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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Yep, those are nipples all right! 1st thing i wanna know about any wr.... But seriously, a shirtless pic of a wr was bound to get at least 3 pages right??
  2. Most of these cats just check the stats and rosters and let their own opinions into play as well. Articles like that are good only bc it lets us know where we stand w the avg joe. Apparently, not very high lol
  3. man was once a genius. I can still watch Call me Al and laugh pretty good. Shame he got cranky https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D14647u543-8&ved=2ahUKEwizptT0roDiAhVjm-AKHUqjA-4QwqsBMAB6BAgEEAU&usg=AOvVaw00uF-P3y2z3WCmYVZEVe-D
  4. F'in heck man... Its like 'ok hear me out' is an alarm going off by the poster and internally he/she knows they shoukdnt post it. They ignore said alarm and do it anyway.. And we get stuck with this... Why? Listen to your gut and save our eyes and time!!
  5. Whats ironic, is on their board they cant seem to agree WHAT EXACTLY was given up for Rosen AND if it was a good deal or not. Silly fishies
  6. Man... i had NO idea you were such a rep point whorse
  7. Fitz x1000 Harder questions please, like can underthrowing be fixed:) I hope your 1st choice was autocorrected. If not im worried about how you came to your conclusion
  8. I hope your cat was wearing a shield this morning... Mrs Schopp?????
  9. I litterally listened to the interview and am fully aware of his wording. Maybe you are just feeling a little paranoia you felt you needed to compensate for? Started any threads lately???:) Whats the disconnect here? They could have titled it as quoted from Beane - but didnt, added a question mark to shroud it in curiosity and wham! - a title for a thread. By no means the worst offender, but also not really worth sticking your neck out for...
  10. People like their click baity titles. Personally it drives me nuts lol. If they put half the effort in their posts as they did their titles we'd be in a golden age at tbd imo
  11. Besides, im sure there will be 6,458 threads about Jackson to the Bills all with clever titles
  12. I can just picture Jeff Lynne singing this as you say it lol
  13. Ya, that didnt seem to sit well w jets fans:)
  14. As far as im concerned, you win this thread. Take your ball and go home bc this sums the whole kit and caboodle up nicely. Tie a bow on it, finito, fertig, fini, done-zo, befejezett, etc so on and so forth
  15. Ya? Tomorrows the draft? I hadnt noticed lol:)
  16. Now ur just repeating urself man... its over... no need to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Lick the wounds and move on and TRY to become a worthwhile contributing member here at tbd
  17. +1. Fundamentally i totally agree, but the big thing for me would be next years 1st. Thats the deal breaker. I wasn't against it last year for a qb, but i suppose thats where personally id draw a line in the sand. Also id guess they value the pick too much but ya never know!
  18. As long as we're at it, maybe we can find a Reed, Rice, Brown or Monk? Why stop there? Carter, Irvin, Moss! You get a HOF wr, YOU get a HOF wr, and YOU get a HOF wr. But seriously, i get the idea, but each guy does their thing. Hopefully we find our next version of a WR that may allow us to be successful. Some may say we already found it in Foster. In 20 yrs maybe someone will make a post saying they hope we find the next FOSTER! A guy can hope i suppose:)
  19. Just keep telling urself that lol. The proof is in the pudding. Knock knock jokes make it past 4 pages here. Your 'winning post' hardly hit 2 and thats WITH a HALF page of you trying to be witty and defend it. But ya know, 'you win' haha ill bet your mother did her share of telling you you were a 'winner' growing up as well. Mamma knows best afterall, and youve obviously grown up to be a 'winner' as well! Kudos. No but seriously, it was a terrbile take that was already being discussed. Its ok:)
  20. And with this, due to your weak troll game, its almost like you can just see your future credibility with starting posts slipping away Just Like That:)
  21. Im aware - i pointed it out once already, remember?
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