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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Kept the right ones out... Let the wrong ones in.... This thread makes no sense, i dont even know where to begin
  2. Did anyone use 'Sal's sauce ' on their turkey today as per his reccomendation? Seems like a better question...
  3. Man... go read the Jags MB Duval Pride. Maroon qnd Hackett were the 2nd coming last year. Scum if the earth this year. Anywho, with posts like this youd fit right in over there!! As ive said many times before - the simple Canadian sweepstakes question here wld prob do the trick. Maybe adding a question when signing up asking what your former BBMB handle was would help if registration requests with that field filled in accidentally vanished...
  4. We need creme pie throwing emojis, or long canes used to yank people off stages. Who doesn't love a good pie to the face?! It wld also give threads like this a reason to exist
  5. Whatever Doug... it doesn't mean anything unless someone else says it ABOUT you. That said, odd way to put across you know the dude. Calling him and his wife good people and saying hes a family friend would accomplish the same thing imo.
  6. Good grief... maybe ya wanna delete this before it gets out of hand. Id ask if you're new - but its like asking if poo smells bad. At any rate, thanks for sharing? Or feeling compelled to share? 450+ rep points should serve you better
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/amarinoni10/status/1062527317220704257/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1062527317220704257&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.theganggreen.com%2Fthreads%2Fgame-day-experience-letter-priceless.91497%2F I think its funny... maybe a bit over the top. 2 sides of the coin though. 1, ya feel bad hes wasting his $$. 2, its his fault hes wasting his $$. At the end of the day he prob just did it for a laugh imo
  8. Other than nerve/ucl, what are we even discussing? Hypothetical situations in regard to something no one knows the actual specs of? How in the world can you even form an opinion one way or the other based on something you know nothing about? Typing just to type
  9. Is the keyboard or the poster broken?
  10. This brought us those awesome Champion throwback jerseys though! Side note : there are some of the rarest jerseys and hardest to find gameworn (no replicas back then - before they realized it was easy $$) in their entire history. I own the white Jim Kelly and White Devlin from the oilers game week 3, and the blue J. Fina and John Davis from the Monday night Denver game. I only know of 2 others in the hobby. Most teams are readily available, but for whatever reason not many Bills ones ever came out of the woodwork. As backasswords as they are, they are awesome pieces and very classic looking jerseys!! http://imgur.com/gallery/roFFL http://imgur.com/gallery/hTyp9 http://imgur.com/gallery/ZmJMlN7 (Snoop around to find some other rando gamers if you are bored)
  11. I dont mind the red for something different. The 2002 arena league abominations however hopefully never see the light of day again. One of the worst NFL jerseys ever IMO. I can at least understand from an NHL perspective that a generation of fans grew up with the goat head and its respective colors so eventually they will be looked at fondly. Everything that goes around comes around! The Bledose/Losman/Edwards/Holcomb era unis should just be taken outback and shot. Back on topic, the Bills will 100% wear both RED and THROWBACKS. Both are in their marketing material and in apparel. See Twitter for Bills Eqpt Manager uni videos (for example, along with other stuff) and will be busted out at somepoint during the homestand at the end of the year. Have to have SOMETHING to look forward to, no? Plus, who can say no to the extra $$$ RED Allen jerseys will bring in??
  12. If a tree falls in the woods and no oneis around to hear it, does it make a sound?
  13. The the OP know what he is doing? Nope
  14. Ugh, dont be that guy. Hopefully you are joking. If not, go be a Jets fan. You'll fit right in
  15. I totally agree! Ironically, those same people who would expect it would turn right around and criticize McB for not going w/allen. Im glad those fans have no say, but often wonder wtf they would do if they were and had to be responsible for their lame takes rather than just simply get to flop to another line of thinking and hope no one notices. Worst Bills fans in a nut shell and its almost like this place collects them;)
  16. Of all the times we'd LOVE to get a gift of our opponent's qb getting a suprise injury and not starting, it figures it happens now. I was looking forward to seeing SD v Allen and it might not even help the Bills as MCC might be more proficient at this point in his career anyway. Bummer
  17. Then you dont seem to understand big pictures. I dont even say this in a jerky way, but i dont understand how you dont understand this unless you just dont pay attention. You do understand this isnt the finished product right? Does it really need to be explained that this years or last years team werent designed to be good? In fairness, probably not this bad either - but the goal isnt to appease grumpy fans mid rebuild. Look no further than down Lake Erie to see what happens each time a grumpy fan decides to trash a coach. You may not like the dude, but give the vision a chance. Dont be one of those idiots on facebook watching his pressers and commenting he should be fired. They look silly. Its a bad look. If you really dont understand, at least pretend to...
  18. TBD welcomes you! You'll notice things are a BIT different than what you are used to at BBMB so just sit back and....ahhh who am i kidding?!?! You'll fit right in!
  19. Makes me wanna go buy a fish and a tank. I shall name the fishy, Daboll That is all
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