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Everything posted by THEHARDTRUTH

  1. For defending Lebron. Even she knows what a scumbag the five time draft dodging traitor is.
  2. Do yourself a favor and look at Trumps comments about Lebron and the multitude of others Trumps attacked. Its all good if the attack is initiated by the five time draft dodging traitor isnt it? Or one of the many clowns on this site who support him. You guys are a joke. The very things you complain about are the exact things Trump does daily. If your gonna dish it out, be prepared to take it. Cowards never do though. Especially five time draft dodging cowards. Thats your hero. A draft dodger and a traitor. Tells me all I need to know about scum like you.
  3. Once again moron, Im an independent. You nimrods really need to find something better than the left insult. I know you have the mental capacity of navel lint, but maybe a communist blast once in a while. The grammar blast is a beaut also given that Trump has the grammar skills of a first grader. But hes a racist scumbag just like yourselves so I guess the hypocrisy is a non issue with dummies like you.
  4. Your as dumb as ever trumptwits. Carry on with your stupidity. Most people strive to be smarter. You clowns actually get dumber as time goes on. Nice job.
  5. It makes so much sense why people like you love a guy like Trump.
  6. Oooooooooo. Im so scared. Please dont waddle over and sit on me. Ill be nice.
  7. Does DC stand for devoted communist. I figure if your a fan of the traitor that must make you a traitor. Is Putin your favorite communist or are you more of a Stalin guy?
  8. Oh you crazy trumptards. Such jokesters. It is going to be awesome when Trump gets impeached and eventually convicted of treason. Thank you in advance to a real american hero. Bob Mueller. A marine and decorated war hero. Gonna love watching him burn Trump to the ground. Your hero is a five time draft dodger and traitor. That says alot more about you than my grammar says about me. Enjoy the trainwreck. I know Im going to. Dont worry losers. Ill be back.
  9. Oh look. Its the grammar police. Good for you trumptard. You did learn something in the forty years you spent in kindergarten. Good job.
  10. Your seeing a whole team of psychiatrists arent you?
  11. Whats really sad about that is Im your boss. Stop wackin off in the john and make sure to put ketchup on the whopper jrs. Sorry Trumptard. Im an independent. I know. A word with more than one syllable. Maybe that billygoat youve been sexually abusing the past 24 hours can translate for you. Beating your wife or KKK meeting tonight? And you need to scrub those toilets better. Hows that 50th attempt to pass kindergarten going btw?
  12. Your so clever. Cant get anything past you trumptards. The illiterate morons got me again. Bummer.
  13. Great news? Awesome? You reap what you sow? If someone could just follow through on this? I work for and defend a scumbag liar and Im shocked that people have a problem with that? But he gives great soundbites for those that have the mentality of a 13 year old boy?
  14. Lets start with the liberal blast. Im not a liberal. I dont hug trees. The whales can kiss my behind. Hillary deserves to be boiled in a vat of acid. Im an independent. Accusing anyone who hates the five time draft dodging traitor of being a liberal is about as shallow as it gets. I know plenty of republicans who cant stand the scumbag. With respect to your collage showing other world leaders meeting with Putin it completely misses the point. Trump meeting with Putin is fine. Its his job. The problem I had was Trump siding with the Russians while throwing our intelligence community under the bus. Putin said very "strongly" that he didnt interfer with our election and this idiot believes him? When the evidence appears to be overwhelming that they did. Sorry but that just smells rotten. Then this moron comes out the next day and claims he misspoke and said would when he meant wouldnt. Sorry bud but you have to be a blithering idiot to buy that one. Russia is attempting to undermine our democracy and all Trump can do is sit there and kiss Putins -ss. Its pathetic. Hes clearly in bed with the Russians. To what degree I havent a clue. But youd have to be absolutely blind not to see it.
  15. Classic simpleminded Trumptard nonsense. Really a perfect example of just how stupid and gullible Trumptards are.
  16. Let me bring you up to speed oldmanfan. Most of the people in this politics thread are certifable. Your wasting your time trying to have a rational discussion with them. Its like trying to have a logical debate with Charles Manson or Ted Bundy. Dont waste your time.
  17. Those little green people you see running around your house arent real.
  18. LMFAO. Trump just said he meant to say wouldnt not would when talking about interference by the Russians. Clearly I dont expect the trumptards to understand what a joke that is. Your illiterate morons. You can barely understand any word that contains two or more syllables. Decades of family inbreeding have left you with the intelligence level of an ameoba. So I really dont think youll understand what a joke this is. This clown isnt gonna make it four years. What an embarrassment. This guy couldnt be more of a clown if he walked out with a red bulbous nose, giant orange feet, a bright red, green, and white clown suit, and clown makeup. Freaking hilarious.
  19. Your a moron that morons are embarrassed to be associated with.
  20. Enjoy. The joke of it all is that these idiots dont understand that our scumbag president is putting our freedom at risk. The same freedom these halfwits enjoy on a daily basis. They love him because he appeals to their grade school mentality. The scumbag of scumbags and a traitor. The hero of morons and imbeciles. Donald J. Trump.
  21. Really dont know why you waste your time with these idiot Trump supporters. They are beyond stupid. If you added all their IQs you wouldnt get to double digits.
  22. If false he should sue for defamation. If true he should never play football again. My guess is neither will happen.
  23. Just wanted to say good morning tards. Hope you didnt wear out the livestock last night. Carry on with your stupidity.
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