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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Heres one i didnt know. Its doesn't exist, but everything needs to start somewhere. What if the Bills actually beat themselves in the aforementioned Cleveland loss? According to this, the Bills were DIRECTLY responsible for giving Kosar the oppertunity to head home after his time at MIA..... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DuVZOSSF6HS4&ved=2ahUKEwjWyNjMwM7hAhVqxFkKHdzZDw8QwqsBMAB6BAgIEAU&usg=AOvVaw1gtcbm_InvQh7qRXV_0iuK
  2. It always amazes me how some guys can charge a hundred bones for a scribble and NOT be personable to the fan. Hopefully it doesnt change w this kid.
  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Quick
  4. Watch out internet! Boca figured out how to use YouTube!!?
  5. I....just.....cant....
  6. Uuhhh, 2 firsts of what? No way you mean draft picks...
  7. Lol at the thought of the physicality and need to block ever being part of his game
  8. See, double posts are ok when the poster is self aware enough. Ya cant get mad when he appologies right at the get. Take note double posters, this is how its done!!
  9. Eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh i think its a bit of an overstatement Its not like we have people running around yelling about winning the offseason. Its a Bills board so i guess you can let your homer flag fly but i think your over exaggerating a wee bit
  10. Big is a bit of a relative term here, no? Like WE are jacked, but if im discussing our moves w/say some rando jets fan - i don't describe them as 'big'. Maybe 'potentially solid' or 'encouraging' but BIG, IMO, isn't the best or most accurate term to describe our FA acquisitions.
  11. If you find a pic of him and marino from the 90s and him and marino from now its tough to look at. All the evidence one needs that hes a hell of a fighter
  12. Right, but that was also getting into heir apparent time/territory. Also, dont forget they drafted Brian Brohm shortly thereafter as well.
  13. His body has been ravaged by treatments. Not even close to what the mans body looked like while playing fwiw. 6'3 was once big for qbs as well
  14. Didnt u just try and burn me for NOT trying hard enough? Im sorry, im just not going to explain it to you. Its not my fault you didnt get it and made yourself look silly. Keep up, dont, i dont care but something tells me youll fit right in!
  15. Lol, well at least you obviously understand when people are 'trying' to be funny AND a strong sense of sarcasim to boot? Yeesh, must be fun being the new guy who keeps up with longstanding 'jokes' going all the way back to 8/18! Welcome!
  16. Maybe i took a deep breath, held it, passed out, and had a dream i read this... sadly, im pretty sure im awake and i shld be so lucky..
  17. Place is going to hell in a handbasket:)
  18. Shhh, you're giving away their secrets:)
  19. Draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! Draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! Draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! Draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! Draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! And draft picks for you!........(large breath) Draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! And draft picks for you! Id hate to see you with a real problem... trade em or use em, who says too many draft picks?!?! IF you actually think that, OR, as you say 2 posts later you think they'll trade up- why not go find one of the bajillion draft topics that already exist and say it there?! Oh right, bc this is something new no one else has ever considered?‍♂️ Just sayin..
  20. Anyone who has issues w this either A) just doesnt get it and wont or B) just like complaining And the post you were replying to - i find it odd he thinks the mcbeane thing was planned in the sense that when he became headcoach, very often he is hired by a GM. Just situationaly there happened to be a lame duck GM. Stars alligned and it was meant to be. Pretty tough to predict a situation as unique as that IMO
  21. You know what they say about left footed punters... They kick with their left foot!
  22. Jesus, tell us how you really feel. Instead of throwing a TLDR at you (i fear for your saftey) ill sinply leave you with this... For a post like that, when you wish to be taken seriously, re-read it before posting! It looks like english but doesnt read like it.
  23. And shadys there laughing his ass off he played the rook lol
  24. Hahaha I never said anything about agreeing. Dude YOU provided some lame back handed insult, then suggested WE agreed WE would move on like you had a mouse in your pocket. Now you back peddle to try and make your previous insult make sense and double down on it? Sounds like you bit off a little more than you can chew and are just out of ideas to me... But sure, just keep trying. Maybe eventually youll land that coveted zinger... afterall, your finger spasm that brought you to this point must have been worth it bc from where im sitting it still seems like you are someone who likes to dish advice but it too proud to follow it. Maybe its simply easier said than done?
  25. Not, really. Im actually pretty awesome! Thats said, respectfully, you arent very good at this BUT with a handle like Dopey the fruit must naturally be hanging pretty low. For future reference, stringing random words along to form a sentence that makes no sense doesnt actually count as a comeback. Did someone tell you that and you found it funny? Make sense or dont bother. You have an audience for Pete's sake!
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