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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Uhh breaking news updated 9hrs ago? Talk about putting CB26 to shame... We've got a quick trigger finger here folks!!
  2. Well, i did my part by leaking the tweets- telling the future wasnt part of the deal
  3. Sorry... i REALLY wanted Rosen. I can admit i was wrong and now would rather no other.
  4. Wrong kind of special - but at least now it makes sense to a degree
  5. Maybe one of the other 19 'now how do you feel about josh allen' would have been a good place to offer your opinion? But, as YOUR opinion is special it no doubt deserved its own thread. Happy New Year!
  6. This sounds like the start of a national treasure sequel. Deciphering codes from McBene pressers to find Whaley tied up in a eqpt room somewhere at OBD. Not sure its much of a treasure, but for whatever its worth hed know how to spend it!
  7. If that actually came to pass, thats the least of their issues imo
  8. I assure you, the thought hadnt crossed my mind lol wtf
  9. Thats funny. I had a Collins replica Champion back in the day. In later years i had a Collins Logo Athletic gamer, but for some reason ive always wanted a Champion gamer from 96 to go with my Van Pelt 96 one lol. (Yes, sadly Im being serious)
  10. There were a few games this year where the toasters made it unbearable. I actually left after the 1st half of the CHI game bc between the sun and the heaters it was unbearable. Its nice they put them out like that, but it can make it too hot. I should have worn more layers to be able to cool off accordingly. I was amazed though, i sit in the 6th row (from front) and moved up to the 1st row for the end of the JAX game and it was night and day as they dont seem to make it that far up and it was cold. I guess dress as normal, but nake sure u can strip a layer if needed. Enjoy!! Edit- if the bathroom line is long at the closest one, go to the entrance one close to the outside. No one goes down there so its pretty quick for an extra 30 sec walk
  11. YOU werent who I was referring too. Apples and oranges, and if you are trying to convince me otherwise you're barking up the wrong tree. Its silly and lazy blaming 17 years on this regime. Once again, when the convo takes a hard left and ownership is being discussed as needing to be changed - anything worth while that could come out of it is shot. Again, a little dramatic. When I see a convo like this, the person generally is either a fairweather fan or isnt paying attention to whats really going on. As a result, posts like this occur. Simple as that.
  12. THIS current team isnt a finished product. As ive said before- complaining about it is like getting worked up into a tizzy that the self portrait doesnt look like you after only the circle has been drawn. It wasnt a suprise week two, and it certainly shouldn't be now - this is simply a tread water year to see who will be a part of the team going forward. Find your base ( most of the D ), maybe find a diamond in the rough (foster?) And allow chanves for more to come to the surface (ie playing young guys) and MOST important - get Allen and Edmunds some experience in a low pressure year. Check! All this nonsense like the sky is falling garbage (and again, a little dramatic at that) is silly bc its q result if either not paying attention ooooorrrrrr totally unrealistic expectations. Either way, he did it to himself. If there isnt progress at the end of next year, ill be concerned. But for now anyone who talks like that is seriously better off choosing a different rooting interest bc they dont sound like a Bills fan. Of course the cookies are going to taste like crap if you try them after only the flour and eggs are mixed. I also wouldn't want them to be lumped in with the past 20 yrs of crappy cookies when there is a new chef. This has been explained numerous times by numerous posters - but yet we still get these gems with out of touch folks with a flair for the dramatic. Ps - MERRY Christmas!!!
  13. Snappy! I can't fault you for being frustrated, you are allowed to be. Just no need to be so dramatic. In other news, this thread has gone off the rails even further than where it started to the extent new ownership is being debated ssssooooooo.... You might now be off the hook!
  14. Lol, wambulance. Honest how? Id agruge the only person 'butt hurt' here is you and thats what led to this terrible post. Only thing honest about it is that its a perfect example of whats wrong with some fans and their over reactions - both good and bad. Have some context and some levelheaded-ness. You make it sound so terrible that you might just be better off going to a team that seemingly can do no wrong. Was it a good game? No. Was it anywhere near as dire as this post suggests? No. In fact, id hate to see how you react to a REAL problem...
  15. Sounds like you should catch the next patriots bandwagon that comes by
  16. Yep! Of course there were bad throws as well - but if those 2 are included (bc the throw was made, just not executed) he actly made enough throws for them to win. Even though it was a step back, small boring things showed progress like when/how to run or give up on a play by throwing it away etc. Next week will be important to set the tone for the offseason. A nice showing sure wld make this place a more pleasant off season read
  17. Agreed, it was a down day BUT its kinda crazy you can point to just 2 plays that flip this game upsidedown. The sun killing the foster bomb/td and another ball LITERALLY going through Thomas's hands. 2 things happen a little different and we are talking about our rookie qb the Patriot killer. I know its dangerous to go down the 'ifs' path but in this instance its not a huge ask. For anyone who continued watching and saw the Eagles game and their last drive it was both sad and encouraging. Sad that there is such disparity in their WR corps but good in that Allen is already servicable with nothing - imagine what he'll be with WR that actually go and make HIM a play rather than have a 20% chance at a drop even when it hits em in the hands!!
  18. Lol, you cant explain Picasso to a kindergartner with crayons. Just aint happening
  19. Mr mcbride, please brush up on types of passes a qb can deploy. Promo spelled it out pretty well for ya. Your dignity appeals to you to listen
  20. As you should be. Guys have rough days. Anyone posting Allen is a bum based on 1 game is an idiot.
  21. Ya man, half this place will walk away thinking they picked the wrong josh again but people are sooo easily swayed and say things they dont mean or just dont know. They shld slow their roll one way or another. There will be struggles and it is what it is
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