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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Posts posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. 3 minutes ago, Dopey said:

    You’re missing the point. I made it pretty clear though. Edmunds haters look for mistakes. Milano makes them too. But barely any mentions. Watch the plays you reference again and tell me Milano wasn’t going backwards too. I like both lbs. They’re both really good. If you think Milano is better, fine but it seems like you’re viewing the game just looking for an Edmunds mistake that you missed Milano’s making the same mistakes. It’s not just this game either where Milano has made mistakes with no mention, but Edmunds gets ridiculed for his. 

    i agree with your point. If they both have the same amount of “bad” plays in a game Edmunds will get criticized.

    I’m saying the reason Milanos mistakes are not pointed out as much is because he regularly makes splash plays that offset the bad ones. He has many more ints, forced and recovered fumbles and tackles for loss. So right or wrong that’s why he isnt criticized as much. 

    now what? Criticize Milano more or gloss over Edmunds’ weaknesses?

  2. Just now, Dopey said:

    I’m re-watching the game. That first run was on Milano getting pushed backwards by the olineman. Mostert cut back to where Milano should have been. In the second play, Milano ends up further back than Edmunds. But, of course Edmunds haters won’t see that. With about 8:30 left in the first qt, Milano gets shook out of his shoes by Mostert. Barely a peep about it. 

    He’s injured and has played the best football of his career before tonight. Edmunds has improved this season but Milano is the better player 

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