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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Boo F'in Hoo.... Dork!
  2. I mean.. w parody being what it is and the circle of who beat who either coming full circle or nonexistent depending on your view - do we really need to ask this? Its litterally the reason for the Jamix Foxx movie title lol
  3. Oh no! Ive long worried someday there would be a charge per flush!!! Hopefully drinking fountains stay free!!
  4. I mean, in fairness, he did say this post was BECAUSE of that;)
  5. I agree...its just....odd. Like whoever it is here that decided to spend their Thanksgiving on the Jets board gloating about how good we are and Allen was.. act like youve been there before. It was silly and frankly rather embarrassing to our fan base lol
  6. Its odd that this post comes when the kids approval rating is the highest... anyone ive heard and everything ive read have been the most positive things ever! Maybe even overboard (if there is such a thing) as most national pundits have decide to write articles eating crow. You obviously feel strongly enough about this to write this post... but what are you reading?! Whatever it is, stop - bc its garbage and not indicitive of how the fan base at large and now most of the nation feels...
  7. Boomer seems to have been pretty positive about JA since he was drafter fwiw
  8. 2 bad play calls and a missed kick. At least they went for it on 3rd but man... thats as easy of a long kick youll ever get:( turf, no wind, dome... the6 hit that kick and theyd be rolling w that turn over. Hopefully Daboll does a little better this time lol
  9. Are you making this up??? Sounds like some fan fiction;) wikipedia has been known to lie... just ask the guy who called sal to talk about the fired ST coordinator lol
  10. I dunno man, i think its more Jetsy than Billsy;)
  11. Personally, i thought the retro video game look was the entire point?
  12. Its been refreshing not see the Barkley callers pretend to like josh for a week. Lot less frustrating of a read around here.
  13. Lol, to read all that just to get to that.... meh. I prefer great minds think alike;)
  14. Ironically, going by the original premise it would STILL be the K-Gun. It was originally aptly named not for Kelly, but for Keith McKeller. If we go by out current TE, Knox, one could argue its the return of the k-Gun.... just sayin:)
  15. Back when you'd just get tossed lol. Curious, did they get his info and threaten to ban him or anything? Or was it just a walk to the gate and see ya later?
  16. Id never thought to compare these two teams before. Interesting
  17. This fooled the poor guy who called Sal's show wanting to talk about the coach who was fired lol. Poor guy!!
  18. Good idea, if you plan on making fun of somone else's auto correct - you should prob fix your own as well... unless you got a full ride to art COLLEGE based on your collages.... Seems to have brought us full circle to your original post. Back on topic, go Bills/Bulls!!!!!
  19. I think you have me confused with someone else so maybe set the keyboard aside before you hurt yourself. I didnt say anything about college football for starters... and your retort to me telling you to knock the childish nonsense off is telling me you 'do not care what kind of silly nonsense' i post?! Lol, at least TRY man. You called someone a duche when everyone is celebrating a win. Grow up, chill out, and enjoy the W. Save the silly bickering for when we are losing so you fit in better!!
  20. Not to mention if that was Fitz making that pass it would have looked like a traditional dowfield bomb. Not his fault he has a rocket that makes it look easy;)
  21. Thats pretty bad, even for you... Bills won and won well. Enjoy it! No need for silly nonsense
  22. Happy post rando thoughts day to you too!! Fwiw, there wasnt a 'DUH' rep point/button/emoji
  23. Something we havent seen much this year are roll outs on broken plays w/a wr wide open downfield to be hit so he can be off to the races. I feel like that happened relatively often w/tyrod. Just busted or abandoned coverages w the wr just following the qb downfield.
  24. The 1st thing i thought of after hearing this was how JS chooses which one of his 30 accounts hes going to sign in and post as here;)
  25. The correct title would be... Brady vs Jimmy G in the SB? But then its another silly question title Maybe - Brady and Jimmy G could face off in super bowl! Or maybe for some mystique... Master vs Apprentice in SB!! And im not even trying!!!! Otherwise this just looks like a post thats aged terribly in the last hour (and could revert in the next lol) Wait.. what are we talking about again?!
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