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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. 2 cereal jokes in a row? Come on man, you can do better regardless of your handle!
  2. At this point id say odds are on you! Personally, i dont care if you discuss or you dont - i wasnt the one making the demand. Fwiw, 'if' is litterally how most speculation starts, which prompted my response....so im not exactly arguing w/ya there. You decided to stick up for OP and although many posts habe the same vibe, you chose mine to police. Im not sure what you are looking for here other than to further slog the silliness
  3. Whatever floats ur boat my man...whatever floats ur boat.. Yes... it 100% needed to be crapped on. Thats facebook stuff, as is this fwiw. Just bc i spent more time doing it doesnt take away from the first few responses that have the same point w less words. Who says hed be ok w a backup role at a decent price anyway? Now we are speculating on a nonstarter? Yeesh
  4. Incase the youngins have never seen it, its not on the PS store and can only be purchased on vudu. I still have the dvd, but last time i gave it a watch it was on YouTube. Entire movie is there in good qlty stream for fffrrrreeeeeeees That said, best thing going for it is ol'Van. No murph though. Decent cut shots of actual Bills in stock video doubling for 'backups'. The dialogue is cringeworthy, the qb throws like a girl and all the actors look terrible in pads. Couple nice Adamsmark shout outs as well! That said, its fun to remeber a time when it was actly believed guys would come to buffalo at a discount to win:) Side note, kinda weak they gave Washington Reeds number. Thurman was featured in the opening too while Bruce made a play on Huard in the Mia game lol
  5. Im not sure. I dont think so... the Bills seemed to always have long tenures w/their jersey manufacturers. The 60s and early 70s were champion. Then mid 70s to 87 were sand knit before going back to champion from 87-96 (a few players wore apex in 93 for some reason) and after they went from Wilson, to Logo Athletic which was then bought by puma (second string looks like puma) before 1 year of the 90s style with reebok in 2001 when they had a league wide deal that then went into the 02 revamp. It was either just something that no one changed OR that by then all uniforms (still to this day) are made in Berlin WI. Ripon Athletic makes the jerseys and puts the manufacturers logo on it. Its why some mid 90s jerseys were recycled and have the Puma logo (for example) as a patch that actually covers a Starter logo that you can see from the inside out. The make was the same but the logos changed.
  6. No idea why, but it always bugged me they didnt get the uniforms correct. Bills were actually the last team to wear screened numbers in the NFL - all the way until the Bledose era duds. Movie had sewn numbers which, back then, were more expensive than screening:)
  7. If ur going to ask people discuss, you could at least set the table a little better and provide some context. This is just lazy fandom. Its not face book and as others have brought you up to speed, explaining why YOU think this would be a good idea would have been the only redeeming qlty. Why should someone discuss something almost seemingly to amuse you?
  8. Interestingly Pats fans take away is good for the old man, but he should have been more careful. No big deal as long as no one got hurt - worst that happens is jonathan kraft takes over sooner than later.
  9. Sure, lets rehash this again - why not? FA and Combine cant come soon enough!
  10. Among other things, sure. Which, is why when people say he should be a coach its like... uh, hes a player and still has value as such. You have forever to coach, but a relatively small window to be a player. Its no accident things are how they are Same here. Hell, the kid could have come here w no weapons and be an int machine and we wld be discussing if we should be drafting another qb already. My coping mechanism with allen after the draft was that i really wanted mahomes the yr before. I figured if i wanted the rocket arm developmental player last year i shouldnt be upset with this years version. Its silly, but after yelling for a day it wasnt rosen... that thought really helped me come around
  11. I get it BUT you are a player OR a coach. Officially of course. The days if having player-coach designations have long passed. At this point, DA still fancies himself a player. The team gets the benefits of having a 'player' at this stage in his career. I get why people say this, but its easier said than done and not really how things work. In response to the OP, sure - AT THIS MOMENT this may be true. That said, this is the NFL and things change in an instant. At one point last offseason our qb room looked good. A promising rookie, a vet who many thought just needed a chance to prove himself at a nice price, and NP, who was entering his 2nd yr looking to make strides. Im happy with how the room looks now but all it takes is a freak camp mishap for the starter, subsequently a journey man getting exposed for what he is and then all of a sudden everyone is back up in arms that they were unprepared bc DA is all thats here. So, RIGHT NOW everything is rainbows and sunshine but things can change quick so dont rest on what a great job was done 'building' the room.
  12. I was going to ask if you were new... but seeing you actually are takes away both the humor and satisfaction Id still do that in that time and place.
  13. I gotta agree. When you take a guys 2nd mock and so much is still yet to happen??? Jets were still 6 here!!
  14. OP has a valid point, as everyone has come to learn as they saw this 1st hand. However, this dead horse carcus is getting so hammered we might need to bring in a new one!
  15. Well ya, but in a way thats like saying id buy a winning lotto ticket if i knew the winning numbers. Easier said than done is all
  16. Not to mention one is a rising star in the nfl, while the other is toiling away in the CFL.... Seems like a bit of a reach- simply for the sake of conversation- to a question no one asked.... but thats just me
  17. freudian slip as i went to school with a matt. Someone cant be right 100% of the time and when they arent, they should get called on it. Just as you did. That said An arrogant what? If your going to call someone out maybe you should at least get what you want to say right. I didnt pussyfoot, neither should you! And if you took that as arrogant then your arro-dar is off. That was simply being real and providing a truthful explination. If peoples feelings were getting hurt and it needed to be spelled out - there it is. It wasnt intended to offend, but yet inform. Like it or not, its the nature of the interwebs
  18. Nice read. I honestly hope it becomes more than just fan fiction but who knows. Hey, a guy can dream!
  19. Simple - accountability. To a degree its about knowing your audience as well. It might sound silly, but this was the primo place to discuss Bills stuff for a decade. People who already didnt know (beginners per se) would google buffalo bills message board and would litterally get the BBMB and have at it. TWDSW was a little more advanced perhaps. Im sure this reeks of ignorance, but the convo really was a bit more advanced or next level. There were no threads about how Josh Allen looks in shorts or silly threads about bad hires due to Carolina connections. If there was, it was snuffed out real quick. If you didnt have to ignore stupid threads before and now you do, some could find it annoying. Some say something mean, some poke fun, and some simply ignore. Some simply move on, some dont. In the grand scheme of things are you really that much better complaining about the people who complain? Policing the police as it were? Prob not. Not to mention, its also how people learn. All you have here is your handle. If you wanna gunk it up by publicly posting stupid things you are entitled to - but people remember that and next time you post something you will also be remembered as the person who thought Matt Vallejo was the answer. Rough, maybe... but if we are being honest in general this isnt the best beginner board out there. It may even be a small reason why newbie posting rules were just put into play. It is what it is man...it is what it is
  20. To think, people on facebook are being robbed the chance to discuss this bc it was posted here instead...
  21. The amount of times games can ACTUALLY come down to one play is pretty seldom. Its a slippery slope and i dont think its even necessary in this instance. IMO, this game was won with coaching. Brady may be responsible for the majority but this one is BBs.
  22. What we didn't deserve however, was this this thread
  23. I suppose anything is a possibility but he just always seemed really enamoured with being a starter. Some guys are and some aren't. It could very well be the difference in playing for a winner and playing for a loser. Thats the trade off with these guys and seemingly why guys who dont necessarily deserve second starting gigs get them.
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