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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Wasted valuable seconds telling us this
  2. Umm, i just wanna know if he is cut or traded. Other stuff is just noise. Life will become easier when it is for you too!
  3. Its not my idea, but changing teams bc ticket prices are too expensive...
  4. If i stub my toe, should i just cut it off?!? No! Respectfully, weve come to expect better from you. Not to mention the expense of a game only is incurred by a fraction of fans. Why would someone change from their local team bc games are too pricey to a team where the cant/wont attend games anyway thus making it a moot point?!
  5. Gee, its a shame there isnt some sort of sale this weekend blowing out a lot of the aforementioned Bills stuff... that would have been pretty helpful to those looking for these things- such as the thurman sb25 m and n or vintage hats and etc
  6. Same reason he didnt have football trading cards for a few years. Pro Set said screw it and went ahead anyway and made a Kelly but stamped the back different as it didnt have NFLPA rights - there are a few diff 91 versions. Starting lineups were haulted for a couple years too. He was in the qb club though so proline and dominos cards were ok. This is the reason you used to get blank jererys in the 80s and 90s at retail as well. No rights
  7. I dont doubt it and HOPEFULLY the Bills themselves change the thought process that this stuff is worthless. Its been doled out to alums and thrown out in years past. NE and PIT (who are admittidly different than us) actually have ebay shops for their old gear. NE opened the vaults and started selling all their extra jerseys back to the late 80s which killed prices, but did the fans a service of making it available, which personally, id take all day any day. PIT did something similar but not to the same extent. They seem to not want to flood the market. They have been selling their blank 1994 throwback extras for $800 a pop and people have been buying them! I think woth something like this, affordability is key. Sure, some items have a premium but to me, having a jersey worn in an NFL game for much less than $100 is pretty cool. Quality is much better than the low end nikes as well. Also makes for awesome convo starters at tailgates and games! Anywho, we wont ever get this chance again bc it was just a collection a retired employee stored in his warehouse over his 20 yr career - but maybe the team itself will change their stance and do a yearly team sale- similar to what the sabres did last weekend!!
  8. Hes worried abt McD. Im worried about him!
  9. Haha right?! Not what i collect, but to each their own! Def one of the odder pieces. The sign that was above the locker room is pretty cool though, as is the logo from the center of the locker room before the remodel!
  10. Edited title. I wish i could. Just the pure qty and nature of trying to keep the cost down made it a local event. If they do offer online stuff at a later date ill be sure to update you!
  11. Even sideline headsets and mouth gaurds (that have the players names etched in them). Funny note, the case for travis Henry's even had his 'grill' in the case as well:)
  12. I tried to make it clear I have no financial gain. Sadly, they only gave me a weeks notice. Personally as a collector id be heartbroken if something like this was going down and i wasnt aware of it. Im not trying to ruffle any feather - simply trying to bring awareness to the oppertunity to get in on some pretty awesome pieces of Bills history. Personally, i find the 'cut up' DVDs pretty interesting . They are all from past regimes so its no longer relevant- but very interesting from a football perspective. Believe it or not, i even found a dvd of trent edwards combine interview. Now THAT was a good watch. Hopefully, wherever it ends up it makes it to YouTube:) Another cool thing are the Ralph Wilson presentation game balls. Back then, theyd take a ball used in the game and paint it with a player, coach, or owners name. There are a few for ralph like 100 wins in the decade, or happy 80th bday - but the afc championship vs denver game takes the cake. Apparently he had it displayed in his office and after some time it had faded due to being in the sun. He asked that it be taken down to be 'restained'. When it was explained to him it wasnt a thing, he then requested that one be replaced with a new one!! Apparently there was no sentimental value in the original one that was game used lol. Jerseys and eqpt aside, its stuff like that.
  13. Hey Guys, Ive mentioned a few times in posts my work bought a collection from a Bills employee that was a few hundred game worn jerseys, hundreds of gloves, pads, helmets, presentation game balls, hats, game balls, auto balls, game used and worn cleats, stadium signs, stadium flags, storage bins, even mouth pieces lol... pretty much everything you can think of! The Bills dont have team sales like most NFL teams sadly, so this is the closest thing we Bills fans have to a team garage sale. Just figured id give a PSA for any local Bills fans who are into stuff like that. The game worn jerseys start at $65 (cheaper than a low end nike nowdays), pants start at $30, and gloves are $25 - which would even be the cheapest way to outfit your kiddo in pro level gloves. Anyway, should be pretty cool and I wanted to give a heads up as the event is this weekend at Dave and Adams - 11am to close sat and sunday. Hope to see some of you guys there!!! I get nothing out of it as i just work there - just figured people might want to know!!
  14. I have no idea why this dude is taking such a hard stance on this and he hasnt even looked into what hes talking about. If you come that hard, youd think youd at least get a clue before doing so. Weird. Thank you for pointing this out bc i dont think anyone else has the energy anymore. Not sure how he missed it one of the other 99,999 times its been pointed out..
  15. I have an uncle richard - but we just call him uncle dick
  16. This dude has some pretty out there takes... but at least hes forming cohesive thoughts and manages complete sentences....so thats something;)
  17. Its that small city syndrome crap
  18. 2 game worn Ballard jerseys will be in the D&A Bills team 'garage sale'. Dude was A BEAST!!! Sadly, no Hulls. He supposedly kept the majority of his stuff. On occasion, they do pop up and are pricey. That said Champion must have let you custom replica jerseys bc i have seen a few period authentic vintage Hull retail jerseys out there over the years. Another interesting jersey. As part of the aforementioned sale, we have multiple champion game #32. The Bills would recieve the 'sets' at the beginning of the year and the 32s would never go into circulation - thus, a back stock mounted over the years and will also be for sale Well... i have good news;) lol
  19. Times like this, i wish there was a gold star rep point. This post made want to invent my own:)!!
  20. Just 1 cut day now. Double cut days are a thing of the past fwiw
  21. Its like you sat down and tried to fashion sentences in a way that would try to hook people multiple times in multiple places. Hopefully no one buys your crap - its kinda sad. All i see is admission you have nothing better to do on a friday night. My condolences
  22. Little late to the party- this has been analyzed and explained a couple pages back fwiw
  23. I just wanted to wish you luck w your new endeavor! Excellent idea in theory - but a little common sense and reading needs to be exercised. I dont see this working sadly
  24. Who cares? Not I Yes, i clicked just to chime in because i felt it was important you knew this;)
  25. I hate 'guy ' but then again the dude who always said it was pretty obnoxious in and of himself so that may have played a part as he was a pretty jerkey bro(ther).
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