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Everything posted by THEHARDTRUTH

  1. The Trumptards buying up all the livestock for their own sexual gratification leaving the rest of us with no meat to eat. Porkchops. Steaks. Hamburgers. All gone thanks to the Trumptards.
  2. You mean anyone who is illiterate, has no teeth, romances livestock, belongs to the KKK, and considers domestic violence and non-payment of child support to be hobbies knows this. Carry on with your stupidity Trumptards.
  3. Portraying him as a moron and scumbag of the highest order? Id say the media has it right.
  4. Just accept it Trumptards. The moron in office who was voted in by morons like you will soon have a criminal record. Just like you. Word is he has a band of illegitimate kids also. Just like you. And just like you, doesnt pay a dime in child support for any of them. At least he doesnt have the gambling and drug addiction issues you have so that is a plus.
  5. Im gonna make it easy for you trumptards cause I know its a real struggle for you given the fact that most of you didnt make it past pre-school. This means PRISON and IMPEACHMENT(Sorry. Didnt mean to throw those big fancy words at you) Prison for Cohen for sure. Probably just impeachment for Traitor Trump. Ill keep cheering on a war hero(Bob Mueller) as he fights to put a corrupt five time draft dodger behind bars. You can all get back to beating your wives and posting racist rants on the KKK website. Have a great white trash day at the trailer park.
  6. Yea. The FBI raids the office of the Presidents personal lawyer all the time. You trumptards are simply beyond stupid. Enjoy going down on the titanic. It just keeps getting better and better. Just gonna sit back and enjoy the show. Traitor Trump and his band of scumbags all going to the big house. The gift that keeps on giving.
  7. This is simply beautiful. Michael Cohen. Robert Muellers new star witness. Damn am I gonna enjoy this. Lmao times a trillion. Go Mueller Go.
  8. Spoken like a true trumpard. Good job. Your lack of intelligence really shines through. Not your fault. You didnt ask god for a single digit iq.
  9. Hey trumptards. Long time no talk. Ive been doing some thinking and Ive decided Im gonna help yall out. I know most of you are preppin for the 2055 ged examination so were gonna have us a weekly vocabulary lesson. Well start out small with one and two letter words so as not to confuse any of you and then well work our way up to the really big words that have three and even four letters. Dont fret now. Its not nearly as intimidating as you might think. Only one rule. That friend or family member that helps you read and write everything in this forum cant help. You have to take that big scary step and do this on your own. This weeks words are: I A It I know I know. Really scary. Really confusing. You have a week to try and figure them out. Stay away from the billygoats. They tend to weaken the legs which in turn fatigues those pea brains of yours. Good luck.
  10. Such great trumptard humor. You trumptards are just soooooo funny. Five time draft dodging traitor. Your hero. Traitor Trump. Wont make it to November. The charges are gonna come down like rain. Cant wait. Its gonna be great seeing all the excuses the trumptards will be making. Enjoy the last 7 months of the trumptard presidency nitwits. Bonespurs is going down hard. The clock is ticking. Tic toc... tic toc... tic toc
  11. Im not the one worshipping a five time draft dodging traitor like you are nimrod. Cant wait for the treason charges to drop. Go along now. Get back to your Trump inflatable doll. Bet you have as much fun with him as you do with the farm animals.
  12. Cut the trumptards some slack Alf. Most of them didnt make it out of preschool and grew up in alcoholic homes where wife beating and lynching are a way of life. Totally understandable that they hold a degenerate scumbag like Trump in such high regard. Hes simply a reflection of them.
  13. Only one group competing for the crown of stupid and thats you Trumptards. Carry on now with your inbreeding. The neckcar race is tomorrow. Yall can sit down with your shine and chewin tabacky and reminisce about all those romantical nights you spent with Bessie the cow. Dont worry. She cant get pregnant. Its biologically impossible.
  14. No worries. All we need to do is look at President Bonespurs distinguished military career to know hell do the right thing. First thing hell do is point out that Barron Trump is a product of inbreeding just like his followers and is incapable of loading a rifle. That should enable the Trump family to carry on their draft dodging traditions. Then hell send Don Jr. Over with some pornstars to negotiate a peace treaty. The problems in the middle east should be resolved by May.
  15. Not really. Inaccurate under pressure is inaccurate under pressure whether you have a cannon or a noodle arm. Still inaccurate. Not gonna cut it in the NFL.
  16. Lets see him read some NFL defenses under pressure and then well talk. Pro days are useless. Colt Mccoy had a great pro day.
  17. This just in. Beane may take a dump today. Again... Beane may take a dump today.
  18. If concluding that hes lousy is a rush to judgment then yea.
  19. Your beyond clueless. Enjoy the impeachment proceedings. Gonna enjoy coming back here rubbing all your noses in it. Its gonna be so much fun. Bet you take alot of pride in backing a sexist pig whose not only a criminal but a traitor to his country.
  20. Im actually not trying at all. Expending energy to try and have a logical debate with people who put an epic scumbag like Trump on a pedestal is a complete waste of time. Ill just sit back and enjoy watching that moron dig his own grave. Impeachment is just around the corner. The rat is boxed in. Hell fire Mueller. His own party will bail on him and hell be finished. Pathetic that some of you side with a five time draft dodger like Trump over a decorated marine like Mueller. You should really be ashamed of yourselves. Trump is an absolute piece of crap and hed sell every one of you out in a heartbeat for his own benefit. Its all hes ever been about. Im sure alot of you are really good people who somehow got conned by one of the best conmen of all time. All I can say is wake up. Your freedom could very well be at stake. God Bless America and !@#$ Trump.
  21. Its called Im gonna add a couple big words to my take combined with a little psycho babble so I can confuse the crap out of everyone and hope they think I actually know what Im taking about. Or hes just trying to be funny which didnt work at all.
  22. You really are a special kind of stupid and Im not the one with the word "boys" in my name. The hot shower blast is beyond creepy. Hows Jerry Sandusky doing?
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