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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Everything posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. What are you gonna do tough guy?!
  2. Yeah but he broke the record for TDs in a season they were a miracle catch from being undefeated Super Bowl champs. Hardly a failure.
  3. Youre joking about the Moss thing right? He wasn’t being genuine while whining obviously.
  4. Well unlike real cancer you can just ignore AB. Let him call you a cracker. Let him not show up if he doesn’t want to. No need to let the patriots have him for free.
  5. But the real question is why aren’t you glad the patriots have cancer now?
  6. Gonna have to work harder for that. AB is one of the best players in the league. You’re not even top 10% of posters on here.
  7. I was going to add unless you’re a bottom then it’s a good fit
  8. Power top. Better hope I don’t see you around town.
  9. Yeah I am gay. Is there something wrong with that?
  10. You bring nothing to the table
  11. I think you’re confused. I asked for clarification on the AB timeline in the previous thread. Some posters were nice enough to offer that. You just repeatedly posted “you don’t understand” stop acting like a psychopath
  12. Yes, I thought I read originally any fine voided all the guarantees.
  13. If this is true I think @C.Biscuit97 and I owe @Doc an apology. In my defense. I was only asking for any report that mentioned the contract being the issue and here it is. I still think it’s strange to inquire about a player and not want to pay him.
  14. Yeah, I’m also not 100% sure the first fine didn’t void the guarantees. After reading the addendum someone posted it seems like ANY fine or suspension voids all guarantees.
  15. Haha what’s wrong with you? you don’t understand that we actually agree. Read my edit on the last post.
  16. Just edited my post, but yeah if a fine comes with voiding 30 million in guarantees how is that not a 30million dollar fine?
  17. When did I say he wasn’t? Why do you keep saying I don’t understand? I don’t think you understand. How’s that feel? How about just make an argument and have a back and forth without getting meta about who is comprehending what. If you know Brown is a loose cannon and you fine him 30 million dollars what do you think will happen? Saying that takes no blame off Brown, just pointing out the Raiders could have handled it differently knowing who they traded for and are dealing with. Edit: I’m being told the 30million wasn’t voided until the second or 3rd fine after the mayock incident which is reasonable.
  18. I understand that. Can’t both be true? Agreed. They could also fine him without voiding the 30million
  19. Ok but if they don’t fine him he’s playing for them Monday and probably the next two years.
  20. Just want clarification on something with the timeline here. Brown missed practice due to feet injury (as part of personal offseason conditioning), then missed practice due to helmet grievance, then did he miss another practice and that’s why he was fined? also, was the 30mil voided after the first fine? Because that seems excessive to me. If you think otherwise that’s ok. But his fight with mayock seems almost reasonable if that’s the case. Let those who have been fined 30mil dollars cast the first stone. He shouldn’t have done it but I can understand his mindset after learning he just cost himself 30 million. Thats IF the above timeline is correct.
  21. What does it say? I’m not the one throwing insults around.
  22. Glad someone quoted you or else I wouldn’t have seen your insult with no substance. I’ve blocked you already for repeated similar behavior. If you’re going to insult at least be funny or have a response/counter-argument. Hopefully won’t see ya again.
  23. It also says either side of the contract can waive that clause.
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