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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Posts posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. I’m more than thrilled we have Josh. But Until he figured out the deep ball I thought passing on Mahomes was an epic blunder. It still is technically on paper but I wouldn’t swap as crazy as that sounds to some outside of bills fans 

    im more interested in this alternate universe where Mahomes is sitting behind Tyrod in 2018.


    Instead of peterman coming in it’s Mahomes?


    Instead of Tyrod against the Jags scoring 3 points it’s Mahomes?


    Do they get to the Super Bowl that year considering how close the Jags got?


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  2. 23 hours ago, HamSandwhich said:

    Let’s just trade all of our first 3 rounds to AZ for DHop, I heard he was available. 

    id do it for our past 1st 2nd and 3rd rounders. 

    Oliver, Basham/Epenesa, and Moss, oh I mean Brown or Terrell Bernard. Should be more than enough 

  3. 7 hours ago, GreggTX said:

    Mc Dermott can win a SB. Andy Reid was fired in Philly after playoff losses with McNabb at QB. Mahomes is making him look great. Now people are saying the same things about McDermott that they said about Reid. They are wrong. We just need a really good draft or 2 and a couple 'lucky bounces' in a relatively imjury free season and it will be our turn.


    the Bills can win a Super Bowl. The Eagles fired Andy Reid then went on to win a Super Bowl years later. They then fired the coach that was there when they won the SB, and we’re able to pretty quickly get back to the SB and lost a close game to Andy Reid. 

    oh and Sean McDermott is no Andy Reid 

  4. 2 hours ago, Dopey said:

    You should watch that game again. Josh had 2 picks and a fumble that was recovered for a TD. Missed on a couple of big throws. One of the “drops” by Waddle was actually a great play by the cb to make up for getting beat on the route. We were up 17-3 on Josh’s 1st int. He has someone underneath wide open but decided to heave a long, inaccurate pass for the int. I don’t even know what to say about the fumble by Josh for a TD. If not for Josh, this game isn’t close. Great TEAM win, in spite of Josh, so my view of the team remained positive. 

    I believe you, but I’ll say Josh could have an entire bad season and I’d still feel better about him than the coach, who I’ve been saying is a liability for years already 

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    13 minutes ago, Bleeding Bills Blue said:


    Considering Miami had 231 yards of offense, 2 turnovers, and 4/16 on 3rd downs - i'd probably have put the loss solely at the feet of Allen.


    I don't think they were outcoached in Miami - Allen was a total mess.  Dorsey didn't call a beautiful game but it was 17-0 after 4 possessions, and easily could have been more if Buffalo scored on the first drive.  

    allen is the only reason these coaches are still employed 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    Look, it's naive to think that dropping a stadium downtown is going to all of a sudden get the state to start "investing" in Buffalo.  It just is.  I mean what's the basis for it besides wishful thinking.  There is none if were going to be honest.  


    Buffalo will never be a hotspot for "conventions."  Larger conventions are held in either nice weather cities or cities where there are a ton of things to do downtown.  "Bars, shopping, and restaurants" are in every city, and Canalside isn't that kind of large enough of a draw.  Look at the cities that host them, them compare them to Buffalo, even with a downtown stadium if you prefer.  There's no comparison.  


    Secondly, they require significant hotel s and public transportation.  Buffalo doesn't stack up there either.  


    Look, we love it, it's our region, were know it's hidden secrets, things that you can't find anywhere else, but those aren't going to draw masses from around the country compared to immediately available in the surrounding area in other cities.  


    As to stadium economics, the only studies that indicate that these stadiums "pay for themselves" are thrown up without any proof by politicians, developers, and others with self-interests in seeing them built.  


    There isn't a credible economist anywhere that will even remotely back up that notion.  They cost, they don't pay.  But people believe what they want, again, in their self interests.


    People avoid them, but here are the facts.  


    Buffalo is a shrinking city, the people born here leave once they finish school in large measure.  The regional population is being sustained by immigration, not the good kind.  


    Sure there are some great things going on in the region.  But "bars, restaurants, and shopping" are hardly unique to the region.  


    Taxes are crazy high with services for them light.  So many people already come from well outside the immediate region for games.  The new pricing structure will price many locals out.  Many have even said so here.  As for me, it's a matter of principle that I would never pay for a PSL, I don't care what it's for.  So I guess it's secondary market for me.  Full disclosure, I'm no longer a STH anyway since I moved to far away to attend most games.  It's been secondary market anyway. 


    But I've read, that the new pricing model takes this into account, and they're planning that the ticket agencies will be buying many tix and the PSLs, which I find to be disappointing.  I hope it's not true.  


    Anyway, Buffalo will never be the hotbed of economic activity that many seem to think it will be, regardless of what they build.  The single biggest impediment is the high taxes.  That's what's driven both people and businesses away to begin with.  Trying to lure them back with a stadium to look at, bars, restaurants, and breweries, which exist everywhere else too, isn't going to happen.  Canalside and a few other things aren't going to cut it, not by a longshot. 


    The fact of the matter is that we're simply lucky to still have a team.  There are many other places that an owner could move this team and instantly increase its value.  


    I'll say it again, if we didn't currently have a team, the chances of us getting one would be slim to nil.  We would never make the short list for consideration for a team moving or for an expansion team.  


    I get it, we all love this region, it's truly "home" for many of us.  I regret not being able to live in WNY today, now, but it is what it is.  To pretend that it's not doesn't change anything.  


    I've also noticed that the biggest believers in a downtown stadium are locals.  I'm also speculating that most of them have never lived outside of Buffalo in another metro area for any extended period of time.  The few that I know haven't.  If they did, perhaps that would provide a different perspective.  Just sayin'.  




    I agree with the overall sentiment here, but a couple things:


    1) The State putting $600mil toward the stadium is what I meant by investing in Buffalo. Currently it's scheduled to go to Orchard Park. Still a win for upstate, but I think a wasted opportunity.


    2) I never said bars, restaurants and shopping are unique to Buffalo. Not sure if you were implying that.


    3) Yes, Buffalo is never going to be a top destination city. I think you're overstating what I think a downtown stadium would do. To me it's just trying to build some semblance of a respectable city center. Not saying the stadium would have done that all by itself.


    4) I left Buffalo not too long after college, came back briefly then left again, but I am 100% for a stadium downtown.



  7. 5 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    What exactly here is unique to Buffalo? You don't think other stadiums have fans traveling from all over?


    Do you have specific numbers to compare?


    They did do a study specific to Buffalo prior to deciding where the stadium should go. You think if the study showed the economic benefit and ROI was great, that the Pegulas still wouldn't want a more expensive domed palace downtown?  On the contrary, I'm sure they would absolutely love to build that if it was actually a smart move.

    It may change a little, but I doubt it's drastically going to change. Regardless what the upfront price is, I imagine people are still going to be able to get resale tickets reasonably cheap.


    Well the study says most fans spending at these stadiums are local. If you're contending that point, fine I guess. 


    Buffalo is more spread out than most cities. I'm saying even someone coming from as close as East Aurora might get a hotel and dinner/shopping outside the stadium. Not to mention the Canadians wanting to drink during the game and not have to cross the border immediately after.


    So even if the benefit is minimal it's still a unique case compared to most of the stadiums studied.

  8. 5 hours ago, JoPoy88 said:

    Yes, it is. They don’t drive development either way, so it doesn’t matter where they put it. Sorry you don’t like it. 

    You and others keep parroting this. However, I think it’s misguided.

    Buffalo is a unique situation, and the comprehensive study on the impact of football stadiums on economies doesn’t directly apply. 


    reasons they say the economic impact is negligible for the stadiums studied:


    ”As for the rosy economic projections conjured up to support stadium subsidies? They are doomed by design. Easy-to-observe spending on tickets, concessions, and other related consumption in and around stadiums comes largely from local residents who were already spending their income locally. A family that buys hot dogs, peanuts, and popcorn at the game would have otherwise spent that money at some other local business, perhaps going out to dinner or a movie. Stadiums don’t boost host economies, because stadium-related spending mostly isn’t new spending. It’s the same spending reallocated to a different location.”


    You tell me, does that sound like Buffalo? 

    a lot of Buffalo’s problems are due to how spread out everything is. People are traveling from all over the region and Canada to the middle of nowhere for games currently. 

    Hopefully you can agree that putting the stadium near other attractions and hotels would capture more tourist and local spending. 

    If not, then I suspect this is a clear case of confirmation bias. You didn’t want a downtown stadium, then you heard about a study, and now you won’t stop talking about it. 


    Also, all of the stadiums studied don’t share the state with the largest city in the country. Getting the state to invest more in Buffalo is a good thing. Otherwise that money is just going to build another courthouse in Brooklyn or something. 

  9. 1 hour ago, LeGOATski said:

    They're actually doing the most fiscally responsible thing. The Pegulas saved western NY politicians from themselves because paying triple the amount for a downtown domed stadium would do nothing for the economy and at the same time would ruin the football experience that Bills fans love.


    That's just flat out not true. The extra money spent on infrastructure is needed anyway. It would be a way to get the state to invest in Buffalo rather than downstate for once.


    Oh well, I'll probably never go back after this past Christmas' storm. Making my family come to me from now on.

  10. On 2/28/2023 at 11:20 PM, PrimeTime101 said:

    the better question is... who will Your scapegoat be? you have hated the dude for years? how can we trust anything you say on the topic?

    If he has hated McDermott for years then he’s been proven right with 13 seconds and other playoff loses (and close wins against 3rd string rookie QBs) where coaching is the main issue. 

    sounds like his opinion should be trusted

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  11. 13 minutes ago, DapperCam said:

    The same reason some high profile positions in companies are given the option to “resign” rather than be publicly fired. It lets them save face, but the organization still sever ties. It also shows future candidates for the position they will be treated with respect. You are supposed to read between the lines.

    Oh I am reading between the lines, but not the way you’re thinking. If McDermott publicly fires his DC and assistant head coach his seat gets hotter. Putting it this way is a deflection and self-preservation technique. It’s not altruistic. 


    but yes you’re right it also benefits Frazier. Due to the timing, I think they were hoping Frazier got hired somewhere else but knew all along he’d be gone. 

  12. 3 hours ago, JerseyBills said:

    And they literally gutted the roster. Complete renovation 


    This time last year we were treating McD as the next great coach and I still do. I just think we had a bad game,  point blank period. Guys were out of gas at the wrong time. We can beat any team in the league 

    This time last year we were what?!


    I seem to remember him dodging questions about one of the biggest playoff choke jobs of all time. 

    This year he’s only probably lying about the departure of his DC

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  13. 10 hours ago, arcane said:

    The defense was excellent in the Ravens game. It was good in the Dolphins and Pats games. It was bad in the Bengals game, and horrific against two chiefs teams. The first chiefs loss had a lot to do with the DL issues that caused our defense to be gashed all year, they weren't a good unit that season. And a lot of players had deer in headlight moments that game. I don't really pin that one on coaching, that was a team learning what that big moment is like. 


    But I'm happy to move on as well, I just think Bills fans take things far too extreme when they like or don't like something 


    The histrionics on this board this offseason have been as unbearable as they are hyperbolic


    5 minutes ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    This entire offseason feels like a new beginning now. Fraizer has held us back for 3 full seasons, this is the best thing imaginable for us. Never thought it would happen. I think we can finish this whole thing now. Thank god this happened 

    who called the timeouts during 13 seconds allowing KC to adjust. There’s audio to go with the video in case you need more proof 

  14. 55 minutes ago, JoPoy88 said:

    Facade looks pretty cool. 

    Why are some people still hoping for a dome? Did I miss something? I thought they made it abundantly clear innumerable times there will be no dome.

    probably because it’s a multi-generational mistake that will cost billions.

    So any small chance of avoiding it, through awareness and public outcry of how our money is used, is worth a shot 

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  15. 3 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    Miami seems pretty well set in their secondary. Can’t see them throwing big bucks at Poyer. 

    He’s an All Pro. Most teams and fan bases highly value them. Around here we value young age over all pro 


    2 hours ago, RunTheBall said:

    Poyer is done. He’s played great for us, a true warrior. 


    But he’s an aging vet playing through multiple injuries who’s looking to get paid. I get it from his point of view, but unless he comes back on a somewhat team friendly deal I can’t see us retaining him.



    Which of our players aren’t aging?

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