortune cookies, the canine crapcakes seem to have subsided for now. Its only because of that, that I have the time to be here tonight to accept this ESPY. Thank you
  17. Speaking of loosing ones mind.. But seriously, tell us how you REALLY feel;)
  18. Yep. Clarence wegmans had sold 7 pallets by 2 and had 5 more otw for the afterwork crowd. Last year online sales were kept on, seemingly made to order - until they stopped weeks later. Not to mention the flipping of charity items is kinda frowned upon. They made it a point to ensure everyone who wants one gets one
  19. They just keep making and making them. The only truly difficult ones to find were the 1st year. Both parties involved have said since its for charity theyll make as many as they can sell. 1st wave is kept low on purpose for the sake of hype, and then next week there will be plenty avbl and any limits will be lifted. Last yr online sold out super fast and then for the next few weeks you could order whenever. Always good to have hype that 1st day though!!
  20. Sounds like someone just returned from a nice long walk in the Nevada desert...
  21. Most impressive thing there is he isnt wearing gloves. THAT is impressive
  22. I dont think this thread came across the way you meant it to...
  23. Imo, it brings excitement back to a play thats become mostly a bore. We can say 'they had it right' and be ignorant to player health and the reasons as to why it changed -OR- we can just accept that with time things change and try to find an exciting new solution. This is the best Ive personally seen yet. It doesn't make it a non-play and it doesn't eliminate it from the current game either. Its a solution that mimicks the original in both excitment and the ability to flip a game. The caveat is, man... it wld be annoying to give up multiple TDs a game bc the new version of a coverage crew is terrible.
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