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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. im honestly not trying to be a complete richard, it just gets old. I think there is a middle ground between entertaining yourself and overkill - but the click bait titles. There was a time when threads were based in insight. The random specualtion stuff was Facebook conversations where someone posted every random thought that popped in their head in Bills groups and theyd kinda 'host' the discussion.... it was terrible. This boad was SSSOO much better. All the 'Trade next 3 1st round picks for Russell Wilson - Discuss' topics were there and this didnt have silly stuff like that bc there was a bit of a respect of others in that regard. Your topics could just as easily have been placed in ongoing threads. You make the news ones with misleading titles bc you feel your thoughts or ideas are better than others who contribute in existing convos. If you insist on using the board this way, can you at least keep it all in one thread instead of multiple per day? When '26' would start multiple threads per day they were news related with good articles or twitter news. These are just random thoughts w click bait titles And just pointing out again, we arent even discussing your theory for 2 1st rd picks anymore as its submarined into if its a valid thread or not which prob means its not. Again, theres probably a middle ground here
  2. This is the 3rd thread on the 1st page that has zero substance. Its Facebook stuff. All 3 thought could have been combined in one thread and maybe it would be worth a click. There was litteral ACTUAL news there...-like inside info that provided information of relavance. This is just rambling..
  3. Lol, the stereotypical policing of the thread police. Lame. Proof is in the pudding, you decide to do this silly dance rather than discuss the 'topic' at hand. You must be new, youll loose that 'pizzazz ' soon enough - i promise:)
  4. Even the titles are designed like they are click bait. If half as much thought was put in fhe substance as the title it might actly be worth the click. Sadly its like the creativity bubble burst and nothimg is left for the payoff
  5. Can someone please explain to this guy what exactly is "new thread worthy"?? Please??? Or just pick a thread and update it with todays "new idea" and update the post in the title if u care that much. Not a single one has been worthy to warrant its own thread and now they pop up quite often. If it dies bc there arent enough eyes, that shld tell ya something. If the goal is just to keep trying until one is worthy, please spare us - or ill pretend this is the one if youd like!
  6. Clearly you havent my friend lol. Thats the point. To a degree, it doesnt matter - next man up as long as TB and BB are there.
  7. It was part of a pro line new era classic team collection as each team had a version. Little over priced, but its dead stock so ya just gotta suck it up. You're welcome! https://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-VINTAGE-90s-BUFFALO-BILLS-NFL-NEW-ERA-CLASSIC-COLLECTION-SNAPBACK-CAP-HAT-/302987200641
  8. Uhh, this makes me wonder what NE team YOU'VE been watching for the past 7 yrs?!??
  9. Now THIS is new thread worthy - thanks for the info. We get people posting new threads about their Bills dream they had last night, meanwhile excellent info such as this gets (correctly, but still..) added to the bowels of a David Culley thread. What a crazy world we live in!!!
  10. "You're travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!" Who knows - a few pundits have said Rosen would be #2 or 3 - take it for whatever you want bc we will never know- it will totally depend on how Allen-hyped one is
  11. Ok first I'm gonna say I am Josh Allen but I doN'T know him very well I've NOT been working out with him and Dez Bryant in California and let me tell you he's NOT ready to go and Dez Bryant is NOT trying to get obd to sign
  12. Da fah? And we tell plummers crack kills....
  13. Is the plan to just collect 22 RB and start 11 on O and 11 on D? Or is it just only sign 11 and make them 'iron man' it and play both ways?
  14. Word. Any of these 'topics' would equally work as well in current ongoing topics discussing other folks views and wants for the draft. Some people like 'hosting ' a discussion apparently, some like the attention, and some just think their ideas are more important/special. Sadly, the ignorance also implies there is no understanding as to when it is and isnt appropriate to start a thread. Before someone says 'if you dont want to read it then dont click on it' the only redeeming thing about his threads have become the funny responses. They dont actly pertain to football mind you, but funny enough to be worth the click It is also impressive no one even bothers to waste a rep neg reaction to these either. That says quite a bit.
  15. ??‍♂️? Are you asking a question? I dont see how it can be answered as the events in question have yet to happen. where do you find the time?
  16. This kinda sadly didnt even get to f5 stage
  17. Meanwhile, we seem to be thriving;)
  18. As this thread has turned into as well. Im not sure how many more people can essentially explain this indetail and indepth BUT people still want to tell 'their' version?? Even after its been well documented AND a respected board memeber has relayed 'inside info'?? Conspiracy theorists aplenty!!
  19. Say what now?! Apparently there is a very BIG need to rehash this, if only to set the facts straight and seperate misguided 'facts and opinions' from what actually happened here on planet earth
  20. Dude, you are on a straight roll! We havent seen the likes of this dynamic posting since...well, maybe ever!!! (Honorable mention to DD and his numberous handles)
  21. As good of a watch as it was when it was posted in its thread last december...
  22. Props to you for reading it! Ive always thought tl/dr was rude to the person who took the time to write it. This isn't a rebuttel and rather the beginning to something. I gave up after the slot aspect qnd realized - how could anyone know the answer? No one can predit the future and if they can they arent wasting their time here. After these thoughts i realized there was more to read and i had to give up. Sorry OP, ya broke me
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