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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Still with this? Even under the guise of an original thought....woof
  2. Just search what you want, then hit the filter button and change it to 'sold'
  3. Cue rim shot and laugh track.....
  4. Thats why you need to meet the requirements set in place, and at the VERY least, you need your GED. Honestly, that last part is probably the only thing holding some people back from realizing their potential. Shame
  5. I didnt mean to imply you did, I was just saying the price of what they actually sell for is usually very different that what people ask. When you actually check sold listings on ebay, its no where near the $100 people as asking
  6. The 1st yr can sell for 70, 2022 on is 20 bucks or less. Many Wegmans still have stock of this year. People ask more, and comic book guy at flea markets is trying to get $100 for something that was designed for charity and they made as many as they could sell to maxamize that aspect... but like most collectibles, only the 1st issue/set is worth something. Ironically, that one didnt even have Bills branding. Once things are actually viewed that way they make a ton, everyone buys them out of excitment and supply ends up outweighing demand. See 90s baseball cards, beanie babies, any other collectible fad
  7. Off topic, but i hate going to other teams boards and see them make fun of a city theyve never been to or know very little (if anything) about. Id assume most ppl here have been to CLE, and while different, it's also very similar. So much so, i cant imagine why someone from here woukd talk trash about there.
  8. Ill tell you the secret if you promise NEVER to post here again...deal?
  9. what a difference a week or two makes. lets hope the result is the same! and really.... the rest we can deal with as long as Allen's finger is ok
  10. You waste our last TO w a minute left where if we dont get the 1st we give it back to them w 1 min left, and then instead of just giving some BS answer you take the opportunity to call out ur qb by saying the ball cant go to the middle of the field?! Dont turn ur wasting a valuable TO into bitching abt ur QB. If one of the two has to go, its sure not the franchise QB
  11. Lol, sure. Any team can play better on any day. Its why perfection is rarely achieved. Those that come close still have their games throughout the season where they have to win like last night. You obviously didnt pay attention all week to the circumstances surrounding the game, and even those aside- to a man, when you let up 62 pts, you sure are hell are going to make sure it doesn't happen 2 weeks in a row. This team had some rough breaks on some ticky tack penalties that orevented a potential rout, had 2 dumb luck fumbles lost loosing the turnover battle 0-3, and still scored enough to win. Furthermore, this is a game they would have dropped earlier in the year. This time, they were in charge and looked like they knew what they were doing the entire time. Sometimes you are up against it. Maybe a better team would have made them pay for their bad breaks. Instead of bumbling they showed competency and resiliency. Acting ignorant to all this is just silly. Again, makes it look like you should watch more football, pay better attention, and author better posts.
  12. Watch more football. Pay better attention. Author better posts. Life will be better, I promise!
  13. Schedule release mockery
  14. Also blue facemasks, which, although a minor detail, IMO, sets the whole thing off and looks great!
  15. We dont know the name of the ST coach... but we want him fired? I feel like as a fan, if you are going to publicly admonish someone, you should at least know the guys name if you want your thoughts to be taken seriously. Its like when someone calls 550 to complain and then calls the player by the wrong name. Just an odd look
  16. I was going to say... after watching that and coming here to read this it seems a bit overblown. Obviously things can always be pushed so you can function, but this moreso seems like a team that knows what its doing and has it self set up just fine.
  17. Did you read the title of the thread you're posting in?!?!?!
  18. I call him the Dion Dawkins of the Defense lol. Dion is obviously much better - but the point is if there is a dumb penalty to commit.... they both find a way
  19. Im guessing you just know the name Norwood, or arent really a long time fan? Is this bc bass missed wide right? Norwood was an excellent clutch Pro Bowl kicker. I know this bc i own his probowl jersey...but thats besides the point. The point is, the Bills dont make their 1st 2 SB w/out scotty. For the time, he was as good as one could hope their kicker could be. Not unlike Bass for that matter. Please use better analogies where you understand the material you are sourcing
  20. No, hes a huge Jets fan
  21. Internally at new era they have been picked on mercilessly. They were going for a 90s throwback, but instead theyve come off like the laziest caps ever designed. Fwiw, there have been many complaints and much criticism. I cant imagine the ball is dropped this bad 2 years in a row bc the NFL didnt love it either...
  22. As i called in the beane thread:)
  23. Very insensitive. For all you know, the poster is dealing with a urinary tract infection and thats what was top of mind... Jessh...
  24. This post doubles as both silly and an insight to the posters football acumen. Respectfully, I feel like if this was a genuine question, people would have been much more likely to provide a genuine answer if it wasnt tinged as a slight at the front office.
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