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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Why? This is bordering fan fiction Somewhere McD is screaming "GET OUT OF MY HEAD"
  2. Did we just become best friends??
  3. Honest question, for once im not being a smart @$$... For what? 6 wins instead of 4? Most applauded the way the Bills stood pat and grabbed AJM for a much less than some perceived his value to be. Then he came in and looked like the 5th rd pick he was. If rumor is true and he wasnt going to be a good soldier and play mentor 3rd string after worsening his situation from the 2 in Cinn then its addition by subtraction. They, nor anyone else knew it would shake out like that. They then had a chance to get something back from a crummy situation. Sure, it left a mentor gap but so many want to act like AJM would have just accepted a demotion after expecting a promotion. Even if he was the starter- he was a sacrificial lamb. Crappy qb on a crappy team. All that changes is rather than Allen playing now, we'd be calling for his shot. It may not have been different if they shelled out for Keenum instead of AJM except then we have people calling it a dumb waste of $$. Its a no win, because again, this team wasnt meant to go deep in the playoffs. It seems like a stepping stone to get to next year. To a certain extent, the names are interchangeable. AJM, TT, Keenum, take your pick. I doubt it matters
  4. I respect your posts from over the years, i do. But how hot can the water possibly get from a year that is essentially a tredding water year for development? Im obviously a Bills fan - but I, as it seems most pundits expected a step back this year in order for a step forward. 2 wins didnt change that. Its like saying a painting looks like crap half way through. If after next season there arent strides - fine. But if anything, he has gotten more out of teams than expected. Unless you had them pegged for a deep superbowl run this year, why is this even a thing? He has his young D with a few vets mixed with old and young scrubs playing out of their minds and the worst talent on the other side of the ball possibly in the league (half of whom wont be here next year) and has gotten enough for 2 wins. Kinda polishing a turd. Dont get me wrong, its not good enough on O, but its also far from a finished product. Perspective is important. Not everything is or needs to be a fireable offense.
  5. Keep chasing ghosts my man! Mountain, meet this molehill Also, you understand that when there is a tech issue or a disconnect that means the other person is no longer able to say goodbye qnd answer the silly question of 'do you have any questions for us?' right? Thus, unable to end the same way as every other time lol
  6. Really? A disconnect gets a post saying he hung up?? I listened and didnt take that away at all. Seemed more like a technical issue. They said goodbye, and just didnt get the goodbye back. Much a do about nothing imo
  7. Man. First TBD, now the air waves as well??
  8. Right? I dont even wanna think about April Peterman. No way!
  9. One of the weaker troll jobs... At least be funny about it, like the guy who suggested fitz was the 'answer'. That still tickles me
  10. THIS is the perfect example of how bad it has gotten around here. Next time someone has an issue, just remember someone had the wisdom to actually post and sign their name to a thread calling for RYAN FREAKING FITZPATRICK to come be our savior. WTF ARE YOU THINKING? Pack it in and call it a day, bc this might be the single silliest thing ive ever read here. There have been some doozies but this.... this takes the cake. Troll job of the year!!! Good job mate, good job
  11. Just copying so other people later in the convo see this too. He may be good, he may not. If the fans were in charge we could have the 2nd incarnation of peyton manning and we'd never know bc hed be run out of town after his 1st few games looking shaky. The correct response to 9 out of 10 new threads today could be 'STOP AND TRY HAVING SOME PATIENCE '. Id hate to see what this place will look like once the Bills actually have a REAL problem.
  12. Is it really a refusal though? Could it be just not having the appropriate resources at the moment? Once they have them available i think its fair to take shots if its failing. That time doesnt seem to be upon us yet.
  13. Mort mentioned DA may play incase of injury and that was before yesterday. As fun as watching a game plan that features no outside the hash throws sounds, i dont see how the kid does anything else besides run the PS. I also think you need to keep in mind that THIS incarceration of the Buffalo Bills isnt the final result. Once the dead cap is off the books hopefully a couple key defenders are added and next years O resembles the diff between the 2017 and 2018 Sabres. 2018 seems to be about laying the foundation and 2019 and beyond is when the fun starts. Sometimes i wonder how this fan base got behind the tank for Eichel because patience doesnt seem to be our strong suit collectively as a whole.
  14. Yikes. Im behind play allen regardless. I can at least understand the logic behind a week or two of Anderson although i disagree. This, i just dont get. It doesnt serve either the learn by playing or learn by watching a vet narrative and kinda seems like ya just wanna watch it burn - just because. It serves no developmental purpose and honestly just seems kind of mean, to both Peterman AND the fans.
  15. Word. Its actly a pretty good measure in a way. When Allen came in most seemed to want him to play knowing there would be bumps and a learning curve. Now we are experiencing those bumps and a portion doesnt want to see the plan through and bail because of the bumps. I dont know whats right and what's wrong, BUT i do know that whats happened win or loose isnt enough to sway me personally from the original plan bc i was impatient. Im interested to see what the team themselves end up doing. Stay the course or bail and try a different approach.
  16. Personally, i think it is what it is. I dont think Allen game 2 was ideal, but the cats out of the bag. There will probably be more bad days than good, at least in the early going - but one would hope the lumps taken this year set up strides next year and when reinforcements comes he can take advantage. Im against sitting him down now, but whatever the team does... they know better than I. Id argue the yoyo does more harm than good at this point, but im not privy to the convos inside the building. Whatever is best for the kids development at this point in time bc thats what the year is for. If he stays in, its ok bc this isnt the year to pile up the Ws. A guy on WGR right now is asking when the team takes the fans into consideration... hopefully they dont! Its not about us (which i think we agree about).Things get real next season, so id hope there is a plan so point A gets to point B and whatever is done doesnt make this year a waste.
  17. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?? WHO CARES!!!
  18. Here here!!! Bills fan after the 1st game "Put in the kid and let him develop and take their lumps all in the name of progress and development. Its going to be a long year, might as well get all the bad stuff out of the way" Bills fan after 2 wins and good D "Bench the kid so the O gets some life bc this D might get us into the playoffs" Good grief! Would you sell your own kids for another backdoor playoff birth? How some folks seem to loose perspective so easily based on a few wins or a few losses is scarey. I hope this team stays the course at least. Hopefully the D only gets better as it develops and the season goes on. Add another stud or 2 and we could be on to something. If we win, great! Bonus!! Its going to be a long year, but hopefully everything is done in the name of progress and development even if the offense is behind at the moment. This year isnt the year to go places. I wish we were happy with just the cake and less people wanted to eat it too.
  19. Im sorry you feel that way - but believe me- i understood. Had you have read MY post, you would have understood i adknowledge the gist of what he said about WHY (sit, watch etc) and disagree, BEACAUSE (and mostly the players 'quitting' and how its not something you or i know)of the aforementioned issues... So its not as much about which approach is right and which is wrong, but the reasons (again - one in particular)he backed his argument with. Had he cited some sort of stats or something - great. Making an assumption that the team has quit on him is kinda silly and what i took/take issue w/. Just as i put no hope in his ability to GM, i put no hope in your ability to referee. Then again, were you out there today?? THAT i'd believe Thanks though!
  20. Right. Its one fan thinking he's 'on to something'. Again, I don't know as im not on the team - but from embedded McD seems to be pretty good at building a 'team'. Id hope that its not an act and they cant even get though 6 weeks w/o falling apart. Had he not written so much i doubt he would have been indulged
  21. Dude... no. Or more so, i dont know. But neither do you.... which makes this a moot point. Maybe this D is playoff worthy. Heres the thing... its not a finished product. Like the dope on 550 after S&B saying this team is wasting one of the leagues best Ds. This is essentially a developmental year. Develop the foundation and once the prior regimes mess is clear - add players with $$ or draft and get even better! The D is ahead of the O. Next years O will be like the difference between this years Sabres team and last. Ideally, Allen comes along and next year we are all the better for it. Add some peices and they are on their way. I could make assumptions like you to further this argument BUT why? The likelihood of there being more than 2 or 3 guys in the WR corps getting carried over are slim anyway. Remember what you are watching. THIS year isnt important from a W-L stand point. If you wanna cry the sky is falling, you are more than welcome to bc to each their own. Just keep in mind this is all quite silly big picture. Dont be silly mad Bills fan yelling at ghosts. Try and keep some perspective and keep your arguments based on tangible things u can back up with proof rather than a skewed and flawed assumption. In the grand scheme of things lets even assume you are right. If we are building toward the future, who cares if some practice squad wr or special teams specialist masquerading as a WR is showing bad body language?? Mmmaaaayyybbbbeeeee they are mad they are blowing their 'shot'?? Who knows?? Not me.. and not you So lets not pretend like we should trot Anderson out there. Bc THAT is giving up. Allen was the most raw of the rooks. Its not a suprise. He is playing, and he needs to continue to do so if you want him to develop. Your impatience now will only hurt you in the long run. Respectfully, im glad you arent evaluating the situation or in charge of the team bc a new drought would be underway.
  22. Again.. assuming his organization is losing faith. YOU HAVE NO IDEA
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